Mechanical Modeler 

Creating a New Geometrical Feature: the Combined Curve

A full example to create and integrate in the V5 your own geometrical features
Use Case


This use case explains how to create and integrate a new geometrical feature into CAA V5: the Combined Curve.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case illustrates the sub-section entitled "Creating a New Mechanical Feature" that you can see in the "Technical Articles" section of the Mechanical Modeler home page. Its main intent is to help you to make your first steps in creating a new geometrical feature. A geometrical feature being a mechanical feature with a geometrical result [1].  

You will learn to:

How to create a new StartUp, how to store it in a feature's catalog and how to instantiate it. For this part, you can you refer to the "Creating a New StartUp Deriving from a Mechanical StartUp" technical article [2] for details.

A feature is completely described by a set of behaviors, in other words interfaces. Some are inherited from the mechanical feature StartUp, but some need to be implemented. Among them, there are the mandatory interfaces (CATIBuild for example) and the Dassault Systèmes behavior interfaces to be fully integrated in the V5. The technical article entitled "Integrating a New Mechanical Feature in V5" give you an overview of these interfaces [3].

The Combined Curve use case forms a set of articles, each describing the creation or the integration. All of these articles illustrate how to integrate some components coming from various V5 frameworks, such as the Feature Modeler framework, the Geometric Modeler frameworks or the Dialog and DialogEngine frameworks. Their intent is to focus on the use of the three main V5 Mechanical Applications platform frameworks : MechanicalModeler, MechanicalModInterfaces and MechanicalModelerUI. A prerequisite knowledge of other frameworks may be required to fully understand this use case, some links with other CAA V5 use cases will help you navigate among them.

Before getting to the use case, it is important to get an understanding of what a Combined Curve is. This is the goal of the next section. You can skip it if you are already familiar with this concept.


What Is a Combined Curve

A Combined Curve is a curve resulting of the intersection of two surfaces,  each of them being extruded from a curve along a direction.

Consequently, a Combined Curve has two input curves also named profiles and two input directions.

Fig.1:Combined Curve Inputs

The two extruded surfaces are only temporary hidden support objects.


The Combined Curve Use Case

The Combined Curve is a use case of the framework that illustrates MechanicalModeler, MecModInterfaces and MechanicalModelerUI framework capabilities.


What Does the Combined Curve Use Case Do

The final intent of this use case is to create a wireframe feature of the Shape Design Workbench. It can be divided into several steps:

  1. Creating the new Combined Curve StartUp and storing it in a catalog - Creating Combined Curve's Catalog
  2. Here is an image of the "CAAMmrCombinedCurveCatalog" feature's catalog containing the CombinedCurve StartUp. You can note the input specifications: two curves and two directions, four features.

    Fig.2: The CombinedCurve StartUp

    The CombinedCurve is a mechanical feature and more precisely a geometrical feature, so the StartUp hierarchy is the following:

    Fig.3: The StartUps Hierarchy 
  3. Creating an interface to instantiate the new Combined Curve StartUp - Creating Combined Curve's Factory Interface
  4. To create instances of the CombinedCurve StartUp, you should create and implement a factory interface on the specification container [8]. This interface creates a new instance but do not set the newly instance in a geometrical features set [7]. 

    Fig.4: The CAAIMmrCombCrvFactory Interface

    CATPrtCont is the container containing all the specifications of the Part document. This factory interface uses the "CAAMmrCombinedCurveCatalog" catalog file created in the first step.

  5. Creating an interface to modify or retrieve the input specifications of the Combined Curve instances.- Creating Combined Curve's Interface of Type
  6. In the CATIBuild implementation, or in the Combined Curve edition command, it is mandatory to have an access to the input specifications of the new feature. It is the role of the CAAIMmrCombinedCurve interface. 

    Fig.5: The CAAIMmrCombinedCurve Interface

    With this interface you can retrieve or modify the two curves and the two directions.

  7. Integrating the Combined Curve in the V5  
  8. The technical article [3] explains that for a feature deriving from the GeometricalElement3D StartUp - Fig.3 - the interfaces to take into account to integrate it in the V5 can be classified in three cases:

    In short, the Combined Curve, deriving from a mechanical StartUp, benefits from mechanical behaviors, but it should or could implement other interfaces to be fully integrated in V5. The following interfaces are explained in this use case:

    Fig.10: The Combined Curve Interfaces to Implement

    The last three interfaces, CATICatalogEnable, CATICatalogSynchronize, CATICatalogInstantiation, being advanced interfaces, their implementations are not required for a first step.

  9. Creating Interactively Instances
  10. To create new instances of the Combined Curve, you will create an add-in of the Shape Design workbench into which you will add the Combined Curve Creation command. Creating an Add-in in the Shape Design Workbench


Overview of the Combined Curve Use Case Articles

The documentation of the Combined Curve use case contains the following articles:


How to Launch the Combined Curve Use Case

To launch the Combined Curve use case, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile the following modules of the framework along with their prerequisites:

Next, execute the use case [6]. Several steps must be followed in order to completely execute the use case:

mkrun -c "CAAMmrCreateCombCrvCatalog CatalogPath"

where CatalogPath is the path of the directory in which the "CAAMmrCombinedCurveCatalog.CATFct" file will be created. It is recommended that the new catalog be stored in the CNext + resources + graphic directory of the current framework; then, by updating the runtime view, the catalog will be moved to the runtime directory and will be accessible by subsequent programs. 

The Creation scenario:

The Edition scenario

The Contextual-SubMenu scenario

For the Component Catalog Integration scenario:

(*) The file is located in the directory

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.


Where to Find the Combined Curve Code

The Combined Curve use case is made of a several modules of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.

These modules are:



You can now successively get to:


In Short

The Combined Curve Sample shows how to create your own geometrical Feature.



[1] The Contents of the Specification Container - Geometrical Features
[2] Creating a New StartUp Deriving from a Mechanical StartUp
[3] Integrating a New Mechanical Feature in V5
[4] Integrating a New Geometrical Feature is the Update Mechanism
[5] Catalog Overview
[6] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case
[7] The Contents of the Specification Container - Geometrical Features Set
[8] The Structure of a Part Document


Version: 1 [Mar 2000] Document created
Version: 2 [Jan 2003] Document updated
Version: 3 [Jan 2005] Document updated for CATIMechanicalProperties introduction

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