3D PLM PPR Hub Open Gateway |
Feature Modeler |
Creating an Externally Derived StartUpUsing StartUps existing in other catalogs to create new ones |
Use Case |
AbstractThis article discusses the CAAOsmExtDerivedSU use case. This use case explains how to create a new StartUp deriving from an existing one found in another catalog. |
This use case is intended to help you understand how to create a new StartUp based on an already existing one found in an external catalog. This can be useful when you want to create user data in a structured standard-type document. You will learn how to:
global functionOpenPrereqCatalog
of CATICatalog.CreateSUInCatalog
of CATICatalogAddAttribute
method of CATISpecObjectInstanciate
method of CATISpecObjectSaveCatalog
global functionBefore getting to the use case itself, you should have a good understanding of what a feature object is and how it is created [2].
CAAOsmExtDerivedSU is a use case of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework that illustrates ObjectSpecsModeler framework capabilities.
The goal of CAAOsmExtDerivedSU is to illustrate creating new features based on StartUps deriving from other already defined external StartUps. To exemplify this, it uses the "CAAOsmNovel" StartUp defined in the catalog created by the CAAOsmCatalogSU use case [1]. Here is an image of the contents of this catalog:
Note that the "CAAOsmNovel" StartUp has the feature type "CAAOsmNovel" and the client identification "CAAOsmClientId".
A new StartUp called "CAAOsmHistoricalNovel" and deriving from "CAAOsmNovel" is created in a new catalog. To this new StartUp, a few new attributes are added. This StartUp will, therefore, have all of the attributes of "CAAOsmNovel" plus its own particular ones. Here is an image of the new catalog's contents once the "CAAOsmHistoricalNovel" StartUp has been created:
Note that the "CAAOsmHistoricalNovel" StartUp has the feature type "CAAOsmHistNovel" and the client identification "CAAOsmClientId2".
An instantiation of the "CAAOsmHistoricalNovel" StartUp is done and saved in a newly Part document.
To launch CAAOsmExtDerivedSU, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAOsmExtDerivedSU along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the sample as follows:
mkrun -c "CAAOsmExtDerivedSU NewCatalogName CAAOsmCatalogSU.CATfct DocumentStorageName.CATPart"
This step is fully described in the referenced article [3]. Following are the arguments passed when launching the use case:
CAAOsmExtDerivedSU code is located in the CAAOsmExtDerivedSU.m use case module of the CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu framework:
Windows | InstallRootDirectory\CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu\CAAOsmExtDerivedSU.m |
Unix | InstallRootDirectory/CAAObjectSpecsModeler.edu/CAAOsmExtDerivedSU.m |
where InstallRootDirectory
is the root directory of your CAA V5
installation. It is made of a unique source file named CAAOsmExtDerivedSU.cpp.
There are eight logical steps in CAAOsmExtDerivedSU:
We will now comment each of those sections by looking at the code.
CATICatalog *piCatalog = NULL; CATUnicodeString newStgName = argv[1]; rc = ::CreateCatalog(&newStgName, &piCatalog); if (NULL == piCatalog) { cout << "ERROR in creating Catalog" << endl << flush; return 2; } else cout << "Catalog created OK" << endl << flush; |
A new catalog is simply created using the CreateCatalog
function. This function takes as input the entire pathname of the catalog to be
created, in this case passed to the use case in the first argument. It returns a
CATICatalog pointer to the new catalog that has been created.
Catalogs have the suffix .CATfct
by default. In other words,
when creating a catalog, you need not specify this suffix in the catalog name,
but if you do, another one will not be added.
// Add a client identification to the catalog. This is a mandatory step. CATUnicodeString clientId("CAAOsmClientId2"); rc = piCatalog -> SetClientId(&clientId); if (NULL == rc) cout << "ClientID setOK" << endl << flush; else { cout << "ERROR in setting ClientID" << endl << flush; piCatalog -> Release(); return 3; } |
Once the catalog has been created, it is necessary to assign a client id to
it. This is done using the SetClientId method of CATICatalog. This
identification is necessary in order to open the catalog later on. The string
defined by SetClientId
is added on as a suffix to the name of each
StartUp added to the catalog. This identifier should remain unique to this
particular catalog in order to insure the uniqueness of the StartUp name in the
case where more than one catalog were used at the same time. So, choose your
identifier carefully, such that you will be able to distinguish your features
from others.
Loading a catalog means opening the catalog document in order to allow the access to the StartUps it contains.
CATUnicodeString oldStgName = argv[2]; clientId = "CAAOsmClientId2"; rc = piCatalog -> OpenPrereqCatalog (&oldStgName, &clientId); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) cout << "OpenPrereqCatalog OK" << endl << flush; else { cout << "ERROR on OpenPrereqCatalog" << endl << flush; piCatalog -> Release(); return 4; } |
In order to open a catalog from which a new StartUp will be derived, use the OpenPrereqCatalog
method of CATICatalog which takes the following arguments:
- the name and .CATfct extension of the catalog
being opened. The catalog must be found under the "WS" +
"OS" + resources + graphic directory.clientId
- the client id defined on the catalog at the time
of its creation.[Top]
// We will work with a "CATPart" document. CATDocument *pDoc = NULL; rc = CATDocumentServices::New("Part", pDoc); if (NULL != pDoc) cout << "New document created OK" << endl << flush; else { cout << "ERROR in creating New document" << endl << flush; piCatalog -> Release(); return 2; } |
A new document is created simply by executing the New
method of CATDocumentServices.
