Geometric Modeler


Basic Topological Operators

How to create vertex bodies or simple wire bodies
Use Case


Basic topological operators are transient objects for the creation of basic topological bodies such as point, line or spline bodies. These operators are based on the same scheme, which is described. The use of each provided basic topological operator is presented in the CAABopSpine.cpp sample.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to help you use the basic topological operators classes and presents an example of use for each provided basic topological operator: creation of a point body, a spline body, a line body, and length computation.


The Basic Topological Operators

Using basic topological operators is an easy way to create point, line, or spline bodies, that is to say: bodies only containing one vertex, or one wire whose geometry is a line or a spline.

These operators are called with parameters such as coordinates (to define a point), vectors (to define tangents), or other basic bodies. They work inside one geometric container: the input and output objects must belong to the same geometric container.

The basic topological operators create:

An additional operator, the CATLengthFromBodyOnWire operator, analyzes the length between two point bodies.


How to Use a Basic Topological Operator

There are two ways to create basic bodies.

The length analysis can be only used with the first way, except that there is no creation global function. In this case, the constructor is directly used.


The CAATopSpline Use Case

CAATopSpline is a use case of the framework that illustrates TopologicalOperators framework capabilities.


What Does CAATopSpline Do

Fig. 1: The created objects of the CAATopSpline use case
Spline1.gif (29988 bytes) This use case details the two ways of creation of basic bodies.
  • SplineBody is directly created with a global function
  • SplineBody2 is created by an operator. Tangency constraints are imposed on the extremities. The operator also returns the tangents to all the passing points, that are used to create lines.

Moreover, the use case shows an example of the curve length computation.


How to Launch CAATopSpline

To launch CAATopSpline, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAATopSpline.m along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [1].

If you simply type CAATopSpline with no argument, the use case executes, but doesn't save the result in an NCGM file. If you want to save this result, provide the full pathname of the NCGM file to create. For example:

With Windows CAATopSpline e:\SplineCreation.NCGM

With UNIX CAATopSpline /u/SplineCreation.NCGM

This NCGM file can be displayed using the CAAGemBrowser use case.


Where to Find the CAATopSpline Code

The CAATopSpline use case is made of a main named CAATopSpline.cpp located in the CAATopSpline.m module of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\\CAATopSpline.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



There are six steps in CAATopSpline.cpp:

  1. Creating the Geometry Factory
  2. Directly Creating Point Bodies and a Spline Body (first way)
  3. Using a Basic Topological Operator to Create Another Spline Body (second way.) This includes:
  4. Computing the Length
  5. Removing the Unused Bodies
  6. Writing the Model And Closing the Container


Creating the Geometry Factory

The geometry factory (CATGeoFactory) creates and manages all the CATICGMObject. This creation is done by the global function ::CATCreateCGMContainer. Notice that the factory can be defined by reading a NCGM file that was previously stored. In that case, the global function ::CATLoadCGMContainer must be used.

CATGeoFactory* piGeomFactory = ::CATCreateCGMContainer() ;
if (NULL==piGeomFactory) return (1);


Directly Creating Point Bodies and a Spline Body

To operate in this way, you only have to call the global function ::CATCreateTopPoint or ::CATCreateTopSpline.

In case of the spline body creation, the created body is retrieved, but you cannot have access to the tangent or curvature at the passing points. To have them, you must use the operator, as in the next section.

The non detailed steps created or loaded the geometric factory (piGeomFactory).

// 2-Direct creation of point bodies 
const int nbpts = 4;
CATBody ** aPoints = new CATBody * [nbpts];

// defines an open configuration for the operator
CATSoftwareConfiguration * pConfig = new CATSoftwareConfiguration();
// defines the data of the operator: configuration + journal
CATTopData topdata(pConfig,NULL);

aPoints[0] = ::CATCreateTopPointXYZ(piGeomFactory,&topdata,10., 15., 0.);
aPoints[1] = ::CATCreateTopPointXYZ(piGeomFactory,&topdata,20., 20., 0.5);
aPoints[2] = ::CATCreateTopPointXYZ(piGeomFactory,&topdata,30., 18., 0.);
aPoints[3] = ::CATCreateTopPointXYZ(piGeomFactory,&topdata,40., 15., 0.5);

// 3-Direct creation of a spline body without any tangent 
// or curvature imposition.
CATBody * piSplineBody = ::CATCreateTopSpline(piGeomFactory,

The operator configuration is the level of software you want to use to run this operator. By default, define an open configuration as in this use case to run with the current level. Moreover here, the pointer to the journal is set to NULL in the operator data. So that the journal is not filled.


