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Feature Modeler

Working with Feature Extensions

Extending base features with feature extensions

Use Case


This article discusses the CAAOsmManageExtensions use case. This use case explains how to create extensions within a document in order to extend a base feature's behavior and data.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to help you understand how to work with feature extensions in a Part or Product document. You will learn to:

Before getting to the use case itself, you should have a good understanding of the feature modeler [1]. You should likewise be familiar with the basic concepts behind feature extensions [2].


The CAAOsmManageExtensions Use Case

CAAOsmManageExtensions is a use case of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework that illustrates ObjectSpecsModeler framework capabilities.


What Does CAAOsmManageExtensions Do

The goal of CAAOsmManageExtensions is to illustrate working with feature extensions. It uses the extensions created in catalogs by the CAAOsmCreateExtensions use case [3]. It also uses the base feature "CAAOsmNovel" instantiated from the catalog created in the CAAOsmCatalogSU use case [4]. These two use cases are, therefore, pre-requisites to this one. 

Here is an image of the "CAAOsmNovel" StartUp:

Fig.1 CAAOsmCatalogSU.CATfct Catalog - "Novel" StartUp

This use case calls one global function: CAAOsmIllustrateExtensions creates a new Part document in which a new applicative container is created to contain an instance of the "CAAOsmNovel" StartUp:

Fig.2 CAAOsmBaseFeature Applicative Container

Two other applicative containers are then created, the first of which contains  two extensions to the "CAAOsmNovel1" base feature:

Fig.3 CAAOsmApplication1 Applicative Container

The second contains one other extension to the "CAAOsmNovel1" base feature:

Fig.4 CAAOsmApplication2 Applicative Container

Once these two applicative containers have been created, the use case illustrates how to extend the base feature by adding extensions within these two applicative containers. Here is a view of the inter-relationships between the catalogs and the applicative containers as well as the created extension of the base feature:

Fig.5 CAAOsmExtensions Use Case Illustration

These data and behavior extensions are coherent with the declaration in the CATRsc files associated with the three extension StartUps[3].

Here are the contents of the three CATRsc files:

Once the base feature is extended, the use case shows how to modify the data of an extension by using an interface implemented on one of the three extension StartUp. For the use case, the CAAIBiogNovel interface has been created, and implemented on the CAAOsmBiographicalNovel  StartUp.

Finally, the use case removes extensions on the CAAOsmNovel instance.


How to Launch CAAOsmManageExtensions

To launch CAAOsmManageExtensions, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAOsmManageExtensions along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case. This is fully described in the referenced article [5]. To launch the use case, execute the following command:

mkrun -c "CAAOsmMainManageExt CAAOsmExt1Catalog.CATfct 
          CAAOsmExt2Catalog.CATfct CAAOsmCatalogSU.CATfct DocumentStorageName



Where to Find the CAAOsmManageExtensions Code

The main CAAOsmManageExtensions code is located in the CAAOsmMainManageExt.m module of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework. It contains a unique source file named CAAOsmMainManageExt.cpp. This main calls one global function: CAAOsmIllustrateExtensions, contained in the CAAOsmIllustrateExtensions.cpp source file found in the CAAOsmManageExtensions.m module. The CAAOsmIllustrateExtensions function also calls methods defined by the CAAIBiogNovel interface and implemented in the CAAEOsmBiogNovel.cpp source file also found in the CAAOsmManageExtensions.m. Here is the installation path, depending on the operating system:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu\CAAOsmMainManageExt.m and CAAOsmManageExtensions.m
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu/CAAOsmMainManageExt.m and CAAOsmManageExtensions.m

where InstallRootDirectory is the root directory of your CAA V5 installation.



There are twelve logical steps in CAAOsmManageExtensions:

  1. Creating a New Part Document
  2. Creating New Applicative Containers
  3. Opening the Catalogs Containing the Base Feature StartUp and the Extensions
  4. Creating a Base Feature in the First Applicative Container by Instantiating a StartUp
  5. Creating Extensions from the First Catalog on the Base Feature
  6. Creating Extension from the Second Catalog on the Base Feature
  7. Executing the Behaviors of an Extension
  8. Querying All the Extensions of the Base Feature
  9. Removing All of the Extensions from the First Application
  10. Querying All the Extensions of the Base Feature
  11. Epilog

We will now comment each of these sections by looking at the code. This code is found in the CAAOsmIllustrateExtensions global function called by the main program.

Creating a New Part Document

CATDocument *pDoc = NULL;
rc = CATDocumentServices::New("Part",

A new Part document is created using the New method of CATDocumentServices. This is the document that will contain the applicative containers in which the base feature's extensions will be created.


