3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Edit single or multiple line text
Quick Reference


The Editor
CATDlgEditor.jpg (6370 bytes) The editor allows the end user to enter a text, numerics, or both, or modify existing ones. The text can extend on one or several lines. Scrollbars can be added if the text is longer than the editor display area.

Use editors whenever you propose to the end user to edit or modify a text or unpredictable numerical values.


Name Description
default The text extends on a singe line.
CATDlgEdtReadOnly The text cannot be edited.
CATDlgEdtMultiline The text can extend on several lines.
For single line editors only
CATDlgEdtPassword The text is hidden.
CATDlgEdtInteger The text must be an integer.
CATDlgEdtFloat The text must be a float.
CATDlgEdtAlphabetical The text must contain only alphabetical characters.
CATDlgEdtNumerical The text must contain only numerical characters.
CATDlgEdtAlphanumerical The must contain only alphanumerical characters.
CATDlgEdtDouble The text must be a double, expressed in the chosen unit.
For multiple line editors only
CATDlgEdtWrap The text automatically skips to the next line.
CATDlgEdtNoScrollBar The editor has no scrollbars.
CATDlgEdtNoCR The text doesn' include carriage return characters.


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgEditModifyNotification GetEditModifyNotification Whenever the entry field is modified.
CATDlgSelectionChangeNotification GetSelectionChangeNotification Whenever a new line is selected.
CATDlgEditFocusInNotification GetEditFocusInNotification Whenever the combo gets the keyboard focus.
CATDlgEditFocusOutNotification GetEditFocusOutNotification Whenever the combo looses the keyboard focus.


Programmer's Guide

The editor is dedicated to text or numerical value edition.

Constructing an Editor

These following kinds of multiple list can be constructed.

_pEditor  = new CATDlgEditor (iParent, iName);
_pMEditor = new CATDlgEditor (iParent, iName,


Managing the Line Content

You can manage the line with the following methods:


Managing the Line Display

You can manage the line display with the following methods:


Setting a Callback on an Editor

Set a callback on an editor to be informed whenever the end user modify the text as follows:

  _pEditor,                                   // multiple list 
  _pEditor->GetEditModifyNotification(),      // notification
  (CATCommand)&Editor::MethodToExecute,       // method to execute 
  CATCommandClientData iUsefulData);          // useful data for this method 


Setting a Title to an Editor

The editor title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the editor constructor. This title is never displayed. If you want to comment the editable field of the editor in your dialog, use a label.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.