Source Code Manager
Using SCM from Programs
Building a customized environment upon SCM |
Use Case |
This article explains how to use SCM commands from programs (like shell, bat or
Setting Up the Environment
SCM is provided as a set of commands having one single syntax whatever the current
operating system is, Windows or UNIX.
These commands are available as soon as the environment has been set by running the
corresponding profile. Note that two profiles are available depending on the type of
commands to be used (user or administrator).
In addition, almost all commands operate having a current working workspace (and
possibly a current working image). So, for a given command, consult its usage to know if a
"-ws" option is available, if not, it is needed to execute the adl_ch_ws command to set a
current workspace.
From a bat or shell program
When the SCM profile is executed in a shell/bat program, all commands that are executed
in this shell/bat inherit the environment. In the same way, when a current workspace is
selected by the adl_ch_ws command, all further commands are executed within this current
workspace. Here is an example of a shell program:
# Call tck_init to access TCK commands
. /CAA/solaris_a/code/command/tck_init
# Set the environment to access CAA tools (including SCM)
tck_profile V5R18
# Select a current workspace
adl_ch_ws $1
# run commands in this workspace...
From an Executable
When commands are run from an executable, they are executed in a dedicated environment
inherited from the executable environment. So, if SCM commands were available before
running the executable, they can still be used from it.
However there is one command having a special
behavior: the adl_ch_ws command.
This command sets SCM environment variables and also executes the tck_profile command in
case the TCK associated with the new current workspace is different from the current one.
As those operations are performed in a sub-environment, the new environment can't be seen
from the executable and, by the way , the next commands won't be executed in the right
So, if a program needs to set the current working workspace while it is running, the adl_ch_ws
command must be called in a shell/bat program whose purpose will be to call it, then to save all environment variables in a temporary file. This file will be
loaded by the main program which will change its current environment with the variables read from the file.
$ cat ch_ws.cpp
// Execute external program to change the current workspace
sprintf(cmd, "adl_transfer_ch_ws.sh %s /tmp/ADLTransferMngrTmp.txt",workspacename);
int code = system(cmd);
// Load the new current environment
FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/ADLTransferMngrTmp.txt", "r");
$ cat adl_transfer_ch_ws.sh
# $1 is the workspace name
# $2 is the temporary file into which the new environment will be stored
adl_ch_ws $1 >/tmp/ADLTransferChWsTmp2.$$ 2>&1
# If the ch_ws_i command failed, no need to set up the current environment
if [ $rtcode -ne 0 ]
cat /tmp/ADLTransferChWsTmp2.$$
\rm -f /tmp/ADLTransferChWsTmp*.$$
exit $rtcode
# Using ksh, execute with '.'
. /tmp/ADLTransferChWsTmp1.$$ >>/tmp/ADLTransferChWsTmp2.$$ 2>&1
# Return the new current directory because changed due to adl_ch_ws_i
pwd > $1
# Print the new environment variables in the file that will be read by the calling program
env >> $1
exit $rtcode
The "-program" Option
This option is available on commands that are often used in programs. Its purpose is:
- To restrict the display to information only
- To provide the same information whatever the current language is (NLS)
- To provide a format of information that can be used as input for other programs (grep,
awk, etc)
Here is an example of the output of a command with and without the "-program" option. We can see that
using the "-program" option:
- There is no title for the output
- NLS comments are replaced by integer or constant string
- 0 or 1 is used for Boolean values
- A string is used for enumerate values
- The second column has been split into two columns to ease its use by another program
Tree name Contents server Database CAA rules Change req. mode Software level
MMCXR8 cologne:23500 ADLS11 Not checked Mandatory CXR8
TESTOPENCXR7 cologne:23500 ADLS15 Not checked Mandatory CXR7
TOOLSTST cologne:23500 ADLS11 Not checked Optional CXR8
TREE1_INDUS cologne:23500 ADLS11 Not checked None
E:\>adl_ls_tree -program
MMCXR8 cologne 23500 ADLS11 0 MANDATORY CXR8
TREE1_INDUS cologne 23500 ADLS11 0 NONE \0
The following commands, classified in four groups, provide the -program option.
For the first four commands (adl_ds_ws, adl_ds_chg, adl_ds_promo and
adl_diff_ws_rev), there are so many information to display that keywords are
- A keyword is given at the beginning of each line.
- Information associated with each keyword are displayed after the
- Keywords are the same for the three following commands: adl_ds_chg, adl_diff_ws_rev and adl_ds_promo.
- Keywords are different for the adl_ds_ws command.
The "-program" option for adl_ds_promo, adl_ds_chg
and adl_diff_ws_rev commands has the following keywords:
- __SO_CHG
The "-program" option for adl_collect and adl_sync
commands has the following keywords:
- __SO_CHG
The "-program" option for adl_ds_ws command has the following keywords:
- _WS
The "-program" option for all the adl_ls_xxx commands has no
Dealing With Blanks in File
When treating commands' outputs, blanks in strings may cause programs to miss some
parameters. To avoid that, almost all commands supporting the -program option
provide the -sep or -separator option in order to specify a
character or a string as a separator between fields in output
Here is an example of the adl_ls_fw command's output with or without the -sep option.