Creating New Applicative Containers

CATIdent idAppliCont = "CATFeatCont";
CATUnicodeString appliContIdentifier("CAAOsmBaseFeature");
CATBaseUnknown *pBaseFeatureAppliCont = NULL;
rc = ::CATCreateApplicativeContainer(&pBaseFeatureAppliCont,   // appli cont created
                                     pDoc,                     // document  
                                     idAppliCont,              // type of appli cont
                                     IID_CATIContainer,        // interface type of appli cont
                                     "",                       // supertype of appli cont 
                                     appliContIdentifier);     // name of appli cont
CATIContainer *piBaseFeatureAppliCont = (CATIContainer*) pBaseFeatureAppliCont;

To create a new applicative container, use the CATCreateApplicativeContainer global function. This function takes as arguments:

Note that the new applicative container created must be of type "CATFeatCont" or be of a type deriving from "CATFeatCont", as seen in the fifth argument "supertype".

Finally, the CATBaseUnknown pointer to the applicative container is cast to a CATIContainer pointer in order to be used to open the catalog of StartUps.

Two other applicative containers are created in the same way as shown above. The first will have as identifier "CAAOsmApplication1" and will contain the extensions from the first extensions catalog created in the "Creating Extension" use case [3]. The second will have as identifier "CAAOsmApplication2" and will contain the extensions from the second extensions catalog created in the same "Creating Extension" use case.

See the CAAOsmAppliCont [6] use case for a more detailed description of this service (CATCreateApplicativeContainer) in interactive context.


Opening the Catalogs Containing the Base Feature StartUp and the Extensions


CATUnicodeString catalogName = pFeatureCatalogName;
CATICatalog *piStartUpsCatalog;
CATUnicodeString clientId("CAAOsmClientId");
rc = ::AccessCatalog (&catalogName,

To open a catalog, use the AccessCatalog global function that takes the following arguments:

The two extensions catalogs whose names are passed in as arguments to this function are opened in the same way as shown above.


Creating a Base Feature in the First Applicative Container by Instantiating a StartUp

1. Retrieve the "CAAOsmNovel" StartUp from the StartUp catalog.

CATBaseUnknown *pNovelSU = NULL;
CATUnicodeString novelSUType("CAAOsmNovel");
rc = piStartUpsCatalog -> RetrieveSU(&pNovelSU, 

2. Create a new feature by instantiating this StartUp in the first applicative container.

CATISpecObject *piNovelSU = (CATISpecObject*) pNovelSU;
CATISpecObject *piNovelInst1 = piNovelSU -> Instanciate(CATUnicodeString("CAAOsmNovel1"),

3. Get a CATIOsmExtendable  pointer on the new base feature object.

CATIOsmExtendable  *piExtendableOnNovelInst1 = NULL;
rc = piNovelInst1 -> QueryInterface(IID_CATIOsmExtendable ,
                                    (void**) &piExtendableOnNovelInst1);


Creating Extensions from the First Catalog on the Base Feature

const char *extensionName = "CAAOsmHistoricalNovel";

rc = piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> AddExtension (extensionName);

extensionName = "CAAOsmBiographicalNovel";

rc = piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> AddExtension (extensionName);

An extension is added to a base feature instance, thanks a CATIOsmExtendable interface pointer. piExtendableOnNovelInst1 just retrieved in the previous section, is a CATIOsmExtendable interface pointer on the new CAAOsmNovel instance. The  AddExtension method of the CATIOsmExtendable interface contains only one argument: the name of the extension StartUp.  This method has two functionalities:

  1. Instantiating a feature extension StartUp in the container defined in third argument of the AccessCatalog global function.
  2. See the Opening the Catalogs Containing the Base Feature StartUp and the Extensions section

    This method returns E_FAILS in at least three cases:

  3. Adding the new extension instance in the applicative container

In this case, both extensions from the first extensions catalog are instantiated in the "CAAOsmApplication1" applicative container.


Creating Extension from the Second Catalog on the Base Feature

extensionName = "CAAOsmChildrensNovel";

rc = piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> AddExtension (extensionName);

The extension from the second extensions catalog is instantiated in the "CAAOsmApplication2" applicative container. See the CATRsc file associated with the CAAOsmChildrensNovel feature extension in the What Does CAAOsmManageExtensions Do section.

To verify that an extension is created, use the QueryExtension method of CATIOsmExtendable interface. 

CATIOsmExtension *piExtensionOnChildrensNovelInst1 = NULL;
rc = piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> QueryExtension (extensionName,
                           (void**) &piExtensionOnChildrensNovelInst1);

The QueryExtension  method retrieves the unique extension of the base feature whose the name is extensionName. You can choose the returned handler on the extension. Here we have choosen an interface implemented by all the feature extension, the CATIOsmExtenson interface.

Note that now, the base feature object has been extended by three different extensions


Executing the Behaviors of an Extension

1. Retrieve a pointer on the feature extension . 

CAAIBiogNovel *piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1 = NULL;
char* BiographicalNovelId = "CAAOsmBiographicalNovel";

rc = piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> QueryExtension(BiographicalNovelId, IID_CAAIBiogNovel,
                                             (void**) &piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1);

piExtendableOnNovelInst1 is a CATIOsmExtendable interface on the new base feature - See the Get a CATIOsmExtendable  pointer on the new base feature object sub-section of the  Creating a Base Feature in the First Applicative Container by Instantiating a StartUp section.

