3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs

Magnitude and Unit Reference

Magnitudes and associated units available for numerical fields in combos, editors, and spinners
Quick Reference


The figures that are displayed and entered in combos [1], editors [2], and spinners [3] of your application, are usually values that represent magnitudes. This article lists these magnitudes and associated units. ese magnitudes are expressed according to a unit system that must match the country, the business, or the customer habits or rules.

Magnitudes and Associated Units Managed by CATIA

The Magnitude and Associated Units table below lists the parameter to use for each magnitude that CATIA supports, and the parameters of its associated units. These magnitudes and units are stored as two enums in the CATDlgControl class and are given in the Magnitude Parameter and Unit Parameter columns respectively. They should be reffered to, for example, as CATDlgControl::Acceleration for the acceleration magnitude in the SetMagnitude method [4], and CATDlgControl::MeterPerSquareSecond for the acceleration SI unit in the SetUnit method [4]. Units in bolds are SI units used by default. The CATIA Symbol column shows the symbol displayed in the controls. It can slightly differ from the actual symbol.

Magnitude and Associated Units
Magnitude Magnitude Parameter Unit Symbol CATIA Symbol Unit Parameter
Acceleration Acceleration meter per second squared m/s2 m/s2 MeterPerSquareSecond
foot per second squared ft/s2 ft/s2 FootPerSquareSecond
inch per second squared in/s2 in/s2 InchPerSquareSecond
Angle Angle radian rad rad Radian
degree º deg Degree
grade g or gr grad Grade
Angular stiffness AngularStiffness newton meter per radian N·m/rad Nxm/rad NewtonMeterPerRadian
newton millimeter per radian N·mm/rad Nxmm/rad NewtonMMPerMradian
pound inch per radian lbf·in/rad lbfxin/r PoundforceInchPerRad
Angular velocity AngularVelocity radian per second rad/s rad/s RadianPerSecond
degree per second º/s deg/s DegreePerSecond
grade per second g/s or gr/s grad/s GradePerSecond
Area Area square meter m2 m2 SquareMeter
square millimeter mm2 mm2 SquareMillimeter
square centimeter cm2 cm2 SquareCentimeter
square inch in2 in2 SquareInch
square foot ft2 ft2 SquareFoot
Dilatation Dilatation reciprocal degree Fahrenheit ºF-1 PerFDeg PerFahrenheit
reciprocal degree Celsius ºC-1 PerCDeg PerCelsius
Dissolved solid fraction DissolvedSolidFraction fraction Fraction
percentage % % Percentage
part per million ppm ppm PartPerMillion
Energy, work, quantity of heat Energy Joule J J Joule
watt hour W·h Wxh WattXHour
British Thermal Unit BTU or Btu Btu BritishThermalUnit
pound force foot lbf·ft lbf.ft PoundforceXFoot
Force Force newton N N Newton
pound force lbf lbf Poundforce
Frequency Frequency herz Hz Hz Herz
Heat capacity HeatCapacity joule per kelvin J/K J/Kdeg JoulePerKelvin
British Thermal Unit per degree Fahrenheit BTU/ºF or Btu/ºF Btu/Fdeg BtuPerFahrenheit
Inertia Inertia meter power 4 m4 m4 Meter4
millimeter power 4 mm4 mm4 Millimeter4
centimeter power 4 cm4 cm4 Centimeter4
inch power 4 in4 in4 Inch4
foot power 4 ft4 ft4 Foot4
Length Length meter m m Meter
centimeter cm cm Centimeter
millimeter mm mm Millimeter
kilometer km km Kilometer
foot ft or ' ft Foot
inch in or " in Inch
1/64 foot or inch 1/64' or 1/64 FeetInchFraction64
1/16 foot or inch 1/16' or 1/16" FeetInchFraction16
decimal foot or inch FeetInchDecimal
Linear mass LinearMass kilogram per meter kg/m kg/m KilogramPerMeter
pound per foot lb/ft lb/ft PoundPerFoot
pound per inch lb/in lb/in PoundPerInch
Linear stiffness LinearStiffness newton per meter N/m N/m NewtonperMeter
newton per millimeter N/mm N/mm NewtonperMillimeter
pound force per foot lbf/ft lbf/ft PoundforceperFoot
pound force per inch lbf/in lbf/in PoundforceperInch
Lineic force LineicForce Newton per meter N/m N/m NewtonPerMeter
pound force per foot lbf/ft lbf/ft PoundforcePerFoot
pound force per inch lbf/in lbf/in PoundforcePerInch
