C++ Interactive Dashboard

Microsoft Visual Studio .Net Commands List

Technical Article


This article describes the list of the RADE commands available in Microsoft Visual Studio .Net.


File Menu

Command Name


New CAA V5 Workspace... Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1: Creating a Workspace
Open CAA V5 Workspace Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1: Opening a Workspace
Add CAAV5 Item
  • CATIA Resource: Dialog...
  • CATIA Resource: Command
  • CATIA Resource: Design State Chart Command...
  • CAA V5 Class...
  • Component...
  • Component Extension...
  • Interface...
  • Test-Case...
Add CAAV5 Project


Edit Menu

Command name


Edit header In a code file, select a symbol and select this command to open the corresponding .h file.
Swap header<->implementation When working in a .h file, selecting this command lets you open the corresponding .c file.
Get current file properties In the current file, lets you display information related to this file like its complete path for example.
Open explorer ... Lets you open an explorer on the directory containing the current file.
Go to previous method In a .cpp file, enables you to go back to the previous method.
Go to next method In a .cpp file, enables you to go back to the next method.
Insert header In a .cpp file, lets you add the selected string to the list of includes contained in the corresponding .h file.
Search word backward Lets you search for a string backward.
Search word forward Lets you search for a string forward.


Project Menu

Command name


Select CAA V5 Projects Customizing Microsoft Visual Studio .NET: Mapping Projects to Frameworks and Modules
Refresh whole Solution from Filetree Enables you to perform an update of the solution based on the file tree. The file tree is scanned and if items were added or removed, they are added or removed to or from the solution.
Refresh Active Project from Filetree Enables you to perform an update of the project based on the file tree. The file tree is scanned and if items were added or removed, they are added or removed to or from the project.


CAA V5 Workspace Menu

Command name


Create/Update Runtime View Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1: Running a Program
Copy Framework Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1: Copying a Framework
Check Source Files Workbench Commands Mapping: mkCheckSource: Source Code Analysis
Generate/Update Documentation Workbench Commands Mapping: Generate Online Documentation
Unix Connection Lets you check if your code can be built on Unix.
Locate Prerequisite Workspaces Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1: Copying a Framework: CAABskDocument.edu


CAA V5 Source Code Management Menu

Command name


Synchronize Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: How to Work With Other People. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Check out Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: Modifying Existing Files. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Promote Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: How to Work With Other People. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Simulate Promotion Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: How to Work With Other People. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Undo Last Check-Out Lets you undo the last check-out operation. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Check-in Files in Database Lets you check-in files in the database. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Attach Frameworks/Modules Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: Declaring New CNext Directories. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Detach Frameworks/Modules Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: Deleting Files. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Declare File in Database Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: Declaring New Files. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Declare Directory in Database Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: Declaring New CNext Directories. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Rollback Files from Database Version To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Private Files-> Check-Out Private File Lets you run adl_mk_priv. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Private Files-> Suppress Private File(s) Lets you run adl_rm_priv. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Private Files-> List Private Files Lets you run adl_ls_priv. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Move/Rename/Remove->Move/Rename... Lets you run adl_mv. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Move/Rename/Remove->Remove a File Lets you run adl_rm. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Move/Rename/Remove->Remove a Data Module... Lets you run adl_rm on a module. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Information->Display Workspace Status... Lets you run adl_ds_ws. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Information->List Checked-Out Files Lets you run adl_ls_co. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Information->List Workspaces Lets you run adl_ls_ws. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Information->List Frameworks Lets you run adl_ls_fw. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Information->List Modules Lets you run adl_ls_fw -mod. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Information->Check Workspace Lets you run adl_chk. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Information->Compare Current SCM versions of active file Lets you compare in an editor the last version of the current file saved in the database and the version of the current file saved in your workspace. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
UNIX<->NT->Photo Lets you run adl_photo. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
UNIX<->NT->Refresh Lets you run adl_refresh. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Team Workspace-> Collect Lets you run adl_collect. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.
Team Workspace-> Publish Lets you run adl_publish. To find out more, see the SCM documentation.


Build Menu

Command name


mkmk Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1: Building Your Workspace Using mkmk
Compile With mkmk Lets you run a mkcpl command. To find out more, see the Rapid Application Development Environment documentation.
Link With mkmk Lets you run a mklnk command. To find out more, see the Rapid Application Development Environment documentation.


Tools Menu

Command name


Replay Test-Cases Workbench Commands Mapping: Replay test objects
Remove Mkmk Add-in commands from menus Enables you to clean up the menus containing Mkmk menus. This may be useful if commands are not to be found. In this case, use this command, exit and restart Microsoft Visual .Net. To find out more, see Managing CAA V5 Commands.  
Remove CodeGenerator Add-in commands from menus Enables you to clean up the menus containing CodeGenerator menus. This may be useful if commands are not to be found. In this case, use this command, exit and restart Microsoft Visual .Net. To find out more, see Managing CAA V5 Commands.  
Remove SCM Add-in commands from menus Enables you to clean up the menus containing SCM menus. This may be useful if commands are not to be found. In this case, use this command, exit and restart Microsoft Visual .Net. To find out more, see Managing CAA V5 Commands.  


Window Menu

Command name


Open Command Window Working with the RADE Dashboards and SCM: Opening a Workspace
Open Runtime Window Workbench Commands Mapping: Run a CAA V5 application
Open Command Log Working with the RADE Dashboards - Part 1: Synchronous and Asynchronous Commands




[1] Code Generator Features
[2] Customizing Microsoft Visual Studio.Net
[3] Working with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
[4] Summary of Commands around mkmk
[5] Workbench commands Mapping


Version: 1 [January 2006] Document created

Copyright © 2006, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.