Note: we recommend '|' (pipe) as field separator because it does not belong to the character set
allowed for file names [1].
More precisely, here are the rules the separator must follow:
- it cannot be a digit or an alphabetical character
- it cannot be an underscore '_'
- it cannot be a backslash '\'
E:\>adl_ls_fw -program
a fw FRAMEWORK 1 cga Demo_tree1
fw1 FRAMEWORK 1 cga Demo_tree1
fw1.tst FRAMEWORK 1 cga Demo_tree1
E:\>adl_ls_fw -program -sep "|"
a fw|FRAMEWORK|1|cga|Demo_tree1
The -sep option is also used to be sure that any character must be taken. The
example below shows a file name containing spaces and a quote.
E:\>adl_ls_out -program -sep "|"
+0CHxaBSpiMMg3+++-m+-c_CIQb2R5cn9+3+++-V+6C|a fw
+0CHxaBSpiMMg3+++-m+-c_CIQc-h5cn9+3+++-Pk5V|fw1/PublicInterfaces/I'm a file .h
+0CHxaBSpiMMg3+++-m+-c_CIQaNx5cn9+3+++-WE-l|fw1/PublicInterfaces/a file name .h
Dealing With Strings
Information that are considered as strings are transformed when printing them
in -program mode. Here are the translation rules:
- all the <field separator> characters are replaced by the sequence
- all the backslash characters '\' are doubled "\\"
- all <end of line> are replaced by the sequence "\n"
- No information is displayed by the sequence "\0"
Tree name Contents server Database CAA rules Mode Software level
T10 cologdsy:23500 ADLS11 Not checked None
T11 cologdsy:23500 ADLS11 Not checked None With|Pipe|
T1 flam1dsy:23500 ADLS11 Checked None V5R10
T2 flam1dsy:23500 ADLS11 Not checked None With\Backslash\
E:\>adl_ls_tree -program -sep "|"
Redirecting Outputs in Files
Both on Windows and UNIX platforms, the '>' symbol can be used for redirecting
programs' outputs into a file. However some SCM commands provide the -out option
for that purpose. Another interest of this option is that it prevents outputs to be
registered in users' log files. Those log files exist for administrative reasons and
contain all commands' outputs. Commands like adl_ls_out cause this log files to become
very big and the use of the -out option avoids this side effect.
Commands that provide the -out option are:
- adl_diff_ws_rev
- adl_ds_chg
- adl_ds_promo
- adl_ls_cfg_br
- adl_collect
- adl_ls_contents_server
- adl_ls_fw
- adl_ls_merge
- adl_ls_out
- adl_ls_promo
- adl_ls_req
- adl_ls_resp
- adl_ls_site
- adl_ls_transfer
- adl_ls_tree
- adl_ls_ws
- adl_ls_ws_rev
- adl_ls_cs
- adl_ds_cs
Structure of the information for adl_promote,
adl_ds_chg and adl_diff_ws_rev commands
Each keyword has several information. For each information, several values
are possible.
The structures of the information that are described below are given
according to the following rules:
- the fields are listed in the order they appear in output
- the <...> notation indicates a string
- keywords in uppercase are the words that
can be found in output
- a pipe character '|' corresponds to different
possible values
WS_CONTEXT : for adl_ds_promo and adl_ds_chg, this
keyword is followed by information about the workspace specified to the
command. For adl_diff_ws_rev, information are related to the most
recent workspace version involved in the computation of differences
- <WsTreeCaseName> : name of the tree
<WsTreeId> : unique database identifier of this tree (computed by SCM)
<WsCaseName> : name of the workspace
<WsId> : unique database identifier of this workspace (computed by SCM)
<CurrentWsRevId> : unique database identifier of the workspace revision (computed by SCM)
<CurrentConfigRevId> : unique database identifier of the configuration
revision (computed by SCM)
<CurrentHistoryRank> : history rank of the workspace in the tree <WsTreeCaseName>
- _SOFT_OBJ : information related to one software object managed in SCM
<SoftObjPath> : relative path to the software object
- DEL | NOT_DEL : state of the software object, seen as
deleted or not
- <SoftObjId> : unique database identifier of the software object (computed by SCM)
object type
- FOLDER | FILE : the software object is a
directory or a file
- COMPONENT | ELEMENT : a component is either a
framework, a module or a data. An element is a directory or a file and
belongs to a component.
- <ResponsibleName> | <NULL> | <NOT_AVAILABLE> : the name of
the responsible of the object. <NULL> if no responsible is defined for the object.
<NOT_AVAILABLE> if the information is not available for this command (adl_ds_promo,
<OldSoftObjPath> | <NULL> : old relative path to the software object
if the object has been moved. <NULL> if the software object has been
created, deleted or modified.
The following keywords __SO_CHG_GRP_CR, ___SO_CHG and ____CREATED
are always displayed together and:
- if there is a merge to be solved, there are 2 (or more) groups of (___SO_CHG,
- for a file creation there are five different __SO_CHG_GRP_CR types,
one for each modification type (CH_DELETED | MOVE | CH_DESCR | CH_CONTENT |
CH_EXEC). The content of
the ___SO_CHG line is described for each type.
