3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Arranges commands
Quick Reference


The Toolbar
ListToolbar.jpg (2778 bytes) The toolbar gathers related commands, usually displayed using icons. These commands are often also presented in menus. Some commands can be gathered in an icon box, as in a submenu. Each command in a toolbar is either a push item, a check item, or a radio item. They can be separated by separator items.

Use the toolbar when you want to group commands that relate to each other.

Name Description
CATDlgTlbDockOnTop The toolbar is displayed horizontally and is attached to the top side of the main application window. This is the default
CATDlgTlbDockOnBottom The toolbar is displayed horizontally and is attached to the botom side of the main application window
CATDlgTlbDockOnLeft The toolbar is displayed vertically and is attached to the left side of the main application window
CATDlgTlbDockOnRight The toolbar is displayed vertically and is attached to the right side of the main application window
CATDlgTlbUnDock The toolbar is displayed as a separate dialog window


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgWindCloseNotification GetWindCloseNotification Whenever the end user closes the toolbar window when it is undocked
CATDlgWindDockNotification GetWindDockNotification Whenever the end user modifies the toolbar attachment
CATDlgToolBarMButtonNotification GetToolBarMButtonNotification Whenever the end user presses a toolbar push, check, or radio item


Programmer's Guide

The message displayed by the message window is set using the SetText method. This message can contain parameter you retrieve at run time to give run time parameter values.


Constructing a Toolbar

For example, the following toolbar is displayed vertically and attached to the right side of the main application window:

_pToolbar = new CATDlgToolBar(iParent, iName, CATDlgTlbDockOnRight)


Managing the Docking Mode

You can set or get the toolbar docking state as follows:


Managing the Undocked Floating Position

You can set or get the undocked toolbar floating position using the pixel coordinates of the toolbar top left corner as follows:


Retrieving the Contextual Menu

You can retrieve the contextual menu of a toolbar as follows:


Setting a Title to a Toolbar

The toolbar title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the toolbar constructor.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.