Source Code Manager


Listing differences between workspace's revisions

Quick Reference


The adl_diff_ws_rev command displays differences between two workspace's revisions. 


adl_diff_ws_rev -from ws_rev1 | -after ws_rev1 [-to ws_rev2 | -before ws_rev2] [-expand_attached] [-program [-sep | -separator char]] [-out file_path] [-full_info] [-h | -help | -?]


This command displays differences between two workspace's revisions <ws_rev1> and <ws_rev2>, giving all the differences and their causes.
The rank of the revision <ws_rev2> must be greater than the revision <ws_rev1>.
If the revision <ws_rev2> is not defined, the last revision is taken.

WARNING: the workspace's revision's number must be given in the following format: WsName.TreeName.RevisionNumber.
Example:  MyWsName.TreeName.12

The command operates always on a single tree. It is not possible to have differences between revisions of different trees.

warning.gif (206 bytes) Actually there is no relationship between the different revisions of a given workspace in several trees (multitrees workspace).
As a workspace can evolve differently in different trees (see -tree option in some SCM commands) there is not the same number of workspace revision in all trees.

You can display the differences between two revisions of a workspace giving revision number. You can give a revision's number from which all the differences with the current revision will be displayed.

You can display the differences between two revisions of a workspace giving revision number. You can give a revision's number from which all the differences and a revision's number until which the differences will be displayed.

If you choose the option -from and -after the given revision's number are included in the difference's display. If you choose the option -to and -before the given revision's number are excluded in the difference's display.

You can send the results to a file of your choice. With the -program option, you have internal Source Code Manager information relatives to the differences.

The "-program" option displays information in a specific output mode. Key words are given, associated with values. For more details, see the article explaining this option. 



adl_diff_ws_rev accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
workspace_name Name of the workspace whose workspace's tree is displayed
-from ws_rev1 The first workspace revision of interval, with the format "ws.tree[.{number|label|last|date}]" (date format: YYYY/MM/DD-hh:mm:ss, time is optional). The modifications included in this revision are displayed too.
-after ws_rev1 The first workspace revision of interval, with the format "ws.tree[.{number|label}]". The modifications of this revision are not taken in account.
-to ws_rev2 The second workspace revision of interval, with the format "ws.tree[.{number|label|last}]". The modifications included in this revision are displayed too.
-before ws_rev2 The second workspace revision of interval, with the format "ws.tree[.{number|label|last}]". The modifications of this revision are not taken in account.
-expand_attached Display each change appeared and all relative informations (history...).
-program Display for program
-sep char Separator between each field for programs (space " " by default)
-separator char Separator between each field for programs (space " " by default)
-out file_name Path to a file "file_name" for writing the results
-full_info Display changes contained in attached components


Display the differences between revision number "RevNum" and the current workspace's revision. The workspace name is "my_ws", the tree name is ToolsTree:

adl_diff_ws_rev -from my_ws.ToolsTree.RevNum
Modifications appeared between workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.RevNum (included) and the last revision of workspace (included):
MyFramework.edu\MyFirstModule.doc\src\MyFirstFile.htm has been modified
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MySecondFile.htm has been created
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MyThirdFile.htm has been created
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MyFourthFile.htm has been created
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MySecondFile.htm has been modified
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MyFourthFile.htm has been deleted
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MySecondFile.htm has been modified

Display all the differences between revision number "BeginRev" and revision number "EndRev" of the workspace "my_ws":

adl_diff_ws_rev -from my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev -to my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev
Modifications appeared between workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev (included) and workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev (included):
MyFramework.edu\MyFirstModule.doc\src\MyFirstFile.htm has been modified
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MySecondFile.htm has been created
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MyThirdFile.htm has been created
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MyFourthFile.htm has been created


Display all the differences between revision number "BeginRev" and revision number "EndRev" of the workspace "my_ws":  

adl_diff_ws_rev -after my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev -before my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev
Modifications appeared between workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev (excluded) and workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev (excluded):
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MySecondFile.htm has been created
MyFramework.edu\MySecondModule.doc\src\MyThirdFile.htm has been created


Display all the differences between revision number "BeginRev" and revision number "BeginRev+1" of the workspace "my_ws":

adl_diff_ws_rev -after my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev -before my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev+1
No modification appeared between workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev (excluded) and workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev+1 (excluded).


Display all the differences between revision number "BeginRev" and revision number "EndRev" of the workspace "my_ws": only one difference. 

adl_diff_ws_rev -from my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev -to my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev
Modifications appeared between workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev (included) and workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev (included):
MyFramework.edu\MyModule.doc\src\MyFile.cpp has been modified


Display all the differences between revision number "BeginRev" and revision number "EndRev" of the workspace "my_ws" with full information: only one difference, the same as the one just before.

adl_diff_ws_rev -from my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev -to my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev -full_info
Modifications appeared between workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev (included) and workspace revision my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev (included):
Workspace tree: ToolsTree

MyFramework.edu\MyModule.doc\src\MyFile.cpp  Type: File element  Id: CgrisB5cn9+3+++-7+7C
  Change of content  Id: ++++2ChAV0Uq3MMg3+++-c+BJ  Content Id: ChAV0Uq3MMg3+++-c+BH
  Created by UserName with adl_ci on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 05:04:41 PM in the workspace my_ws, tree ToolsTree
  Visible through the workspace my_ws in which it appeared because of adl_ci on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 05:04:41 PM


Display all the differences between revision number "BeginRev" and revision number "EndRev" of the workspace "my_ws" in a program mode: one difference, the same as the one just before

adl_diff_ws_rev -from my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev -to my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev -full_info -program
WS_CONTEXT ToolsTree CZB+T8mLDPw-++7C+U+3 my_ws CfQIV+q3MMg3+++-uUBS +2+++1tCh5Jm+q3MMg3+++-IUBS +2+++1tCh5Jm+q3MMg3+++-IUBT 251
_SOFT_OBJ MyFramework.edu/MyModule.doc/src/MyFile.cpp NOT_DEL CgrisB5cn9+3+++-7+7C FILE_ELEM FILE ELEMENT
__SO_CHG_GRP_CR +2+++1uChAV0Uq3MMg3+++-c+BN CH_CONTENT my_ws CfQIV+q3MMg3+++-uUBS adl_ci 2001/04/10-17:04:41
____CREATED UserName UserName _________________ adl_ci 2001/04/10-17:04:41 my_ws CfQIV+q3MMg3+++-uUBN ToolsTree CZB+T8mLDPw-++7C+U+3 Site to 
rename CgfsV8mLDPw-++1mMU++


Display all the differences between revision number "BeginRev" and revision number "EndRev" of the workspace "my_ws" and result sent to the file "my_file": 

adl_diff_ws_rev -from my_ws.ToolsTree.BeginRev -to my_ws.ToolsTree.EndRev -out my_file




adl_ls_ws_rev:  Displaying workspace's revision
adl_ds_ws:  Displaying workspace status



Version:2 [Nov 2001] Document update
Version: 1 [Apr 2001] Document creation


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.