3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Select one or several compound items in a list
Quick Reference


The Multiple List
ListMultilist.jpg (3022 bytes)

The multiple list allows the end user to select one or several compound items among a discrete list of predefined compound items. The values are generally character strings. Scrollbars are added if the list is longer or wider than the list display area. The selected value(s) is (are) highlighted. The end user cannot enter values and can only select among those proposed.

Use multiple list whenever you propose to the end user to select compound items from a predefined list.

Name Description
default A single compound item can be selected.
CATDlgLstMultisel Several compound items can be selected using the Shift and Ctrl keys.


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgListSelectNotification GetListSelectNotification Whenever a line is selected.
CATDlgListActivateNotification GetListActivateNotification Whenever a line is double clicked.
CATDlgListColumnActivateNotification GetListColumnActivateNotification Whenever a column is double clicked.
CATDlgListCellModifyNotification GetListCellModifyNotification Whenever a cell is modified.


Programmer's Guide

The multiple list is dedicated to selection.


Constructing a Multiple List

These following kinds of multiple list can be constructed.

_pMultiList  = new CATDlgMultiList (iParent, iName);
_pMMultiList = new CATDlgMultiList (iParent, iName,


Managing the Line Content

You can do the following to manage the lines displayed in a multiple list:


Managing the Line Display

You can manage the line display with the following methods:


Managing the Selection in the List

To help manage the selection in the list displayed, you can use the following methods:


Setting a Callback on a Multiple List

Set a callback on a multiple list to be informed whenever the end user selects a line as follows:

  _pMultiList,                                   // multiple list 
  _pMultiList->GetListSelectNotification(),      // notification
  (CATCommand)&MultiList::MethodToExecute,       // method to execute 
  CATCommandClientData iUsefulData);             // useful data for this method 


Setting a Title to a Multiple List

The multiple list title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the multiple list constructor. This title is never displayed. If you want to comment the choices available from the multiple list in your dialog, use a label. In addition, each column in a multiple list can have a title. Refer to Managing the Line Content.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.