JAVA Interactive Dashboard

Customizing IBM Rational Software Development Platform

How to set up the CAAV5 tools for a JAVA development environment

Technical Article


This article is intended for those of you who wish to develop JAVA code in the CAA development environment. Here, you will find how to write your JAVA code while having access to all the CAA development tools and how to debug your code in IBM Rational Software Development Platform (IRAD).

This article describes the functionalities offered by the JAVA Visual Dashboard, its menus and commands and how it interacts with the IRAD environment.

In the rest of this article, labels of buttons or menus from the JAVA Visual Dashboard are written using "this format".

Activating the IRAD Customization

After installing JID on a workstation, you can activate the customization of IRAD. This activation step must be performed if you want to access JID tools from IRAD.

  1. Launch IRAD.
  2. From the File menu, access the New->Project menu.
  3. In the New Project window, select Java Project. Click Next>.
  4. In the Project name field, enter the name of the project and click Finish.
  5. From the Window menu, select Customize Perspective.... The Customize Perspective window opens.
  6. In the Commands tab, check CAAActionsSets and click OK.

Now, the new menus CAA Project and Source Code Management are available in IRAD. The CAA Output View will appear when needed by the dashboard (see below).

Overview of the JAVA Visual Dashboard

The JAVA Visual Dashboard is an interactive application that allows you to:

These functionalities are available through the menu items.

Working on a Workspace in the JAVA Dashboard

Your last project is reopened when launching IRAD. You simply need to open it for CAA to initialize the tools.

  1. From the Window menu, select Show View->Navigator.
  2. In the Navigator view, right-click the workspace that you want to open, such as MyProject in this example, and select Open CAAV5 Workspace. The Open CAAV5 Workspace dialog box is displayed.
    • In the Open with combo box, select Mkmk (what is proposed in our example) to open this workspace in order to work with mkmk, or Mkmk and Source Code Manager to work with mkmk and the Workspace Manager (if installed).
    • The Workspace Directory field is filled in by default with the path name of the selected workspace.
    • In Tool level, select the version of mkmk (CXR17 in our example). Click OK. (See picture below.)
    • Click Close in the Initializing tools dialog box.

  3. From the CAA Project menu, select Update/Generate Source Folders.... A file tree appears which can be expanded/collapsed to respectively display or hide internal modules.
  4. Check your framework/module to select it for project generation.
    • If you check a framework, projects will be generated for it and for all the modules it contains.
    • Conversely if you check only a subset of the modules in a framework, a project will be generated for this framework and the checked modules, other modules won't be processed.
  5. Click OK to include the selected frameworks and modules into your source path.

Accessing Code Builder Commands From the JAVA Dashboard

You can find information on how to access Code Builder commands in Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 2.

Accessing Source Code Manager commands in the JAVA Dashboard

You can find information on how to access Source Code Manager commands in Workflow Management.

Creating Your First Elements in the JAVA Dashboard

You can find information on how to get started with the JAVA dashboard and create your first elements in Getting started with the JAVA Dashboard.

In Short

Now you are ready to work using both the Java Interactive Dashboard environment and CAAV5 tools. The next article we advise you to read is Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1 [1] where you will find explanations about how to use the others commands. If you are familiar with mkmk commands or Workspace Manager commands, you will find the corresponding Java Dashboard menus and commands in Workbench Commands Mapping [2].



[1] Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1
[2] Workbench Commands Mapping
[3] Getting started with the JAVA Dashboard
[4] JID Troubleshooting


Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created
Version: 2 [May 2005] Document updated

Copyright © 2006, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.