Geometric Modeler


How to Create a Circle Sweep with Three Guides

Circle Sweep Subtype: Three Guides
Use Case


The CATFrFTopologicalSweep operator enables you to create sweeps. This use case explains how to create a circle sweep with three guides.  

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

In this use case, you learn how to use the CATFrFTopologicalSweep operator to create circle sweeps with three guides.

 CATFrFTopologicalSweep is to be used according to the general scheme of  topological operators.  If need be, you can take a look at "Overview of the Topological Operators" [1] for more information.


The CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides Use Case

CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides is a use case of the framework that illustrates the  CAAAdvancedTopologicalOperators framework capabilities.

The circle sweep which is created by this use case looks something like this:


What Does CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides Do ?

The use case:

This article only focuses on the operations related to the CATFrFTopologicalSweep operator. Refer to "Overview of the Topological Operators" [1] for more information on the operations which are not detailed in the article.


How to Launch CATFrFTopologicalSweep

To launch CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides .m, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [2].

If you simply type CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides with no argument, the use case executes, but doesn't save the result in an NCGM file. If you want to save this result, provide the full pathname of the NCGM file to create. For example:

With Windows CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides e:\sweep.NCGM

With UNIX CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides /u/sweep.NCGM

This NCGM file can be displayed using the CAAGemBrowser use case.



Where to Find the CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides Code

The CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides use case is made of a main named CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides.cpp located in the CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides.m module of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\\CAAAdtCircleSweepThreeGuides .m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/ .m/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



The use case is divided into the following main steps:


Creating the three guides

The curves to be used in the wire are CATSpline that are simply created from the geometry factory. See [3] for information on how to create a spline.

Creating a CATFrFTopologicalSweep operator instance

The CATFrFTopologicalSweep operator is created by the CATCreateFrFTopologicalCircleSweep global function. The three guides are passed in the form of a list as the third argument of the function.

CATLISTP(CATGeometry) guides0;
CATGeometry * guideGeom1 = (CATGeometry*)pWireBody1 ;
CATGeometry * guideGeom2 = (CATGeometry*)pWireBody2 ;
CATGeometry * guideGeom3 = (CATGeometry*)pWireBody3 ;
// (a) - Creation of the sweep operator
CATFrFTopologicalSweep * pSweepOpe = CATCreateFrFTopologicalCircleSweep(piGeomFactory, 
        &topdata, &guides0);


In Short

The CATFrFTopologicalSweep operator allows you to create sweeps. This use case is an example of how to create a circle sweep with three guides.




[1] Overview of the Topological Operators
[2] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case
[3] Basic Topological Operators


Version: 1 [Aug 2002] Document created

Copyright © 2002, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.