3D PLM PPR Hub Open Gateway

Feature Modeler

Technical Articles
Feature Modeler Overview Essential characteristics, tasks and mechanisms of the feature modeler
Integrating New Features in CATIA What interfaces need to be implemented in order for a new feature to be correctly integrated in CATIA?
Transferring Documents Containing Client-Defined Features Working with a client document
How to Add Data to a Feature Different ways of extending base features
Extension Features Migration How to migrate extension features to the new pattern
Working with Attribute Keys Migrating GetAttribute to GetAttrKey
Introduction to the OSM Language A new way to manage feature catalogs
Use Cases
Creating StartUps in Catalogs The first step in working with features
Working with Features Adding simple attributes to features
Referencing Features by Features Working with referenced features
Aggregating Features to Features Working with aggregated features
The Build/Update Mechanism Automatic updating of features
Creating Features in an Applicative Container Working with user data in a structured document
Creating an Externally Derived StartUp Using StartUps existing in other catalogs to create new ones
Deriving New StartUps Using Provided Factories Working with public StartUps
Deriving New StartUps Using a Generic Factory Working with public StartUps
Working with Cut, Copy and Paste Operations Performing CCP operations on features
Creating Feature Extensions Creating new feature extensions in catalogs
Working with Feature Extensions Extending base features with feature extensions
Managing Public Features and Attributes Creating and updating the public specs (.CATSpecs) file
Quick Reference
Frequently Asked Questions To help you answer your questions
ObjectSpecsModeler Reference Interface and class reference for Feature Modeler objects


Version: 3 [Jun 2006] CATfctEditorAssistant article
Version: 2 [Feb 2002] New technical articles and FAQ added
Version: 1 [Mar 2000] Document created

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