//---------------------------------------------- // Retrieve the root container of the document. //---------------------------------------------- CATInit *piInitOnDoc = NULL; rc = pDoc -> QueryInterface(IID_CATInit, (void**) &piInitOnDoc); if (FAILED(rc)) { cout << "ERROR in QueryInterface on CATInit for doc" << endl << flush; piCatalog -> Release(); return 3; } else cout << "QI on CATInit OK" << endl << flush; CATIContainer *piRootContainer = NULL; piRootContainer = (CATIContainer*) piInitOnDoc ->GetRootContainer(idCATIContainer); piInitOnDoc -> Release(); if (NULL == piRootContainer) { cout << "ERROR in GetRootContainer" << endl << flush; piCatalog -> Release(); return 4; } else cout << "GetRootContainer OK" << endl << flush; |
It is also necessary to retrieve the root container of the newly-created
document because, in this case, it is the container we will use to create new
features later on. The root container is retrieved using the GetRootContainer
method of CATInit.
CATBaseUnknown *pHistNovelSU = NULL; CATUnicodeString histNovelName("CAAOsmHistNovel"); CATUnicodeString histNovelType("CAAOsmHistNovel"); CATUnicodeString novelType("CAAOsmNovel"); rc = piCatalog -> CreateSUInCatalog (&pHistNovelSU, &histNovelName, &histNovelType, "CATISpecObject", &novelType); if (NULL == pHistNovelSU) { cout << "ERROR in creating CAAOsmHistNovel StartUp" << endl << flush; piRootContainer -> Release(); piCatalog -> Release(); return 8; } else cout << "CAAOsmHistNovel StartUp created OK" << endl << flush; // Get a CATISpecObject handle on the CAAOsmHistNovel StartUp CATISpecObject *piHistNovelSU = (CATISpecObject*) pHistNovelSU; |
A new StartUp called "CAAOsmHistNovel" is created in the new
catalog. It derives from the StartUp "CAAOsmNovel" of type
"CAAOsmNovel" found in the existing catalog we just loaded. The new
StartUp is created using the CreateSUInCatalog
method of CATICatalog.
This method takes as arguments:
// Add "CAAOsmHistNovel" attributes CATUnicodeString timePeriod("TimePeriod"); CATISpecAttribute *piTimePeriod = piHistNovelSU -> AddAttribute(timePeriod, tk_integer); if (NULL == piTimePeriod) cout << "ERROR in adding Time Period attribute" << endl << flush; else cout << "Time Period attribute added OK" << endl << flush; piTimePeriod -> Release(); CATUnicodeString subject("Subject"); CATISpecAttribute *piSubject = piHistNovelSU -> AddAttribute(subject, tk_string); if (NULL == piSubject) cout << "ERROR in adding Subject attribute" << endl << flush; else cout << "Subject attribute added OK" << endl << flush; piSubject -> Release(); |
New attributes are added to the StartUp using the AddAttribute
method of CATISpecObject. The new StartUp will possess these attributes
as well as those it inherited from its "supertype", the StartUp
"CAAOsmNovel" it is derived from.
CATISpecObject *piHistNovelInst1 = piHistNovelSU -> Instanciate(CATUnicodeString("CAAOsmHistNovel1"), piRootContainer); pHistNovelSU -> Release(); if (NULL != piHistNovelInst1) cout << "CAAOsmHistNovel SU instance 1 created OK" << endl << flush; else { cout << "ERROR in creating instance 1 of CAAOsmHistNovel SU" << endl << flush; piRootContainer -> Release(); piCatalog -> Release(); return 9; } piHistNovelInst1 -> Release(); |
To complete the example, a new feature is created from the StartUp by
instantiation using the Instanciate
method of CATISpecObject.
rc = ::SaveCatalog(&piCatalog, &newStgName); if (FAILED(rc)) { cout << "ERROR in saving catalog document" << endl << flush; return 10; } |
In order to save the new catalog, use the SaveCatalog
function. We use here the same name as for the creation of the catalog. Because
the AccessCatalog
method systematically looks for the catalog in
the "resources/graphic" directory under the current workspace, it is
simpler to save it there directly. In order to save the catalog, use the SaveCatalog
global function. Note that a Remove
operation need not be performed
on a catalog.
See the referenced article [4] for a detailed description of the steps to go through when saving the document.
This use case has demonstrated how to create a new feature instantiated from a StartUp that has been derived from another StartUp existing in an external catalog. Specifically, it has illustrated:
method of CATDocumentServicesCreateSUInCatalog
method of CATICatalogAddAttribute
method of CATISpecObjectInstanciate
method of CATISpecObjectSaveCatalog
global function.[Top]
[1] | Creating StartUps in Catalogs |
[2] | Feature Modeler Conceptual Overview |
[3] | Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case |
[4] | Creating a New Document |
[Top] |
Version: 1 [Jan 2000] | Document created |
Version: 2 [Nov 2000] | Document modified |
[Top] |
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