- for a directory creation, there are three different __SO_CHG_GRP_CR
types, one for each modification type (CH_DELETED | MOVE | CH_DESCR).
- if the change is associated with a change set, there is one
more line (____CHANGE_SET) and also one line per
change request (____CHANGE_REQUEST) linked with
the change set.
- __SO_CHG_GRP_CR contents information related to a modification group
in a configuration revision
- <GroupId> : unique database identifier of the modification group in the configuration revision
SCM modification type of the software object
<WsCaseName> : workspace name
<WsCaseId> : unique database identifier of the workspace <WsCaseName> (computed by SCM)
<CommandName> : SCM command which created the modification group
in the configuration revision
<ModificationDate> : date of the execution of this command
<CommandName>, in the following format:
Year/Month/Day-Hour:Minute:Second YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS
- ___SO_CHG contents information related to the change itself. Two
parts in the data: the first part is the same for five cases, the second
part is different, depending on the modification type.
- ___SO_CHG content for the CH_DELETED modification:
- First part:
common to the five different cases
- <ModifId> : unique database modification identifier (computed by SCM)
SCM modification type of the object
- PROJ | NOT_PROJ : Projected element or not
- NOT_TO_MERGE | TO_MERGE : indicates whether merges are allowed
or not
- Second part:
relative to the modification type
- NOT_DEL | DEL : indicates whether the
software object is deleted
or not
the change is the result of a merge (type of merge) or not.
- ___SO_CHG content for the MOVE modification:
- First part:
common to the five different cases
- <ModifId> : unique database modification identifier (computed by SCM)
SCM modification type of the object
- PROJ | NOT_PROJ : Projected element or not
- NOT_TO_MERGE | TO_MERGE : indicates whether merges are allowed
or not
Second part:
relative to the modification type
<FolderPath> | <NULL> : Path of the folder. <NULL> if
software object is a framework
- DEL | NOT_DEL | <NULL> : The folder is seen as deleted or not.
<NULL> if software object is a framework
<FolderId> | <NULL> : unique database identifier of the
folder (computed by SCM). <NULL> if software object is a framework
- <SoftwareObjectName> : software object name
the change is the result of a merge (type of merge) or not.
- ___SO_CHG content for the CH_CONTENT modification:
- First part:
common to the five different cases
- <ModifId> : unique database modification identifier (computed by SCM)
SCM modification type of the object
- PROJ | NOT_PROJ : Projected element or not
- NOT_TO_MERGE | TO_MERGE : indicates whether merges are allowed
or not
Second part:
relative to the modification type
<FileContentId> : unique database file content identifier (computed by SCM)
TEXT|BINARY : type of file content
<FileContentDate> : date of the file content in the following format:
Year/Month/Day-Hour:Minute:Second YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS
<FileContentSize> : Size of the file content in the contents server (size in
change is the result of a merge (type of merge) or not.
- ___SO_CHG content for the CH_EXEC modification:
- First part:
common to the five different cases
- <ModifId> : unique database modification identifier (computed by SCM)
SCM modification type of the object
- PROJ | NOT_PROJ : Projected element or not
- NOT_TO_MERGE | TO_MERGE : indicates whether merges are allowed
or not
- Second part:
relative to the modification type
- UNIX_NOT_EXEC | UNIX_EXEC : indicates whether
the file is executable on Unix systems or not
the change is the result of a merge (type of merge) or not.
- ___SO_CHG content for the CH_DESCR modification:
- First part:
common to the five different cases
- <ModifId> : unique database modification identifier (computed by SCM)
SCM modification type of the object
- PROJ | NOT_PROJ : Projected element or not
- NOT_TO_MERGE | TO_MERGE : indicates whether merges are allowed
or not
- Second part:
relative to the modification type
- <DescriptionId> | <NULL> : unique database description
identifier (computed by SCM). <NULL> if there is no
- <Summary>: Text of the summary
- <FileContentId> | <NULL> : unique database description
file content identifier (computed by SCM). <NULL> if there is no
description file
the change is the result of a merge (type of merge) or not.
