The Inertia Sensor dialog box appears.

Name: lets you modify the name of
sensor you create.
Supports: lets you select the support.
Non homogeneous multi selection is
The support can be a:
Geometry (point, edge, face)
Mechanical feature (part body, joint,
Group (geometrical, by proximity, by
The support selection is not mandatory. If
you do not select any support, then the whole geometry is
taken into account: the resultant will be the global
resultant of the entire mass set.
Axis System: lets you choose the type
of axis in which the inertia sensor will be computed.
To know more about the axis system, refer to
Axis System Type.
Update Results: lets you launch the
compute of the inertia sensor.
Mass: lets you view the mass value (m).
Inertia: lets you view the inertia
output characteristics (Ixx, Iyy, Izz,
Ixy, Ixz, Iyz components).
Principal Inertia: lets you view the
principal inertia output characteristics (I1, I2,
I3 components).
Principal Axis: lets you view the
principal axis output characteristics (X, Y,
Z components).
Principal Direction 1
Principal Direction 2
Center of Gravity: lets you view the
three components of the center of gravity characteristics (Gx,
Gy, Gz).
Coupling Matrix: lets you view the
coupling matrix components (Cxy, Cxz,
Cyx, Cyz, Czx, Czy).
This coupling matrix is null on the diagonal.
The global mass and inertia matrix is the