3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Displays application or window information
Quick Reference


The Status Bar
CATDlgStatusBar.jpg (4517 bytes)
The status bar is used to display temporary or permanent information information related to the application status, such as the prompts of the active command or its messages, and a keyboard entry field that used by the application PowerInput. It is generally located at the bottom of the window. It can also include push buttons, check buttons, radio buttons, and labels.

Use the status bar when you want to give applicatoin status information.


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgEditModifyNotification GetEditModifyNotification Whenever the end user edits the PowerInput entry field


Programmer's Guide

The parent of a status bar must be an instance of the class CATDlgDocument, which can contain only one status bar instance. The labels or buttons instances which have a status bar as father are arranged from left to right in their creation order, left of a defaulted message area.


Constructing a Status Bar

Construct a status bar as follows:

_pStatusbar = new CATDlgStatusBar(iParent, iName)


Managing the PowerInput

You can set or get the PowerInput mode:

You can set or get the PowerInput label:

You can set or get the PowerInput text:

You can set the PowerInput state with the SetPowerInputState method:

int PowerInputState = ... ;

Valid values are:

0 The PowerInput entry must be associated with the active dialog box
1 The PowerInput entry was caught by the CATApplicationDocument
2 The PowerInput entry cannot be decoded

You can get the PowerInput field separator with the GetFieldSeparator method:

CATUnicodeChar PowerInputSeparator;
PowerInputSeparator = _pStatusbar->GetFieldSeparator();



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.