- ____CREATED contents information related to the modification
- <UserName> : user modification creation name
- <UserId> : unique database user identifier (computed by SCM)
- <CommandName> : SCM command name launched which inducted the modification
- <ModificationDate> : date of the modification creation, in the following format:
Year/Month/Day-Hour:Minute:Second YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS
- <WsCaseName> : workspace name where the modification has been created
- <WsCaseId> : unique database identifier of this workspace <WsCaseName> (computed by SCM)
- <TreeCaseName> : tree name where the modification has been created
- <TreeCaseId> : unique database identifier of this tree <TreeCaseName>
(computed by SCM)
- <SiteName> : site name where the modification has been created
- <SiteId> : unique database identifier of this site <SiteName>
(computed by SCM)
- ____CHANGE_SET contents information about
the change set associated with the change
- _____CHANGE_REQUEST contents change
request information of the change set (one line per change request associated
with the change set) (DS only)
E:\>adl_ds_promo W11
Promotion requested by "W11" (workspace revision "W11.T1.93") in workspace tree "T1" on Monday, July 21, 2003 06:17:42 PM
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\File1.cpp has been modified
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\File2.cpp has been deleted
MyFw\MyModule.m\src\File3.cpp has been created
E:\>adl_ds_promo W11 -program -sep "|"
____CREATED|nle|nle ________________|adl_ci|2003/07/21-18:02:11|W11|CZBGc60srgs0++-kAU+7|T1|CZBFhM0srgs0++-jgU+3|SiteDSY|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
____CREATED|nle|nle ________________|adl_rm|2003/07/21-18:01:13|W11|CZBGc60srgs0++-kAU+7|T1|CZBFhM0srgs0++-jgU+3|SiteDSY|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
____CREATED|nle|nle ________________|adl_mk_elem|2003/07/21-18:00:38|W11|CZBGc60srgs0++-kAU+7|T1|CZBFhM0srgs0++-jgU+3|SiteDSY|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
____CREATED|nle|nle ________________|adl_mk_elem|2003/07/21-18:00:38|W11|CZBGc60srgs0++-kAU+7|T1|CZBFhM0srgs0++-jgU+3|SiteDSY|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
____CREATED|nle|nle ________________|adl_mk_elem|2003/07/21-18:00:38|W11|CZBGc60srgs0++-kAU+7|T1|CZBFhM0srgs0++-jgU+3|SiteDSY|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
____CREATED|nle|nle ________________|adl_mk_elem|2003/07/21-18:00:38|W11|CZBGc60srgs0++-kAU+7|T1|CZBFhM0srgs0++-jgU+3|SiteDSY|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
____CREATED|nle|nle ________________|adl_mk_elem|2003/07/21-18:00:38|W11|CZBGc60srgs0++-kAU+7|T1|CZBFhM0srgs0++-jgU+3|SiteDSY|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
Structure of
information for adl_ds_cs command
Each keyword has several information. For each information, several values
are possible.
The structures of the information that are described below are given
according to the following rules:
- the fields are listed in the order they appear in output
- the <...> notation indicates a string
- keywords in uppercase are the words that
can be found in output
- a pipe character '|' corresponds to different
possible values
information related to one change set managed in SCM
- <ChangeSetCaseName> : name of the change set
- <ChangeSetId> : unique database identifier of this
change set (computed by SCM)
- DEL | NOT_DEL : state of the change set, deleted or not
- OPENED | NOT_OPENED : State of the change set : opened or
- <Description> : Description of the change set
- <WsName> : Workspace where the change set was created
- <WsId> : unique database identifier of this workspace <WsName>
(computed by SCM)
- CURRENT | NOT_CURRENT> : indicates if this change set is
information related to the change requests associated to the change set. One
group per change request. (DS only)
- Change request type (DEFECT, HIGHLIGHT, etc...)
- Change request identifier (<DefectId>, <HighLightId>,
- _CREATED_CS contents
information related to the creation of the change set
- <UserName> : user who has created this change set
- <UserId> : unique database identifier of this user <UserName>
(computed by SCM)
- <CommandName> : indicates the command from which the
change set was created
- <CreationDate> : creation date of the change set
- <WsName> : workspace where the change set was created
- <WsId> : unique database identifier of this workspace <WsName>
(computed by SCM)
- <SiteName> : site name where the change set was created
- <SiteId> : unique database identifier of this site
<SiteName> (computed by SCM)
- CURRENT | NOT_CURRENT : indicates if this change set is
- _SOFT_OBJ One line
per software object modified.
- ___SO_CHG and ____CREATED
One group per software object change.
- ____SO_CHG_WS contents
information related to the workspace where the workspace through which the
change is seen
- <WsName> : Workspace where the change is seen
- <WsId> : unique database identifier of this workspace <WsName>
(computed by SCM)
- <WsTreeName> : Workspace tree where the change is seen
- <WsTreeId> : unique database identifier of this workspace
tree <WsTreeName> (computed by SCM)
- ____SO_CHG_WS_PROPAGATION contents
information related to the workspaces where the change has been propagated
(information only available if the command adl_ds_cs is used with the -locate_chg
option. One line per workspace where the change has been propagated).
- <WsName> : Workspace where the change is seen
- <WsId> : unique database identifier of this workspace <WsName>
(computed by SCM)
- <WsTreeName> : Workspace tree where the change is seen
- <WsTreeId> : unique database identifier of this workspace
tree <WsTreeName> (computed by SCM)
E:>adl_ds_cs feb_WsT5T6Feb_6
Change set: feb_WsT5T6Feb_6 Id: EbRUwHB81V230VXdVQ5h State: Closed Desc: nouveau cs pour wsT5T6feb
Created by feb with adl_ch_cs on mardi 03 mai 2005 13:30:57 in the workspace WsT5T6Feb.
Entirely seen in workspace WsT5T6Feb.
