3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


Shows the progress of a lengthy operation
Quick Reference


The Progress
ListProgressBar.jpg (1807 bytes)

The progress indicator shows to the end user that a lengthy operation is taking place, and also shows the progress from the beginning to the end of this operation by filling in a rectangle with a pattern whose length, compared to the rectangle length, indicates the lengthy operation completion rate.

Use progress indicators whenever you want to show that a lengthy opeation is currently running.

Name Description
default The progress indicator default style.


Programmer's Guide

The progress indicator is dedicated to show a lengthy operation progress. You can manage the value range and the step, as well as the current value shown by the progress indicator.


Constructing a Progress Indicator

The progress indicator has only a default style.:

_pProgress = new CATDlgProgress (this, "Progress");


Managing the Value Range

You can do the following:


Managing the Current Value

You can do the following:


Setting a Title to a Progress Indicator

The push button title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the push button constructor.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.