3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Base class for controls
Quick Reference


CATDlgControl is the base class for all controls:

and for the indicators:

Containment Parent
The parent of an instance of a class that derives from CATDlgControl must be an instance of a class that derives from CATDlgDocument, CATDlgDialog  CATDlgBox, and CATDlgToolBar. Some controls can have a CATDlgStatusBar or a CATDlgIconBox as parent.

Programmer's Guide

A CATDlgControl instance can be constructed as the base class of one of its derived class only.


Managing Magnitudes and Units

CATDlgControl centralizes the unit management shared by the controls that can accept a numerical value. These controls are instances of the classes CATDlgCombo, CATDlgEditor, and CATDlgSpinner. Magnitude and unit management is described in Managing Magnitudes and Units. It also gives the list of magnitudes and units available, and the parameters to declare them.

With a combo, and editor, or a spinner, you can manage magnitudes and units as follows. The examples use a pointer to a combo, but it could be a pointer to an editor or a spinner:



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

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