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Feature Modeler

Creating Feature Extensions

Creating new feature extensions in catalogs

Use Case


This article discusses the CAAOsmCreateExtensions use case. This use case explains how to create feature extensions in catalogs.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to help you understand how to create feature extensions in catalogs.

Before getting to the use case itself, you should have on one hand a good understanding of the feature modeler [1] , and the extension feature concepts [2] on the other hand.

Once you have created the feature extension, you can read the article entitled "Working with Feature Extensions" [3] which explains how to add ,query and remove extensions on a base feature.


The CAAOsmCreateExtensions Use Case

CAAOsmCreateExtensions is a use case of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework that illustrates ObjectSpecsModeler framework capabilities.


What Does CAAOsmCreateExtensions Do

The goal of CAAOsmCreateExtensions is to illustrate creating feature extensions. This use case calls a global function called CAAOsmCreateExtInCatalog which creates two new catalogs. Each catalog contains a different set of feature extensions. Here is an image of the contents of the first extensions catalog:

Fig.1 CAAOsmExt1.CATfct Catalog

And here is an image of the contents of the second extensions catalog:

Fig.2 CAAOsmExt2.CATfct Catalog


How to Launch CAAOsmCreateExtensions

To launch CAAOsmCreateExtensions, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAOsmCreateExtensions along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case. This is fully described in the referenced article [4]. To launch the use case, execute the following command:

mkrun -c "CAAOsmMainCreateExt ExtCatalog1 ExtCatalog2"

Note: It is not necessary to locate the newly catalogs in the CNext/resources/graphic directory of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework, since there have been already provided. 


Where to Find the CAAOsmCreateExtensions Code

The main CAAOsmCreateExtensions code is located in the CAAOsmMainCreateExt.m module of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework. It contains a unique source file named CAAOsmMainExtensions.cpp. This main calls one global function: CAAOsmCreateExtInCatalog, contained in the CAAOsmCreateExtInCatalog.cpp source file found in the CAAOsmCreateExtensions.m module.  Here is the installation path, depending on the operating system:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu\CAAOsmMainCreateExt.m and CAAOsmCreateExtensions.m
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu/CAAOsmMainCreateExt.m and CAAOsmCreateExtensions.m

where InstallRootDirectory is the root directory of your CAA V5 installation.



Two extensions catalogs are created in this use case. Since they are created in the same way, only the creation of the first is shown below. There are seven logical steps in CAAOsmCreateExtensions:

  1. Creating the Extensions Catalog
  2. Assigning a Client Id to the Catalog
  3. Creating Extensions in the Catalog
  4. Adding Attributes to the Extension
  5. Valuating the Attributes of an Extension
  6. Saving the Extensions Catalog
  7. Creating CATRsc files

We will now comment each of these sections by looking at the code. The code itself is found in the CAAOsmCreateExtInCatalog function called by the main program.


Creating the Extensions Catalog

CATICatalog *piCatalog = NULL;
CATUnicodeString extensionsCatalog = pExtensionsCatalog1Name;
rc = ::CreateCatalog(&extensionsCatalog, 

The extensions catalog is a regular .CATfct feature catalog. It is created using the CreateCatalog global function. The first argument to this function, the catalog storage name, is passed to the function by the first argument. The second argument is the CATICatalog pointer on the new catalog created.


Assigning a Client Id to the Catalog

CATUnicodeString clientId("CAAOsmClientId1");
rc = piCatalog -> SetClientId(&clientId);

The catalog is uniquely identified using the SetClientId method of CATICatalog. This identification is necessary in order to open the catalog later on. This identifier should remain unique to this particular catalog.


Creating Extensions in the Catalog

CATIOsmExtensionFactory *piFactoryOnCatalog = NULL;
rc = piCatalog -> QueryInterface(IID_CATIOsmExtensionFactory,
	                        (void**) &piFactoryOnCatalog);

const char *pHistExt = "CAAOsmHistoricalNovel";
CATIOsmExtension*piHistExt = NULL;
rc = piFactoryOnCatalog -> CreateExtension (pHistExt,


A new extension is created using the CreateExtension method of CATIOsmExtensionFactory. First, obviously, it is necessary to get a pointer to CATIOsmExtensionFactory from the CATICatalog pointer to the new catalog using QueryInterface. The CreateExtension method takes the following arguments:


Adding Attributes to the Extension

CATISpecObject *piSpecOnHistExt = NULL;
rc = piHistExt -> QueryInterface(IID_CATISpecObject,
	                        (void**) &piSpecOnHistExt);

CATUnicodeString epoch("Epoch");
CATISpecAttribute *piHistEpoch = piSpecOnHistExt -> AddAttribute(epoch,

Attributes are added to extensions exactly the same as to StartUps or regular features using the AddAttribute method of CATISpecObject. A pointer to CATISpecObject is obtained from the CATIOsmExension pointer (piHistExt) returned by CreateExtension.


Valuating the Attributes of an Extension

CATISpecAttrAccess *piSpecAttrAccessOnHistExt = NULL;
rc = piSpecOnHistExt -> QueryInterface(IID_CATISpecAttrAccess,
	                              (void**) &piSpecAttrAccessOnHistExt);

CATISpecAttrKey *piKeyEpoch = piSpecAttrAccessOnHistExt -> GetAttrKey("Epoch");

piSpecAttrAccessOnHistExt -> SetString(piKeyEpoch,
                                       "Middle Ages");

In order to valuate an attribute, it is first necessary to access its attribute key using the GetAttrKey of CATISpecAttrAccess. Then, using the Set... methods, in this case SetString, the attribute can be assigned a value.

The second extension, "CAAOsmBiographicalNovel", is created exactly the same as the first, except that it derives from the first. This is done by specifying the name of the first extension in the second argument of CreateExtension.


Saving the Extensions Catalog

rc = ::SaveCatalog(&piCatalog,

To save a catalog document, use the SaveCatalog global function which takes as arguments the CATICatalog pointer of the new catalog and the entire storage path and name of the new catalog.

Creating CATRsc files

The last step consists in to create a CATRsc file for each extension StartUp. The resource files are located in the CNext/resources/msgcatalog directory of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework. The name of the CATRsc file is the name of the extension (the first argument of the CreateExtension method). This file consists in to declare the extention usage.

The CATRsc file for an extension contains the followink keys:

Key Type Value Key Explanation
ExtensionFeature.IsLocal TRUE  It means that the extension it is not re-instanciated when the base feature is re-instanciated.
FALSE It means that the extension is re-instanciated when base feature is re-instanciated.
ExtensionFeature.Extends Base feature type A feature extension can only extend one and only one base feature
ExtensionFeature.Container Applicative container name A feature extension can be added to a base feature only in one and only one applicative container.


In Short

An extension is created in a regular feature catalog (.CATfct) using the CreateExtension method of the CATIOsmExtensionFactory interface. As for normal StartUps, the AddAttribute method of CATISpecObject is used on extensions to further define their data structure. Likewise, the GetAttrKey and Set... methods of CATISpecAttrAccess are used to valuate attributes. The general SaveCatalog global function is used to save the extensions catalog. 

Do not forget to provide a CATRsc file to declare the usage of the feature extension:



[1] Feature Modeler Conceptual Overview
[2] How to Add Data to a Feature
[3] Working with Feature Extensions
[4] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case


Version: 1 [Feb 2000] Document created
Version: 2 [Feb 2005] Document updated for new interface

Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.