Workflow Management

Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM

Source Code Manager features in the dashboards

Technical Article


This article describes the use of Source Code Manager (SCM) commands that can be found in IBM Rational Software Development Platform (IRAD), other commands (especially mkmk and related functionalities) are detailed in another article: Principles of use - How to Open and Build a CAAV5 Workspace.

If you are working with the C++ Interactive Dashboard and your Developer Studio environment has not been set-up for CAAV5 tools, we advise you to read Customizing IRAD in which you will find information to help you to set it up and to migrate a CAAV5 File Tree in a format which is usable by IRAD.

Finally, if you are familiar with the use of CAAV5 commands, the Workbench Commands Mapping article will give you the correspondences between DOS/shell commands and Developer Studio or Java Dashboard menus and dialog boxes.

Note that in the rest of this paper, labels of menus or window items are written using this format.

Getting Started

Running the First Command

Even if they appear in IRAD menus, Workspace Manager commands do not work until you open a workspace which is managed by it.

If you try to use them before opening a workspace you will get the following message:

There are three situations to study:

Opening a Workspace

  1. In the Navigator view, right-click a project and select the Open CAAV5 Workspace command. The Open CAA V5 Workspace dialog box displays.
  2. In the With: combo box, select Mkmk & Source Code Manager to enable the last three fields. You will also access mkmk commands (instead of the Mkmk choice which does not give access to Source Code Manager commands).

  1. Enter the name of the workspace in the Workspace Name field.
  2. In the Tool level combo box, select a tool level and click OK. A log window appears while your environment is updated and the workspace opened. When this window has disappeared, IRAD loads the project files it stored in your workspace and you are ready to work.

Working with SCM

Source Code Manager commands are useful for workgroup support, that is when several people work on the same software and need to share their files. Using the Source Code Manager each person create its workspace, all workspaces declared in a base are organized in a tree whose top is called BSF, intermediate levels are typed project and leaves are development workspaces: the commands available from the dashboard are those needed in this kind of workspace, if you need other commands you can open a DOS window in which you can run any of them from the workspace currently opened in IRAD.

Working Locally in Your Workspace

When working with the Workspace Manager any action performed on the content of the workspace file system must be declared - registered in a repository - to the Workspace Manager:

Declaring new CNext directories

New CNext directories must be declared only if they have been created in your workspace, not if they have been copied from another workspace (because they might have already been declared from this other workspace).

  1. From the Source Code Management menu, select the Declare Directory in Database... command.
  2. Use the file tree displayed and select the directories to register using the corresponding check buttons.

Note that:

Declaring new files

Like for directories, files created in your workspace must be registered in the Workspace Manager repository. To do so, select the Declare File in Database... command from the Source Code Management menu.

When you click OK, a log window is displayed while the files are being registered. After the completion, the selected files are no more writable except if you checked the Check-Out check box, in this case each file is checked out after its registration, so you can continue to work on it.

Any (source) file needed to build a component must be declared to the Workspace Manager because the tool doesn't browse your file system to find what has been created, modified or deleted. If you want to know if all has been registered you can ask the Workspace Manager to check your file system.
Deleting Files

Any file or directory can be removed from any workspace, however, considering the deletion of components is not a task devoted to developers, no command to remove a directory has been provided through IRAD.

Note that:
  • The deletion of any data will be propagated to other workspaces, if you just want to clean up your workspace, use the Detach Frameworks\Modules command instead.
  • You must use Workspace Manager commands to remove data from your workspace because it will detect inconsistencies if you do not do so.

To delete a file, from the Source Code Management menu, select Move/Rename/Remove->Remove a File. The file which is automatically selected is the one currently edited in IRAD.

You can select files in the file tree.

Moving directories or files

You can move and rename directories or files by using Move/Rename... available in the Source Code Management->Move/Rename/Remove sub-menu.

To Move a file or a directory

Select the file or directory to move, and drag & drop it to the destination directory, or use the Cut and Paste contextual menu items.

To Rename a file or a directory

Select the file or the directory to rename, and click once more to modify the name, or use the Rename contextual menu command.