Included changes:
fw1InT5.tst\tot.h's description has been changed
E:>adl_ds_cs feb_WsT5T6Feb_6 -program -sep "|"
CHANGE_SET|feb_WsT5T6Feb_6|EbRUwHB81V230VXdVQ5h|NOT_DEL|NOT_OPENED|nouveau cs pour wsT5T6feb|WsT5T6Feb|EYZ6WXB81V230bGWKP9U|NOT_CURRENT
_CREATED_CS|feb|feb ________________|adl_ch_cs|2005/05/03-13:30:57|WsT5T6Feb|EYZ6WXB81V230bGWKP9U|DSY Dassault Systemes ADLS1|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++|NOT_CURRENT
____CREATED|feb|feb ________________|adl_mk_elem|2005/05/04-09:15:48|WsT5T6Feb|EYZ6WXB81V230bGWKP9U|T5feb|EYDNonB81V230XWAG12g|DSY Dassault Systemes ADLS1|CgBQnemLDPw-++2V5+++
Structure of the information for adl_collect
and adl_sync commands
Each keyword has several information. For each information, several values
are possible.
The structures of the information that are described below are given
according to the following rules:
- the fields are listed in the order they appear in output
- the <...> notation indicates a string
- keywords in uppercase are the words that
can be found in output
- a pipe character '|' corresponds to different
possible values
WS_CONTEXT contents information about the current workspace
_SOFT_OBJ One line
per software object modified.
One group per software object change.
contents information related to software object moved out from a
component because the target component is not attached in the
current workspace. One line per software object moved out.
<SoftObjPath> : relative path to the software object
- DEL | NOT_DEL : state of the software object, seen as
deleted or not
- <SoftObjId> : unique database identifier of the software object (computed by
object type
- FOLDER | FILE : the software object is a
directory or a file
- COMPONENT | ELEMENT : the software object is a
component or an element. A component is either a
framework, a module or a data. An element is a directory or a file and
belongs to a component.
contents information related to component attached. One line per
attached component.
<SoftObjPath> : relative path to the component
- DEL | NOT_DEL : state of the component, seen as
deleted or not
- <SoftObjId> : unique database identifier of the software object (computed by
- FRAMEWORK | MODULE | DATA : component type
- FOLDER : the component is always a folder
- _PROJECTION_CONFLICT contents information related to
software object which generates a projection conflict (it is renamed in %cx).
One line per projection conflict.
<SoftObjPath> : relative path to the software object
- DEL | NOT_DEL : state of the software object, seen as
deleted or not
- <SoftObjId> : unique database identifier of the software object (computed by
object type
- FOLDER | FILE : the software object is a
directory or a file
- COMPONENT | ELEMENT : the software object is a
component or an element. A component is either a
framework, a module or a data. An element is a directory or a file and
belongs to a component.
- _MERGE_TO_SOLVE contents information related to
merge to solve (couple of software object and change type). One line per
merge to solve.
<SoftObjPath> : relative path to the software object
- DEL | NOT_DEL : state of the software object, seen as
deleted or not
- <SoftObjId> : unique database identifier of the software object (computed by
object type
- FOLDER | FILE : the software object is a
directory or a file
- COMPONENT | ELEMENT : the software object is a
component or an element. A component is either a
framework, a module or a data. An element is a directory or a file and
belongs to a component.
SCM modification type.
Structure of the information for adl_ds_ws
Each keyword has several information, for each information, several values
are possible.
- the fields are listed in the order they appear in output
- the <...> notation indicates a string
- keywords in uppercase are the words that
can be found in output
- the use of <> and keywords in uppercase means that those keywords
will be found in output and between <>
- A pipe character '|' corresponds to different possible values
- the keyword UNDETERMINED is used when a given workspace characteristic has
been set differently in several trees.
- MULTI_TREE_WS contents general information related to the workspace:
- <MultiTreeWsCaseName> : name of the workspace
<MultiTreeWsId> : unique database identifier of the workspace
<NativeDatabaseId> : name of the database in which the workspace has been created(*)
The following keywords are characteristics of the workspace, useful to control data flow, such as
parameters related to the merge,
to the promotion or to the TCK
: indicates whether merges can be solved inside flow commands (adl_collect,
adl_sync, etc)
AUTOMATIC_MERGE | NOT_AUTOMATIC_MERGE | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether merges can be solved automatically or by user help
PROMO_REQ_LOCKED | PROMO_REQ_NOT_LOCKED | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether promotion requests are allowed or not
PROMO_FROM_ANY_WS | PROMO_FROM_CHILD_WS | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether promotion requests can come only from child workspaces or also from the
parent workspace
SYNC_CMD_ALLOWED | SYNC_CMD_FORBIDDEN | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether a adl_sync command can be run in this workspace
PROMOTE_CMD_ALLOWED | PROMOTE_CMD_FORBIDDEN | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether a adl_promote command can be run in this workspace
MERGE_AT_COLLECT_ALLOWED | MERGE_AT_COLLECT_FORBIDDEN | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether merges are allowed when running the adl_collect command
SYNC_FOR_PROMO | NOT_SYNC_FOR_PROMO | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether child workspaces must synchronize themselves before being allowed to
FLOW_TRACES_STORED | FLOW_TRACES_NOT_STORED | UNDETERMINED : indicates whether the traces produced by flow commands
