3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


The application main window
Quick Reference


The Application Window
CATDlgDocument.jpg (16087 bytes) The application window is the main frame window to display documents and to present to the end user the tools to edit these documents. It contains one or several windows displaying documents, whether it is set as SDI or MDI.  It usually features a menu bar, a status bar, and toolbars that can be docked to its frame sides, or undocked as independent dialog boxes.

Use the application window as a base class when you want to create the window for a new application.

Containment Parent
The parent of a instance of a class that derives from CATDlgDocument must be an instance of a class that derives from CATInteractiveApplication.


Name Description
default The default application window style. The application window accepts only one document opened at a time, and is therefore qualifed as Single-Document Interface
CATDlgWndFrameMDI The application window is a Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) window, and allows the end user to display multiple documents at the same time. This is available with Windows only


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgDroppedFileNotification GetDroppedFileNotification Whenever the end user drops an object in a document window
CATDlgDSLogoNotification GetDSLogoNotification Whenever the end user clicks on the DS logo
CATDlgEscapeNotification GetEscapeNotification Whenever the Escape key is pressed


Programmer's Guide

Create the main window for your application by deriving the CATDlgDocument class. CATDlgDocument cannot be instantiated and must always be derived. This application window will make the link between your application and the different objects, that is other windows or containers, menus and controls, and the application. Your application window will then aggregate or reference your dialog objects, manage their layout, describe their behavior using callbacks to react to the end-user interactions and call the appropriate programs to match the end-user requests. A main application window includes all window capabilities of your operating system, such as move, resize, minimize, and maximize.

The Multiple Document Interface mode is specific to Windows operating systems. With MDI, the dialog windows, instances of the CATDlgDialog classes, that display documents, are within the application window, instance of the derived class of CATDlgDocument. Such an MDI application window doesn't accept CATDlgBox instances as children.


Constructing an Application Window

Derive CATDlgDocument. A main window father is always a CATInteractiveApplication instance. A main window can be used as the parent object of the following dialog objects:

_pAppWindow = new MainWindow(iApplication, iName)


Retrieving the Contextual Menu, the Menu Bar, and the Status Bar

You can retrieve the contextual menu, the menu bar, or the status bar of an application window as follows:


Managing the MDI Mode

You can manage the MDI mode as follows:


Setting a Title to an Application Main Window

The application window title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the application window constructor.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.