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Feature Modeler

Creating StartUps in Catalogs

The first step in working with features
Use Case


This article accompanies the CAAOsmCatalogSU use case. It explains how to create and save a catalog, how to create StartUps within the catalog and how to define a StartUp structure by adding simple and feature attributes to it.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to help you make your first steps in programming the ObjectSpecsModeler (also called the "feature" modeler). Its main intent is to explain how to define and create StartUps within Catalogs. Through this use case, you will also learn some important concepts about the underlying data structure of a feature in general and about the recommended ways of programming with features. More specifically, you will learn how to:

Before getting to the use case itself, it is important to get an understanding of what StartUps are and how they are used in modeling features. See the referenced article [1]. 


Where to Locate a catalog of StartUps?

When accessing a catalog of StartUps, it must be found under the run-time directory:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\OS\resources\graphic\

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed, and OS is a directory the name of which depends on the operating system. Refer to [2] to get the list of the currently supported operating systems and their associated directory names.

In order for the catalog to be accessible from the run-time directory, it should be stored in the following directory:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\FW\CNext\resources\graphic\
UNIX InstallRootDirectory/FW/CNext/resources/graphic/

where FW is the framework containing the catalog creation code. When updating the run-time view (mkCreateRuntimeView), the catalog will be automatically transferred to the run-time directory.


The CAAOsmCatalogSU Use Case

CAAOsmCatalogSU is a use case of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework that illustrates CATIA ObjectSpecsModeler framework capabilities.


What Does CAAOsmCatalogSU Do

The goal of CAAOsmCatalogSU is to create a catalog and to define StartUps within it. The notion of "books" is used as an example. The StartUps describe different kinds of books such as novels or dictionaries. First, several StartUps are created that will be used as feature attributes later on. They are "CAAOsmPublisher" and "CAAOsmChapter". Next, the actual "Book" StartUps are created: "CAAOsmBook", "CAAOsmNovel" (which is a kind of "CAAOsmBook") and "CAAOsmDictionary" (which is also a kind of "CAAOsmBook"). Here is a schematic relational view of these StartUps and their attributes:

Note that since "CAAOsmNovel" is a kind of "CAAOsmBook" (i.e., its supertype is "CAAOsmBook's" type), it also has the attributes "Title" and "BookPublisher" that it has inherited from "CAAOsmBook". The same is true for "CAAOsmDictionary".

Note also that this use case creates two other StartUps called "CAAOsmAdd" and "CAAOsmSquare" which are used in the CAAOsmBuildUpdate use case.

Here is a complete image of the contents of the catalog:


How to Launch CAAOsmCatalogSU

To launch CAAOsmCatalogSU, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAOsmCatalogSU along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the sample. This is fully described in the referenced article [2]. 

mkrun -c "CAAOsmCatalogSU CatalogStorageName" 

Note: It is not necessary to locate the newly catalog in the CNext/resources/graphic directory of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework, since one has been already provided. 


Where to Find the CAAOsmCatalogSU Code

CAAOsmCatalogSU code is located in the CAAOsmCatatalogSU.m use case module of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu\CAAOsmCatalogSU.m
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu/CAAOsmCatalogSU.m

where InstallRootDirectory is the root directory of your CAA V5 installation. It is made of a unique source file named CAAOsmCatalogSU.cpp.



There are eight logical steps in CAAOsmCatalogSU:

  1. Creating a Catalog
  2. Creating StartUps
  3. Adding attributes to StartUps
  4. Saving the Catalog
  5. Editing the Catalog
  6. Declaring Public Specs
  7. Deleting the Session
  8. Creating the NLS file

We will now comment each of those sections by looking at the code.


Creating a Catalog

To create a catalog, use the CreateCatalog global function which returns a pointer to CATICatalog:

CATICatalog *piCatalog = NULL;
CATUnicodeString storageName = argv[1];
HRESULT rc = ::CreateCatalog(&storageName, 
if (NULL == piCatalog) 
   cout << "ERROR in creating Catalog" << endl << flush;
   return 2;
else cout << "Catalog created OK" << endl << flush;

Catalogs have the suffix .CATfct by default. In other words, when creating a catalog, you need not specify this suffix in the catalog name, but if you do, another one will not be added. The name of the catalog is taken from the first argument passed to this program. For now, a new catalog should be created in the resources/graphic directory of your workspace in order for the OpenCatalog method to be able to find it.