(adl_collect, etc) are stored
DEVELOPMNT | MULTILEVEL | CERTIF | UNDETERMINED : specifies a kind of workspace for the
change request management tool (Internal Dassault-Systèmes)
DEFAULT | AUTOMATIC | MANUAL | UNDETERMINED : publication type (see adl_set_ws
<TckCaseName> : name of the TCK defined on the workspace
LOCAL_TCK | INHERITED_TCK : indicates whether the associated TCK is locally defined or inherited from the parent
whether CAA rules are checked or not.<NULL> if it is not defined
- LOCAL | INHERITED | NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the CAA rules
attribute is locally defined or inherited from the parent
request management mode (Internal Dassault-Systèmes). <NULL> if it is
not defined
- LOCAL|INHERITED | NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the Change
request management mode attribute is locally defined or inherited from the parent
- <SoftwareLevel>|UNDETERMINED : The software level value
- LOCAL|INHERITED|NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the software level
attribute is locally defined or inherited from the parent
- _IMAGE contents information related to the image
- <ImageCaseName> : name of the image
<ImageId> : unique database identifier of this image (computed by SCM)
WINDOWS | UNIX : indicates the platform the image has been created on
CURRENT | NOT_CURRENT : indicates whether it is the current working image
<ImageCaseProjectionPath> : absolute path to the projection root directory
<LocalHostName> | <NETWORK> : the "<NETWORK>" string indicates that the image's path is a network path,
otherwise the hostname where the image has been created
<TckCaseName> : name of the TCK defined on the image
LOCAL_TCK | INHERITED_TCK : indicates whether the TCK is locally defined or inherited from the workspace
REFRESHED | NOT_REFRESHED : indicates whether the image is refreshed
- _IMAGE_IN_TREE contents information related to the image
- <WsId> : Identifier of the workspace object
existing in the same tree (see _WS keyword)
<WsTreeCaseName> :
Name of the tree(**)
<WsTreeId> :
Identifier of the tree
Indicates whether the image is refreshed in the tree
- _CHANGE_SET contents information related
to the current change set in the workspace
- __CHANGE_REQUEST contents
information related to the change request associated to the current change set
in the workspace. (DS only)
- _MULTI_TREE_WS_STATUS contents information related to the workspace
NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the workspace is
globally synchronized
or NOT_AVAILABLE for a root workspace since it has no parent workspace
PUBLISHED | NOT_PUBLISHED : indicates whether the workspace is globally published
workspace is globally promoted
or NOT_AVAILABLE for a root workspace since it has no parent workspace
or UNDETERMINED if there are some checked-out files
COLLECTED | NOT_COLLECTED | NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether all pending promotion requests have been collected
or NOT_AVAILABLE for a workspace having no child workspace
- _WS contents information related to the workspace. The information are displayed tree by tree
- <WsCaseName> : name of the workspace
<WsId> : unique database identifier of this workspace <WsCaseName> (computed by
<WsTreeCaseName> : name of the tree
<WsTreeId> : unique database identifier of this tree (computed by SCM)
<CurrentWsRevRank> : last revision number (rank) of the workspace in the tree <WsTreeCaseName>
<CurrentWsRevId> : unique database identifier of this workspace revision (computed by
<CurrentHistoryRank> : Current history rank of the workspace <WsCaseName>
in the tree <WsTreeCaseName> (internal version number computed by SCM)
<ParentWsCaseName> | <NO_PARENT_NAME> : name of the parent workspace in the tree <WsTreeCaseName>
or <NO_PARENT_NAME> if the workspace is a root workspace in this tree
<ParentWsId> | <NO_PARENT_ID> : unique database identifier of the parent workspace in the tree <WsTreeCaseName>
or <NO_PARENT_ID> if the workspace is a root workspace in this tree
AUTOMATIC_MERGE | NOT_AUTOMATIC_MERGE : indicates whether merges can be solved automatically or by user help
PROMO_REQ_LOCKED | PROMO_REQ_NOT_LOCKED : indicates whether promotion requests are allowed or not
PROMO_FROM_ANY_WS | PROMO_FROM_CHILD_WS : indicates whether promotion requests can come only from child workspaces or also from the
parent workspace
SYNC_CMD_ALLOWED | SYNC_CMD_FORBIDDEN : indicates whether an adl_sync command can be run in this workspace
PROMOTE_CMD_ALLOWED | PROMOTE_CMD_FORBIDDEN : indicates whether an adl_promote command can be run in this workspace
MERGE_AT_COLLECT_ALLOWED | MERGE_AT_COLLECT_FORBIDDEN : indicates whether merges are allowed when running the adl_collect command
SYNC_FOR_PROMO | NOT_SYNC_FOR_PROMO : indicates whether child workspaces must synchronize themselves before being allowed to
FLOW_TRACES_STORED | FLOW_TRACES_NOT_STORED : indicates whether the traces produced by flow commands
(adl_collect, etc) are stored
DEVELOPMNT | MULTILEVEL | CERTIF : specifies a kind of workspace for the
change request management tool (Internal Dassault-Systèmes)
DEFAULT | AUTOMATIC | MANUAL : publication type (see adl_set_ws -publication_type)
rules are checked or not.<NULL> if it is not defined
- LOCAL|INHERITED|NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the CAA rules
attribute is locally defined or inherited from the parent
request management mode (Internal Dassault-Systèmes). <NULL> if it is
not defined
- LOCAL|INHERITED|NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the Change
request management mode attribute is locally defined or inherited from the parent
- <SoftwareLevel> : The software level value
- LOCAL|INHERITED : indicates whether the software level attribute is locally defined or inherited from the parent
- __WS_STATUS contents information about the current status of the workspace.
