Source Code Manager


Creating a workspace

Quick Reference


The adl_mk_ws command creates a new workspace in an existing tree. 


adl_mk_ws workspace_name -parent_ws parent_workspace_name  [-all_trees | -tree tree_name...] [-tck tool_config_key] {[-image image_name] -dir directory [-local_dir] [-force]| -no_image} [-h | -help | -?]


A workspace is unique on a given site.
Only one workspace can be created at a given time, on a given site. To know the name of the workspaces on a given site, run the [1] adl_ls_ws command.

The new workspace is created as a child of an already existing workspace on the current site (the name of a workspace is unique on a given site) and can become the parent workspace of a new workspace in the given tree: this workspace can collect the developments promoted from the new child workspace, and it is from this workspace that a new child workspace will retrieve the updated developments (synchronization).

If the parent workspace is a multi-tree workspace, it is possible to create the new workspace:
- either in all the trees in which the parent workspace exist, using the “–all_trees” option
- or in only some of the trees; the names must be given as parameter of the “-tree” option. In this case, the parent workspace must exist in all the given trees.

If the parent workspace is a mono-tree workspace, it is useless to give the name of this tree.

The creation of the workspace can be done at the same time as the creation of an image. This image is specified by a name (optional) and by a root directory associated with the workspace.
With the “–local_dir” option, you can specify that the image is local to the current machine. If no option is specified, the system considers that the image can always be seen from the access path given at the creation.
With the “–force” option, you can give a path to a directory already associated with another image.
To find out more on the naming rules for the image directories, refer to the [4] adl_mk_image command.
It is possible to create no image when a new workspace is created (see “–no_image” option). Note that it is possible to create one, or more, image(s) later with the [4] adl_mk_image command.

To begin working with the new created workspace, run the [2] adl_ch_ws command.

For more information on the naming rules, see the [5] naming rules document.

To create data, module or elements to work in the workspace, run the [6] creation commands: adl_mk_mod, adl_mk_dir, adl_mk_data, adl_mk_elem.


Working environment

To set up your working environment, execute first the tck_init profile, then the tck_profile command.

Once the SCM profile is executed, the user accesses the SCM commands, but not the other tools (mkmk, mkodt,…). The working environment management is now made by the TCKs tools (Tool Configuration Key) which manage the definition and the different accessible tools levels.
See the TCKs documentation for more details.

If you want to inherit all the tools for a given level in your working environment, you can:



adl_mk_ws accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
workspace_name Name of the new workspace
-parent_ws parent_ws_name Name of the parent workspace
-tree tree_name Name of the tree in which the workspace will be created
-all_trees The workspace will be created in all the trees where the parent workspace exists
-tck tool_config_key The tool config key associated to the workspace
-image image_name Name of the image. Default names are "UNIX" and "WINDOWS"
-dir directory_name Path of the image to create. If this directory does not exist, it will be created
-local_dir The path is local to the current host
-force Ignore the old image created in the same directory
-no_image No image will be created for the workspace



Creation of the "MyWsDev" workspace under the "MyParentWs" parent workspace:

adl_mk_ws MyWsDev -parent_ws MyParentWs


Creation of the MyWsDev under the "MyParentWs" parent workspace in the tree ToolsTree:

adl_mk_ws MyWsDev -parent_ws MyParentWs -tree ToolsTree


Selection of the MyWsDev workspace without changing the current directory, without any display: 

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev -no_image -no_ds





adl_ls_ws: listing workspaces in a tree
adl_ch_ws: changing to a workspace
adl_ds_ws: displaying workspace status
adl_mk_image: creating an image
naming rules document
adl_mk_mod: creating module
adl_mk_dir: creating directory
adl_mk_data: creating data
adl_mk_elem: creating element



Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.