Source Code Manager


Listing objects

Quick Reference


The adl_ls_out command displays the list of objects (identifier, relative name) in the specified image of the workspace or of the current workspace 


adl_ls_out [object...[{-d|-itself} [-rec]]] [-ws workspace_name -image image_name] [-all] [-rel_to_folder] [-soft_obj_info] [-tree ws_tree_name...] [-program [-sep | -separator char]] [-out file_path]  [-h | -help | -?]


This command displays information on objects belonging to a workspace.
These information are:

A user doesn't usually need these information. In case of problem, they can be useful.

In a program mode, the information are displayed in the following form:

The "-program" option displays information in a specific output mode. For more details, see the article explaining this option.



adl_ls_out accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
object ... Name of the object
-d|-itself Display the SCM object itself
-rec Display recursively the contained objects
-ws workspace_name Name of the workspace 
-image image_name Name of the image for which the objects are to list
-all Look for all information (directory or file, text or binary, official check-out, private check-out, executable permission, content identifier, size in bytes, creation date) 
-rel_to_folder Display the object name relative to the folder and the folder identifier (or <NULL>)
-soft_obj_info Display the SCM object type : framework, module, data, directory or file. If the object is a component, its responsible name and its workspace tree are displayed
-tree ws_tree_name ... Names of the workspace trees used to filter the output
-program Display the output in a program mode
-sep char Separator between each field (default value is blank)
-separator char Separator between each field (default value is blank)
-out file_path Path of the file where the results are stored


Display all the current workspace's objects in a normal mode:

+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzmiG9oIXwQ3+++-5+-P AdeleTools/data.d/Shell/run_map.bat
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzcDumYia3w-++-IzU+8 AdeleConfigManagement/ADLCMCommand.m
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzcMYWYia3w-+++hq++D AdeleConfigManagement/ADLCheck.m/src/AdeleList.cpp


Display of all the current workspace's objects in a normal mode with all the information:  

adl_ls_out -all
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzmiG9oIXwQ3+++-5+-P AdeleTools/data.d/Shell/run_map.bat
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzcDumYia3w-++-IzU+8 AdeleConfigManagement/ADLCMCommand.m Dir
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzcMYWYia3w-+++hq++D AdeleConfigManagement/ADLCheck.m/src/AdeleList.cpp File Text Co:N Priv:N Exe
c:N ContentId:CEYltemLFyU-+++qaU+9 Size:1565 Date:Friday, April 28, 2000 07:48:48 AM


Display of all the current workspace's objects in a program mode with all the information:  

adl_ls_out -all -program
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzmiG9oIXwQ3+++-5+-P AdeleTools/data.d/Shell/run_map.bat
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzcDumYia3w-++-IzU+8 AdeleConfigManagement/ADLCMCommand.m 1
+2BzlT2pfsL36-++-gRU+9_BzcMYWYia3w-+++hq++D AdeleConfigManagement/ADLCheck.m/src/AdeleList.cpp 0 1 0 0 0 CEYltemLFyU-+++
qaU+9 1565 956900928


In case of multi-tree workspaces, the result of the command can be filtered by workspace trees.

In the following example, the workspace Ws1 is a multi-tree workspace.

Workspace tree : T1
- RootWsT1
   +- Ws1
      +- FW1inT1
Workspace tree : T2
- RootWsT2
   +- Ws1
      +- FW1inT2


Display all the current workspace's objects in a normal mode:

+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83O---SMA3+++-ukBI FW1inT1
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83dl--SMA3+++-fk6O FW1inT1/module.m
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83gl--SMA3+++-uk6t FW1inT1/module.m/dir1
+0Ck2g1F--SMA3+++-cU+S_Ck2ht---SMA3+++-+ECt FW1inT2
+0Ck2g1F--SMA3+++-cU+S_Ck2zd---SMA3+++-Q+8e FW1inT2/mod.m
+0Ck2g1F--SMA3+++-cU+S_Ck6xhV--SMA3+++-LkBG FW1inT2/mod.m/dir1
+0Ck2g1F--SMA3+++-cU+S_Ckcspl--SMA3+++-p+9a FW1inT2/mod.m/fic1.h


Display all the current workspace's objects in a normal mode filtered by tree:

adl_ls_out -tree T1
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83O---SMA3+++-ukBI FW1inT1
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83dl--SMA3+++-fk6O FW1inT1/module.m
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83gl--SMA3+++-uk6t FW1inT1/module.m/dir1


Display the objects contained in a given object of the current workspace in a normal mode:

adl_ls_out FW1inT1
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83dl--SMA3+++-fk6O FW1inT1/module.m
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83gl--SMA3+++-uk6t FW1inT1/module.m/dir1


Display the informations of a given object of the current workspace in a normal mode:

adl_ls_out FW1inT1 -d
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83O---SMA3+++-ukBI FW1inT1


Display the informations of a given object of the current workspace in a normal mode, with all its contained objects found recursively:

adl_ls_out FW1inT1 -d -rec
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83O---SMA3+++-ukBI FW1inT1
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83dl--SMA3+++-fk6O FW1inT1/module.m
+0Cco05F--SMA3+++04k3c_Ck83gl--SMA3+++-uk6t FW1inT1/module.m/dir1



[1] adl_mk_elem:  Creating an object



Version: 2 [Nov 2001] Document update
Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document creation


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.