There is one line of this kind for each tree the workspace exists in
SYNCHRONIZED | NOT_SYNCHRONIZED | NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the workspace is synchronized in the tree <WsTreeCaseName>
or NOT_AVAILABLE for a root workspace since it has no parent workspace
PUBLISHED | NOT_PUBLISHED : indicates whether the workspace is published in the tree <WsTreeCaseName>
PROMOTED | NOT_PROMOTED | NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether the workspace is promoted in the tree <WsTreeCaseName>
or NOT_AVAILABLE for a root workspace since it has no parent workspace
COLLECTED | NOT_COLLECTED | NOT_AVAILABLE : indicates whether all pending promotion requests have been collected in the tree
or NOT_AVAILABLE for a workspace having no child workspace
- __WS_SYNC contents information indicating with which parent workspace revision the current
workspace is synchronized with. There is one line of this kind for each tree
the workspace exists in and if it is not a root workspace
- <SyncWsRevRank> : revision number of the parent workspace
the current workspace is synchronized with
<SyncWsRevId> : unique database identifier of this parent workspace revision (computed by SCM)
<LabelList> : a list of strings indicating the labels used when publishing the parent workspace
the string PUBLIC indicates that the parent workspace revision is the last published and
without a specific label;
the list can be empty if the parent revision is not the last published
- __WS_PUBLICATION contents information about the publication of the workspace. There is at least
one line of this kind for each tree the workspace exists in. If more than
one line exists for one tree, this means the same workspace revision has been published
several times with different labels
- <PublicationId> : unique database identifier of the publication
(computed by SCM)
<WsRevRank> : the number of the last published workspace revision of the current workspace
<WsRevId> : unique database identifier of this published workspace revision (computed by SCM)
DEFAULT means a publication without label and CUSTOM means that a label has been specified
<Label> | PUBLIC :
PUBLIC for a publication without label or the label used for publishing
<PublicationDate> : date of publication, in the following format:
Year/Month/Day-Hour:Minute:Second YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS
- __WS_ACTIVE_PROMO_REQ contents information about the current promotion request. There is one
line of this kind in each tree the workspace exists in and in which it has promoted
something which has not yet been collected
- <PromotionRequestId> : unique database identifier of the last promotion
request from the current workspace (computed by SCM)
<PromotedWsRevRank> : number of the workspace revision which has been promoted
<PromotedWsRevId> : unique database identifier of this workspace revision number (computed by SCM)
<CollectorWsId> : unique database identifier of the workspace which is the target of the promotion request
<PromotionDate> : date of the promotion request, in the following format:
Year/Month/Day-Hour:Minute:Second YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS
- __WS_PROMO_REQ_TO_COLLECT contents information about a pending promotion request. There is one
line of this kind in each tree the workspace exists in and for every workspace which has
promoted something to the current workspace
- <PromotionRequestId> : unique database identifier of a pending promotion
request (computed by SCM)
<PromotedWsCaseName> : name of the workspace which requested this promotion
<PromotedWsId> : unique database identifier of this workspace (computed by SCM)
<PromotedWsRevRank> : number of the workspace revision which was promoted
<PromotedWsRevId> : unique database identifier of this workspace revision (computed by SCM)
<PromotionDate> : date of the promotion request, in the following format:
Year/Month/Day-Hour:Minute:Second YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS
(*) A multitree workspace may exist in several databases, in this case one database is
chosen as the "native" database.
(**) Even if a multitree workspace's image has a single projection, there are several
instances of this image in each tree.
E:\>adl_ds_ws W11
Current workspace: W11
No current image
Workspace tree(s): T1 T2
Tool config key: user_adls1 (inherited from parent workspace)
Merge solving delay: Immediate (If necessary, the interactive merger is launched at the end of the command)
Merge solving mode: Not automatic (Any merge is solved with user interactions)
Publication mode: Automatic
Merge at collect: Forbidden
Promotion request: Allowed from workspaces to the current workspace
Promotion request: From parent or child workspaces to the current workspace
Child promotion: For child workspaces, no check on the synchronized status for promote
adl_promote command: Undetermined (the command is allowed or forbidden according to the workspace tree)
Flow traces: Not stored
Synchronized: No
Published: Yes
Child collected: Yes
Promoted: No
WINDOWS Windows Refreshed \\carter1dsy\home\users\nle\adele\test\adls1\ImgW11
UNIX Unix Not refreshed /u/users/lru/Img1W11
Workspace tree: T1
Current revision: 94
Parent workspace: W1
adl_promote command: Allowed
Synchronized: No (parent revision W1.T1.38)
Published: Yes last published on Monday, July 21, 2003 06:42:19 PM
rev 94 Monday, July 21, 2003 06:42:19 PM PUBLIC
Child collected: Yes
Promoted: No
Workspace tree: T2
Current revision: 7
Parent workspace: W1
adl_promote command: Forbidden
Synchronized: Yes (public parent revision W1.T2.3)
Published: Yes last published on Monday, July 21, 2003 06:02:12 PM
rev 7 Monday, July 21, 2003 06:02:12 PM PUBLIC
Child collected: Yes
Promoted: Yes
E:\>adl_ds_ws W11 -program -sep "|"
Structure of the information for adl_ls_xxx
In the commands as adl_ls_xxx, the information displayed with the program
mode are the same as those displayed in usual mode, but they are given without
any presentation. Data are displayed in a shorter way.
