3D PLM PPR Hub Open Gateway

Feature Modeler

Frequently Asked Questions

Quick Reference


Here is a quick-access list of all the FAQs we have received from CAA partners as well as DS internal developers. In answers, links to the relevant documents or use cases are provided for a more detailed information.

What interfaces should I use to delete a feature?

When deleting a feature, how can I know if there are other features already pointing to it?

The CCP/Delete options in the contextual menu are not enabled for my feature. What must I do to enable them?

How can I change the name of a feature?

I have created a new feature in my document but I cannot visualize its geometry nor see it in the specification tree. What do I need to do?

I use Extension Feature on mechanical feature. I see them in the graph for surfacic item but not for solid item, why?

What interfaces should I use to delete a feature?

Use the LifeCycleObject::remove method when the feature to be deleted is not aggregated by another feature. However, if it itself aggregates other features, these will be deleted as well. Use the CATISpecObject::GetFather method to know if the feature is aggregated or not.

Use CATISpecObject::Remove(CATISpecObject_var) to delete an aggregated feature. This method is executed on the aggregating feature with the aggregated feature to be destroyed passed as an input parameter.

Use CATICutAndPastable::Remove on any feature, whether aggregated or aggregating. 

When deleting a feature, how can I know if there are other features already pointing to it?

Either one of two methods can be used to know if the feature you want to delete is currently being pointed at:

  1. CATISpecObject::InverseAttrLink.
  2. CATISpecAttrAccess::ListPointingObjects

If the returned list of either method is not NULL, this means that other features are pointing to the feature you want to delete through a tk_component or tk_specobject link 

The CCP/Delete options in the contextual menu are not enabled for my feature. What must I do to enable them?

You need to re-implement the CATICsoFilter interface of ApplicationFrame. However, you must first be sure that if the current UIActive object also implements this interface, it allows its re-implementation by others. This is the case in a Product document, but it may not be true in another context.

How can I change the name of a feature?

There are two ways to do this: 

  1. Use CATISpecObject::SetDisplayName. This method changes the name of the feature seen in the specs tree. It is not a persistent change, i.e., if the document is saved and re-opened, the feature's old name will appear in the specs tree again.
  2. Use the CATIAlias::SetAlias method to permanently change the name of a feature. If the feature is not a DS or DS-derived feature, you must  override this interface in order to provide a persistent storage location for the new name.

It may be important to understand how the default implementations actually work:

I have created a new feature in my document but I cannot visualize its geometry nor see it in the specification tree. What do I need to do?

First of all, it is necessary for your feature to implement the CATI3DGeoVisu interface (or equivalent, deriving from CATIVisu) for geometry visualization and the CATINavigateObject interface for visualization and navigation in the specification tree. If this has been done, then it is only necessary to refresh the visualization process and the specification tree. This is done using the CATIModelEvents interface. Here is a code example you can follow:

CATIModelEvents *piModelEventNewFeat = NULL;

rc = piNewFeat->QueryInterface (IID_CATIModelEvents, (void**)&piModelEventNewFeat);

if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
CATCreate notif (piNewFeat, piParentFeat);



In the above code, you can see that, first of all, you need to retrieve a CATIModelEvents pointer on your new feature. Then, you initialize a CATCreate notification with the parent feature of the new feature and then execute the Dispatch method of CATIModelEvents to dispatch the notification. Next, for visualization in the specification tree, simply use the CATIRedrawEvents::Redraw method on the parent node of your new feature.

I use Extension Features onMechanical Features. I see them in the specifications tree for surfacic item but not for solid item, why?

Behaviors such as visualisation in the specifications tree or parameter display in f(x) are dependant of the extended feature.You should always refer to the corresponding documentation of the extended feature to confirm that the behaviors you experienced are specified and supported. If not documented, it means the behavior is not supported.


Version: 1 [February 2002] Document created
Version: 2 [November 2004] Extension clean up
Version: 3 [November 2005] Extension, graph question

Copyright © 2002, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.