A client identification must also be added to the catalog using the SetClientId method found in the CATICatalog interface:

CATUnicodeString clientId("CAAOsmClientId");
rc = piCatalog -> SetClientId(&clientId);
if (NULL == rc) cout << "ClientID setOK" << endl << flush;
else cout << "ERROR in setting ClientID" << endl << flush;

This identification is necessary in order to open the catalog later on. The string defined by SetClientId is added on as a suffix to the name of each StartUp added to the catalog. This identifier should remain unique to this particular catalog in order to insure the uniqueness of the StartUp name in the case where more than one catalog were used at the same time. So, choose your identifier carefully, such that you will be able to distinguish your features from others.


Creating StartUps

To create a StartUp , use the CreateSUInCatalog method found in the CATICatalog interface. For example, here is how the StartUp "Novel" is created:

CATBaseUnknown *pNovelSU = NULL;
CATUnicodeString novelSUName("CAAOsmNovel");
CATUnicodeString novelSUType("CAAOsmNovel");
rc = piCatalog -> CreateSUInCatalog (&pNovelSU,          // Pointer to the StartUp in the catalog
                                     &novelSUName,       // StartUp name
                                     &novelSUType,       // StartUp type
                                     "CATISpecObject",   // Interface 
                                     &bookSUType);       // StartUp supertype
if (NULL == pNovelSU)
    cout << "ERROR in creating CAAOsmNovel StartUp" << endl << flush;
    piCatalog -> Release();
    return 3;
else cout << "CAAOsmNovel StartUp created OK" << endl << flush;
// Get a CATISpecObject handle on the CAAOsmNovel StartUp
CATISpecObject *piNovelSU = (CATISpecObject*) pNovelSU;

Creating a StartUp means simply reserving a non-structured data slot in the catalog. The actual data structure is created when adding attributes to the StartUp.

Note that this specific StartUp has a supertype, referenced by the variable bookSUType which references the StartUp called "CAAOsmBook" defined previously in the program. The StartUp "CAAOsmNovel" will, therefore, inherit all of the attributes of the StartUp "CAAOsmBook".

The CATBaseUnknown pNovelSU pointer acquired through CreateSUInCatalog is directly cast to a CATISpecObject handle and must be released at the end of its use.

Note also that, in general, when exiting the program on error, current pointers must be released (for example in this case: piCatalog).


Adding Attributes to StartUps

CATUnicodeString novelAuthor("Author");
CATISpecAttribute *piNovelAuthor = piNovelSU -> 
if (NULL == piNovelAuthor) cout << "ERROR in adding CAAOsmNovel Author attribute" << endl << flush;
else cout << "Novel Author attribute added OK" << endl << flush;
piNovelAuthor -> Release();
CATUnicodeString novelChapter("NovelChapter");
CATISpecAttribute *piNovelChapt = piNovelSU ->
if (NULL == piNovelChapt) cout << "ERROR in adding CAAOsmNovel Chapter attribute" << endl << flush;
else cout << "CAAOsmNovel Chapter attribute added OK" << endl << flush;
piNovelChapt -> Release();
pNovelSU -> Release();

Once the StartUp has been created, attributes are added to it in order to define its data structure. Use the AddAttribute method using the CATISpecObject handle acquired on the StartUp.

Do not forget that all pointers acquired AddAttribute must also be released when they are no longer used.

Note that the "NovelChapter" attribute is added as type tk_list and tk_component. This will allow a number of unique "Chapter" features to be attached to a "CAAOsmNovel" feature.