The date data can be read by a program in a single variable.
Sometimes, like for the adl_ls_fw command, more data are displayed with the
"-program" mode, and data can be the database identifier (computed
by SCM).
For all the adl_ls_xxx commands, for more information on each command,
please, see the help of each command.
Here are some data transformed by the "-program" mode:
- date
- keywords
- characteristics
- data splitted in two parts
Usual mode |
Program mode |
Date and time: Monday, March 26,
2001 10:36:32 AM |
2001/03/26-10:36:32 |
Keyword: Fw |
Keyword: Mod |
Keyword: Attached |
1 |
Keyword: Not Attached |
0 |
Keyword: Modification |
Keyword: Synchronization |
Keyword: Text |
Keyword: Bin |
Keyword: Not exec |
0 |
Keyword: Exec |
1 |
Revision explicit name: CAADocV5R8.CAACXR8.1 |
Revision number: 1 and Tree
name: CAACXR8 |
Examples for adl_ls_xxx commands:
adl_ls_promo: displays all the promotion request for the "MyWs" workspace:
adl_ls_promo MyWs
Promoted Revision Date of promotion Date of collect In revision
MyWs.Tree.7 March 23, 2001 10:35:17 AM March 26, 2001 10:36:32 AM MyPWs.Tree.2
MyWs.Tree.9 March 26, 2001 04:05:52 PM March 26, 2001 04:06:12 PM MyPWs.Tree.4
MyWs.Tree.12 March 26, 2001 06:49:40 PM March 27, 2001 09:49:58 AM MyPWs.Tree.6
MyWs.Tree.17 April 06, 2001 04:20:39 PM April 06, 2001 04:34:23 PM MyPWs.Tree.7
MyWs.Tree.20 April 06, 2001 07:28:27 PM April 06, 2001 07:28:43 PM MyPWs.Tree.9
adl_ls_promo MyWs -program
MyWs.Tree.7 2001/03/23-10:35:17 2001/03/26-10:36:32 MyPWs.Tree.2
MyWs.Tree.9 2001/03/26-16:05:52 2001/03/26-16:06:12 MyPWs.Tree.4
MyWs.Tree.12 2001/03/26-18:49:40 2001/03/27-09:49:58 MyPWs.Tree.6
MyWs.Tree.17 2001/04/06-16:20:39 2001/04/06-16:34:23 MyPWs.Tree.7
MyWs.Tree.20 2001/04/06-19:28:27 2001/04/06-19:28:43 MyPWs.Tree.9
adl_ls_fw: displays all the frameworks of the current workspace
Component Type Attachment Resp. Ws tree
AdeleConfigManagement Fw Attached cga TOOLSSDF
AdeleConfigManagement.tst Fw Attached cga TOOLSSDF
AdeleSiteManagement Fw Attached yr TOOLSSDF
AdeleTools Fw Attached cga TOOLSSDF
adl_ls_fw -program
AdeleConfigManagement FRAMEWORK 1 cga TOOLSSDF g5uL+u72f Component1Id
AdeleConfigManagement.tst FRAMEWORK 1 cga TOOLSSDF g5uL+u72f Component2Id
AdeleSiteManagement FRAMEWORK 1 yr TOOLSSDF g5uL+u72f Component3Id
AdeleTools FRAMEWORK 1 cga TOOLSSDF g5uL+u72f Component4Id
adl_ls_req: displays all the promotion requests of the workspace
Promotion request from all workspaces to workspace "DlPrj2" in the workspace
tree "TREE1_INDUS":
Promotion requested by "DlTest21" and user dl on Thursday, November 08, 2001
07:00:17 PM
adl_ls_req -program
TREE1_INDUS DlTest21 2001/11/08-19:00:17 dl
In Short
Except for adl_ch_ws (that needs a special treatment)
SCM commands can be easily launched from any environment.
The -program and -sep options ease the treatment of commands'
outputs and their use by other programs.
Version: 6 [Jan 2004] |
Document update. Add field for _SOFT_OBJ keyword |
Version: 5 [Jul 2003] |
Document update. Add field for ___SO_CHG and _WS keywords;
Change the samples. |
Version: 4 [Jan 2003] |
Document update. Add adl_collect command |
Version: 3 [Oct 2002] |
Document update. Add adl_ls_resp command |
Version: 2 [Nov 2001] |
Document update. Insert keywords details |
Version: 1 [Jun 2000] |
Document creation |
[Top] |
Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.