Mass Mass kilogram kg kg Kilogram
gram g g Gram
metric ton or tonne t T Ton
pound lb lb Pound
Massic flow MassicFlow kilogram per second kg/s kg/s KilogramPerSecond
pound per hour lb/h lb/h PoundPerHour
kilogram per hour kg/h kg/h KilogramPerHour
pound per minute lb/min lb/min PoundPerMinute
Molecular weight MolecularWeight kilogram per mole kg/mol kg/mol KilogramPerMole
gram per mole g/mol g/mol GramPerMole
Moment or torque Moment newton meter N·m Nxm NewtonXMeter
pound inch lbf·in lbfxin PoundforceXInch
newton millimiter N·mm Nxmm NewtonXMillimeter
Pressure Pressure newton per square meter N/m2 N/m2 NewtonPerSquareMeter
pascal Pa Pa Pascal
pound force per square inch psi or lbf/in2 psi LbforcePerSquareInch
Scalar Scalar NA Number
Slope Slope ratio SlopeRatio
percentage % % SlopePercentage
centimer per meter cm/m cm/m SlopeInCmPerM
millimiter per meter mm/m mm/m SlopeInMMPerM
inch per foot in/ft in/ft SlopeInInchPerFoot
Solid angle SolidAngle steradian sr sr Steradian
Specific heat capacity SpecificHeatCapacity joule per kilogram kelvin J/kg·K J/kgKdeg JoulePerKgKelvin
British Thermal Unit per pound and per degree Fahrenheit BTU/lb·ºF or Btu/lb·ºF BTU/lb.F BtuPerLbFahren
Speed or velocity Speed meter per second m/s m/s MeterPerSecond
foot per second ft/s ft/s FootPerSecond
mile per hour mi/h mph MilePerHour
kilometer per hour km/h km/h KilometerPerHour
foot per minute (ft/min) ft/min fpm FootPerMinute
foot per hour ft/h ft/h FootPerHour
Stress Stress newton per square meter N/m2 N/m2 NewtonPerSqMeter
pound per square inch psi psi LbforcePerSqInch
Surface tension SurfacicTension newton per meter N/m N/m
kilogram per square second KilogramPerSqSecond
dyne per centimeter dyne/cm dyne/cm DynePerCentimeter
Surfacic mass SurfacicMass kilogram per square meter kg/m2 kg/m2 KilogramPerSquareMeter
pound per square inch lb/in2 lb/in2 PoundPerSquareInch
Temperature Temperature Kelvin K Kdeg Kelvindegree
degree Celsius ºC Cdeg Celsius
degree Fahrenheit ºF Fdeg Fahrenheit
Thermal conductivity ThermalConductivity watt per meter kelvin W/m·K J/msKdeg JoulePerMSecKelvin
British Thermal Unit foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit BTU·ft/h·ft2·ºF Bft/hf2F BtuFtPerHrFt2Fahren
Time TimeMagnitude second s s Second
hour h h Hour
Viscosity, dynamic AbsoluteViscosity newton second per square meter N·s/m2
decapoise daP dapoise Decapoise
poise Poise poise Poise
centipoise cP cpoise Centipoise
millipoise mP mpoise Millipoise
micropoise µP micpoise Micropoise
pound force by second per square foot lbf·s/ft2 lbfs/ft2 LbfSecondPerSqFt
pound force by second per square inch lbf·s/in2 lbfs/in2 LbfSecondPerSqIn
pound per foot and per second lb/ft·s lb/ft.s) PoundPerSecondFoot
Viscosity, kinematic KinematicViscosity square meter per second) m2/s m2/s SquareMeterPerSecond
stoke stoke stoke Stoke
square foot per second ft2/s ft2/s SquareFootPerSecond
Volume Volume cubic meter m3 m3 CubicMeter
cubic millimeter mm3 mm3 CubicMillimeter
cubic centimeter cm3 cm3 CubicCentimeter
cubic inch in3 in3 CubicInch
cubic foot ft3 ft3 CubicFoot
liter L L Liter
Volumetric flow VolumetricFlow cubic meter per second m3/s m3/s CubicMeterPerSecond
cubic meter per hour m3/h m3/h) CubicMeterPerHour
cubic foot per hour ft3/h ft3/h CubicFootPerHour
U.S. gallon per minute gal/min gal/min USGallonPerMinute
barrel per hour bbl/h brl/h BarrelPerHour
barrel per day bbl/day brl/day BarrelPerDay
cubic foot per minute ft3/min ft3/min CubicFootPerMinute
liter/second L/s L/s LiterPerSecond
Volumic force VolumicForce newton per cubic meter n/m3 n/m3 NewtonPerCubicMeter
pound per cubic inch lbf/in3 lbf/in3 LbforcePerCubicInch
Volumic mass VolumicMass kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 kg/m3 KilogramPerM3
pound per cubic foot lbm/ft3 lbm/ft3 PoundPerCubicFoot
pound per cubic inch lb/in3 lb/in3 PoundPerCubicInch

NA: Not Applicable



[1] Combo
[2] Editor
[3] Spinner
[4] Managing Magnitudes and Units



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.