Modifying existing files

Before modifying a file, check it out from the Workspace Manager repository, the main interest being to indicate that this file is being modified and that any further command should take care of it:

To check-out a file, select Check-Out from the Source Code Management menu. The current edited file is selected by default. As you may want to check-out several files at the same time you can select several files in the file tree.

It is possible to check-out a file in a special mode named private. In this case, the file can be modified but the system will prevent you from delivering this file. For instance, when you want to modify some files for debug purpose, you do not want these modifications to be promoted with other normal modifications. To do so, from the Source Code Management menu, select the Private Files->Check-Out Private File command. The file which is currently edited will be checked-out in private mode.
Check Your Workspace Against Database

The purpose of checking your workspace against the (Workspace Manager) database is to detect files which are not yet managed or which have been edited without checking them out. This command helps you prepare your workspace to be delivered to other people because only modifications declared to the Workspace Manager will be delivered afterwards.

Check messages are displayed in the Mkmk output window that lets you run omitted commands without losing these traces. The detected errors can be:

To fix these errors, you can:

  1. Declare missing files in the database using Declare File in Database....
  2. Extract the file from the database by projecting the embedding directory, consult the adl_project reference page.
  3. Change the file mode using Windows commands. You might have modified this file without checked-out it, check it now:

Working With Other People

When working in a development workspace, only 2 commands are necessary to exchange data with other people. A development workspace has a father workspace and no son, so the only data flow is to or from the father workspace:

Most of the time, these three commands do not require any parameter, however particular options can be specified in the common dialog box, consult the adl_promote and adl_sync reference pages to learn about their usage.
If you work in a project workspace and if you want to use Workspace Manager commands from IRAD, open a DOS window to run commands such as adl_collect or adl_publish.

Working With Multiplatform Workspaces

A multiplaform workspace is a workspace having one database representation and two file system representations: one on a Windows machine and another one on a Unix machine. The process to create such a workspace is broken down into three steps:

  1. Create the workspace. This can be done on Unix or Windows, the workspace is associated with a file system which is specified at creation.
  2. If you want to access this workspace from the other operating system, associate another file system with the same workspace. To do so, use adl_set_ws.
  3. Once this second file system representation is associated with the workspace, it can be filled with files coming from the other side. To do so, use adl_refresh.

If you consider that one workspace can have two file system representations, it is possible to work on only one platform at a time. When you work on one platform and you need to work on the other one, two commands can prove useful:

  1. Register the content of your current working workspace. To do so, use the dedicated command adl_photo or any command which leads to data transfer between workspaces (adl_sync, adl_promote).
  2. Project the files corresponding to this photo to the other side:
To run one of these 2 commands from IRAD, from the Source Code Management menu, select Unix -- NT->Photo or Refresh.

Getting Information on the Current Workspace Status

This section gathers commands used to obtain information on your current workspace. You can:

Displaying the Workspace Status

From the Source Code Management menu, select Information->Display Workspace Status.

Displaying the Workspace Hierarchy

This command can be used to display the names of existing workspaces and how they are organized. From the Source Code Management menu, select Information->List Workspaces.

You can choose to display workspaces under or above a given workspace or to display workspaces owned by a given user.

It is possible to list deleted workspaces because, even if they cannot be used any more, they still exist in the repository.

Listing Frameworks/Modules

This command is especially useful to know what frameworks and modules can be attached to the current workspace. A workspace can attach only copies of frameworks and modules which are managed in its father workspace.
From the Source Code Management menu, select Information->List Frameworks or List Modules .

In the dialog boxes opposite, the Attached ... radio button corresponds to data already present in your workspace while the Visible ... radio buttons allows you to display also what can be attached.

Listing Checked-out or Private Files

This command lists the files you have checked out since the last photo of your workspace, a photo is done each time you ask for it (Source Code Management->Information->Photo) or when you exchange data with another workspace (promotion, synchronization). Note that the command lists private files too.

To list checked-out or private files, select Information->List Checked-out files from the Source Code Management menu.


In Short



[1] Customizing IBM Rational Software Development Platform
[2] Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1
[3] JID Troubleshooting


Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created
Version: 2 [May 2005] Document updated

Copyright © 2006, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.