Source Code Manager


Listing configuration branches
Quick Reference


The adl_ls_cfg_br command displays the list of the configuration branch identifiers associated with a workspace. 


adl_ls_cfg_br [workspace_name] [-tree ws_tree_name...] [-sep|-separator char ] [-out file_path]  [-h | -help | -?]


This command displays all the configuration branch identifiers of a workspace existing in one or more trees. You can display the information for the current workspace (with the [1] adl_ch_ws command) or for a given workspace. If you run the [2] adl_ds_chg command, you will obtain the change information on objects of a given workspace. 

You can limit the display to some of the trees, giving their names.

You can display a specific workspace, giving its name.

It is possible to send the result in a file, giving the separator character you want..

The output is:

This command lists the configuration branches Id associated with the current workspace or the workspace workspace_name if one is specified.
It's may be useful for treating an outlist: the outlist object Id is built by concataning the configuration branch Id + "_" + software object Id.

Output format with space as separator:

WsTreeName1 WsTree1Id1 CfgBrId1
WsTreeName2 WsTree2Id2 CfgBrId2


adl_ls_cfg_br accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
workspace_name Name of the workspace whose configuration branch identifiers are displayed
-tree tree_name ... Names of workspace trees
-sep char Separator between each field for programs (space " " by default)
-separator char Separator between each field for programs (space " " by default)
-out file_path Path to a file "file_path" for writing the results


Display all the configuration branch identifiers, for the current workspace, when this workspace belongs to only one tree "TreeName":
TreeName CZB+T8mLDPw-++7C+U+3 +2CfQIV+q3MMg3+++-uUBW

 Display all the configuration branch identifiers, for the "WsName" workspace, when this workspace belongs to only several trees:
adl_ls_cfg_br WsName
TreeNameOne CZB+T8mLDPw-++7C+U+3 +2CfQIV+q3MMg3+++-uUBW
TreeNameThree HFH503jGd8-LKzkdoaDZ kque848BF+Jdks-ncbvodR


adl_ch_ws:  Changing workspace
adl_ds_chg:  Displaying change information


Version: 1 [May 2001] Document created

Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.