Source Code Manager


Setting characteristics of a workspace

Quick Reference


The adl_set_ws command defines or updates parameters of a workspace.


adl_set_ws [workspace_name] [-tree ws_tree_name...] [-merge_at_collect | -no_merge_at_collect] [-sync_for_promote | -no_sync_for_promote] [-promo_child | -promo_any] [-sync_cmd | -no_sync_cmd] [-promote_cmd | -no_promote_cmd] [-flow_traces | -no_flow_traces] [[-tck tool_config_key | -no_local_tck] [-ws_type change_request_ws_type] [-publication_type publication_type] [-promo_with_cr change_request_mode | -no_local_promo_with_cr] [-check_caa_rules | -no_check_caa_rules | -no_local_check_caa_rules] [-soft_level software_level] [-h | -help | -?]


When a workspace is created with the [1] adl_mk_ws command, parameters are set automatically. To modify some of those parameters, you can run the adl_set_ws command.

This command has several options allowing the modification of the following characteristics:

Most part of the characteristics are useful to control data flow arriving in the concerned workspace.  

By default a change for a characteristic is applied in all trees the workspace exists in. Otherwise use the -tree option to reduce the effect of the command to a subset of trees.



adl_set_ws accepts the following options:  

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
workspace_name Name of the new workspace
-tree ws_tree_name... List of trees in which the command must have effect.
-merge_at_collect Merges are allowed at collect in the workspace.
-no_merge_at_collect Merges are forbidden at collect in the workspace (default mode).
-sync_for_promote Child workspaces must be synchronized with the last revision for promote (default mode).
-no_sync_for_promote For child workspaces, no check on the synchronized status for promote
-promo_child The workspace allows promotion requests from its child workspaces only (default mode).
-promo_any The workspace allows promotion requests from its child or parent workspaces..
-sync_cmd The command adl_sync can be run for this workspace (default mode).
-no_sync_cmd The command adl_sync is forbidden for this workspace.
-promote_cmd The command adl_promote can be run for this workspace (default mode).
-no_promote_cmd The command adl_promote is forbidden in this workspace.
-flow_traces For flow commands, traces are written in files
-no_flow_traces For flow commands, traces are not written in a file
-tck tool_config_key The tool config key to associate with the workspace
-no_local_tck No tool config key is associated with the workspace.
-ws_type change_request_ws_type To set workspace type for change request (Internal Dassault Systemes)
-publication_type publication_type To set the publication mode.
DEFAULT: The publication is automatic for workspace without children workspaces and manual for the others (default mode)
AUTOMATIC: The publication is automatic
MANUAL: The publication is manual (to do by the command adl_publish)
-promo_with_cr change_request_mode To set change request mode for the command adl_promote for all child workspaces recursively.
NONE: To turn off any change request management (default mode).
OPTIONAL: To set change request management optional (internal DS only).
MANDATORY: To set change request management mandatory (internal DS only).
-no_local_promo_with_cr The change request mode is not locally defined on the workspace.
-check_caa_rules The CAA rules are checked for all child workspaces recursively.
-no_check_caa_rules The CAA rules are not checked for all child workspaces recursively.
-no_local_check_caa_rules The CAA rules check or not is not locally defined on the workspace.
-soft_level software_level The software level to associate for all child workspaces recursively.



Update of the parameters of "MyWsDev" workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_set_ws -no_merge_at_collect -sync_for_promote


Update of the parameters of "MyOtherWs" workspace:  

adl_set_ws MyOtherWs -promo_child -no_flow_traces


Update of the "MyWsDev" workspace without changing the current directory, without any display:  

adl_set_ws MyWsDev -sync_cmd -tck MyToolConfigKey



adl_mk_ws: creating workspace
adl_promote: sending modifications to the parent workspace



Version: 2 [Oct 2001] New options -promote_cmd, -publication_type, -tree
Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.