Using a Basic Topological Operator to Create Another Spline Body

To operate in this mode, the sample proceeds with the following steps that:

  1. Create the operator with the appropriate global function (CATCreateTopSplineOperator). Here, tangents to the start and end points are imposed
  2. Execute the operation: Run method
  3. Get the results:
  4. Remove the operator instance from the memory. Notice that you also must release the software configuration, because it is no more used.
// 4-Use now a CATTopSplineBody Operator.
CATMathVector aTangent[nbpts];
long          aImposition[nbpts];

// imposition of the direction of the tangent at the start point.

// no imposition for the intermediate points:
// the corresponding aTangent values need not to be given

// imposition of the tangent at the ending point.

// a- creation
CATTopSplineOperator *pSplineOp = 
                                     NULL,   // no curvature imposition 

if (NULL==pSplineOp)                    // in case of problem
  CATCloseCGMContainer(piGeomFactory);  // close the factory and return
// b- run the operator

// c- get the result
CATBody * piSplineBody2 = pSplineOp->GetResult();

// also get the computed tangents .
const CATMathVector *  pComputedTangents=NULL; 

// Create topological lines representing the tangents
CATBody * aTgtBody[nbpts];
for (int i=0;i <nbpts; i++)
  double length = pComputedTangents[i].Norm();
  aTgtBody[i] = ::CATCreateTopLineFromDirection(piGeomFactory,

// d- delete the operator
delete pSplineOp;
// Releases the configuration



Computing the Length

The CATLengthFromBodyOnWire operator is directly constructed. Then, it is run and the length is retrieved. Finally, it is deleted.

The l1 and l2 computed lengths are different, even though they are computed between the same points, because the lengths are computed on the splines, that are different.

// 5- length computation
// between two points on the first spline
CATLengthFromBodyOnWire* pLengthOp= 
		new CATLengthFromBodyOnWire(piGeomFactory,
                                            piSplineBody );
double l1=0.;
if (NULL != pLengthOp)
 delete pLengthOp;
 pLengthOp = NULL;

// between the same points on the second spline
pLengthOp =new CATLengthFromBodyOnWire(piGeomFactory,
				       piSplineBody2 );	

// P2 will contain the 3D mathematical coordinates of the second point 
CATMathPoint P2;
double l2=0.;
if (NULL != pLengthOp)
 l2=pLengthOp->GetDistance(NULL, // the coordinates of the first point are not asked
			   &P2); // the coordinates of the second point
 delete pLengthOp;
 pLengthOp = NULL;
cout << "length 1 = " << l1 <<" , length2  "<< l2 << endl;


Removing the Unused Bodies

The point bodies have only been constructed to be used in the definition of the spline. Depending on your application, you may not need them afterwards. If you want to remove them from the geometric factory, use the CATICGMContainer::Remove method. If not, they will be automatically saved when streaming the factory.

Note: Although geometric objects are handled by the mean of interfaces, such as CATCartesianPoint, CATLine, or CATBody, the pointers on these objects must not be released. In fact, they are released at the closure of the factory (the CATCloseCGMContainer global function).

// 6- Delete the unused point bodies and the array

for (i=0;i <nbpts; i++)

delete [] aPoints;
aPoints = NULL;


Writing the Model and Closing the Factory

To save the model in a file, the ::CATSaveCGMContainer global function is used. Notice that in the use case, the save is conditioned by an input parameter representing the file inside which the model must be saved.

The use case ends with the closure of the geometry factory, done by the ::CATCloseCGMContainer global function.

   ofstream filetowrite(pfileName, ios::binary ) ;
   ofstream filetowrite(pfileName,ios::out,filebuf::openprot) ;


 // Closes the container


In Short



[1] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case


Version: 1 [Feb 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.