2. Execute the methods of the interface which retrieve and valuate the extension's attribute values.

// Get the value of the Epoch attribute of the CAAOsmBiographicalNovel extension.
CATUnicodeString epoch("");
rc = piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1 -> GetEpoch(&epoch);
cout << "Epoch = " << epoch << endl << flush;

// Set a new value to the Epoch attribute
epoch = "Renaissance";
rc = piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1 -> SetEpoch(epoch);
epoch = "";
rc = piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1 -> GetEpoch(&epoch);
cout << "*** New Epoch = " << epoch << endl << flush;

// Get the value of the Domain attribute of the CAAOsmBiographical Novel extension.
CATUnicodeString domain("");
rc = piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1 -> GetDomain(&domain);
cout << "Domain = " << domain << endl << flush;

// Set a new value to the Domain attribute
domain = "Science";
rc = piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1 -> SetDomain(domain);
domain = "";
rc = piBiogNovelOnNovelInst1 -> GetDomain(&domain);
cout << "*** New Domain = " << domain << endl << flush;        

"Epoch" and "Domain" are attributes of the CAAOsmBiographicalNovel extension on the current base feature, "CAAOsmNovel1". The methods:  GetEpoch, SetEpoch, GetDomain and SetDomain are defined by the CAAIBiogNovel interface and implemented by the CAAEOsmBiogNovel implementation class.


Querying All the Extensions of the Base Feature

CATListPtrCATBaseUnknown *paExtList = NULL;
piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> QueryAllExtensions (IID_CATISpecObject, &paExtList);
CATUnicodeString pExtId = NULL;
int jj = 0;
CATIOsmExtension *piExtensionOnBase = NULL;

if (NULL != paExtList)
   cout << "List size = " << paExtList -> Size() << endl << flush;
   for (jj=1; jj<=paExtList->Size(); jj++)
      CATBaseUnknown * pInt = (*paExtList)[jj] ;
      if ( NULL != pInt )
         rc = pInt -> QueryInterface(IID_CATIOsmExtension,
                                      (void**) &piExtensionOnBase);

         // each non nul element of the paExtList must be released 
         pInt -> Release();
         pInt = NULL ;
         piExtensionOnBase -> GetID(pExtId);
         cout << "Extension ID = " << pExtId.ConvertToChar() << endl << flush;
         piExtensionOnBase -> Release();
         piExtensionOnBase = NULL;
     delete paExtList;
     paExtList = NULL;

The QueryAllExtensions method of CATIOsmExtendable  retrieves a list of all of the extensions (all confused applicative containers ) of a base feature object. It takes the following arguments:

The list is scanned: For each CATBaseUnknown pointer in the list, the corresponding CATIOsmExtension pointer is retrieved in order to get the name of the extension using the GetID method. Here is what the output looks like:

List size = 3
Extension ID = CAAOsmChildrensNovel
Extension ID = CAAOsmBiographicalNovel
Extension ID = CAAOsmHistoricalNovel


Deactivating All of the Extensions from the First Application 

appliContIdentifier = "CAAOsmApplication1";
rc = piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> RemoveApplicativeExtensions (appliContIdentifier);

All of the extensions of a given applicative container can be removed at once using the RemoveApplicativeExtensions global function.


Querying All the Extensions of the Base Feature

paExtList = NULL;
piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> QueryAllExtensions (IID_CATISpecObject,&paExtList);

piExtendableOnNovelInst1 -> Release();
piExtendableOnNovelInst1 = NULL;

if (NULL != paExtList)
   cout << "List size = " << paExtList -> Size() << endl << flush;
   for (jj=1; jj<=paExtList->Size(); jj++)
      CATBaseUnknown * pInt = (*paExtList)[jj] ;
      if ( NULL != pInt )
         rc = pInt -> QueryInterface(IID_CATIOsmExtension,
                                   (void**) &piExtensionOnBase);
         pInt -> Release();
         pInt = NULL ;

         piExtensionOnBase -> GetID(pExtId);
         cout << "Extension ID = " << pExtId.ConvertToChar() << endl << flush;

         piExtensionOnBase -> Release();
         piExtensionOnBase = NULL;
delete paExtList;
paExtList = NULL;

Scanning the new list returned from QueryAllExtensions shows that the only remaining extension on the base feature is:

List size = 1
Extension ID = CAAOsmChildrensNovel



See the referenced article [6] for a detailed description of the steps to go through when saving the document.

Note that the opened catalog documents do not need to be removed from the session.


In Short

This use case has demonstrated how to add, remove, retrieve extensions on a base feature. These operations are possible thanks the CATIOsmExtendable interface implemented.



[1] Feature Modeler Conceptual Overview
[2] Creating Feature Extensions
[3] Creating StartUps in Catalogs
[4] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case
[5] Creating Features in an Applicative Container
[6] Creating a New Document


Version: 1 [Feb 2001] Document created
Version: 2 [Sep 2003] Update to add a link to the "Creating Features in an App. Cont." article 
Version: 3 [Feb 2005] Document updated to integrate the new feature extension API

Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.