Saving the Catalog

// Save catalog

rc = ::SaveCatalog(&piCatalog,
piCatalog -> Release();
piCatalog = NULL;
if (FAILED(rc))
   cout << "ERROR in saving catalog document" << endl << flush;
   return 5;

When all StartUps and their attributes have been created, the catalog can be saved. We use here the same name as for the creation of the catalog. Because the AccessCatalog method systematically looks for the catalog in the "resources/graphic" directory under the current workspace, it is simpler to save it there directly. In order to save the catalog, use the SaveCatalog global function. Note that a Remove operation need not be performed on a catalog.[Top]

Editing the Catalog

// Open the Catalog in Edit mode
rc = ::UpgradeCatalog (&storageName,
if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && NULL != piCatalog) cout << "Catalog accessed for Upgrade OK" << endl << flush;
    cout << "ERROR on UpgradeCatalog" << endl << flush;
    return 6;

Use the UpgradeCatalog global function to open a catalog for editing (in other words, in read/write mode). This function requires the entire pathname, name and .CATfct extension to be passed as input. It also requires the client id. It returns a CATICatalog pointer to the opened catalog. This pointer can then be used to add new StartUps and/or attributes to the catalog.


Declaring Public Specs

If your StartUps are "public", this means that they will be registered as such in a declarative file. This declarative file's name is the same as that of the catalog but it has a .CATSpecs suffix. For each "public" StartUp, you can also list the attributes that are also "public". These attributes will be available for consultation, all other attributes of the "public" StartUp will not be available at all. The declarative file also registers information concerning the authorization you may give for your StartUp to be derived by others in order to create a new StartUp. The declarative file for each catalog containing information on the publication of your StartUps can be created through a specific batch program as seen in the use case "Managing Public Features and Attributes" [3]. However, it is also possible for you to register this information automatically at the time you create your StartUp in the first place. This is done by valuating two optional arguments of the CreateSUInCatalog method of CATICatalog:

CATBaseUnknown *pAddSU = NULL;
CATUnicodeString addSUName = "CAAOsmAdd";
CATUnicodeString addSUType = "CAAOsmAdd";
CATBoolean publicSU = TRUE;
CATBoolean derivableSU = TRUE;
rc = piCatalog -> CreateSUInCatalog(&pAddSU,
if (NULL != pAddSU) cout << "CAAOsmAdd StartUp created OK" << endl << flush;
    cout << "ERROR in creating CAAOsmAdd StartUp" << endl << flush;
    piCatalog -> Release();
    return 1;

As you can see above, the CATBoolean publicSU argument is valuated to TRUE: this means that the StartUp will be registered in the corresponding .CATSpecs file. By also setting the CATBoolean derivableSU argument to TRUE, the StartUp is marked as "derivable" by others, i.e., others are authorized to create their own new StartUps deriving from this one. 


Deleting the Session

// Delete session
rc = ::Delete_Session(sessionName);
if (FAILED(rc))
   cout << "ERROR in deleting session" << endl << flush;
   return 6;

The Session must also be deleted. If you do not yourself create the session, it is done by default in the CreateCatalog method. In any case, it is your responsibility to delete the session at the end of your batch program. Use the Delete_Session global function:


Creating the NLS file

In order to have NLS on the feature names that may appear in the specifications tree during an interactive session, it is necessary to create a .CATNls file corresponding to each .CATfct catalog.  The .CATNls file is a normal text file.  Its name must be the same as the catalog name + "NLS" and the .CATNls suffix.  For example, the catalog CAAOsmCatalogSU.CATfct would have a corresponding NLS file called CAAOsmCatalogSUNLS.CATNls.  The file is delivered in the CNext + resources + msgcatalog directory of your framework.  The contents of the file must follow a precise format: for each feature name that is displayed to the user, a text line must be created containing the correspondence FeatureName = "Feature Name Value". For example, in the case of a StartUp whose name is CAAOsmNovel, you would enter the following text line: CAAOsmNovel = "Novel". Then, in the specifications tree, "Novel" would appear as the feature name. Here is an example of the NLS file created for the CAAOsmCatalog.CATfct feature catalog file:









In Short

This use case has demonstrated how to create and define StartUps in Catalogs. It has also exposed a number of concepts on the feature modeler, such as types and supertypes, simple and feature attributes. Specifically, this use case has illustrated:

Other use cases will demonstrate how to use features based on these StartUps.



[1] Feature Modeler Overview
[2] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case
[3] Managing Public Features and Attributes


Version: 1 [Feb 2000] Document created
Version: 2 [Nov 2000] Document modified
Version: 3 [Feb 2002] Document modified

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.