This task shows how to generate a report for computed
You can generate a report:
A report is a summary of an objects set computation results
and status messages, captured in an editable file.
Once an objects set has been computed (meaning that the user-defined
specifications have been converted into solver commands, which in turn have
been transformed into degree of freedom data and processed), all data
contained in the object is ready for use in the subsequent finite element
computation process and the object can be analyzed. |
Open the sample58.CATAnalysis
document from the samples directory.
- Compute the solution. To do this, click Compute
You can customize the report settings.
For more details about the report settings, refer to
in the Customizing section of this guide. |
Using the Generate Report Icon
Click Generate Report
The Report Generation dialog box appears.
- Output directory: lets you change the directory in
which you will store the .html report.
The last selected path is automatically
proposed. |
- Title of the report: lets you modify the title of
the .html advanced report.
- Add created images: lets you add automatically in
the report the images created and activated in the selected cases.
- Choose the analysis case(s): lets you choose the
analysis case for which you want to work.
Multi-selection of analysis cases is available. |
- The current point of view and the current
zoom are taken into account when images are created in the
- For multi-occurrence solutions, the report
contains as many images as occurrences.
In this case, you may adjust the scaling factor of images to
ensure that images fit correctly in the window. Otherwise
some of the occurrence images cannot be seen in the report. For more
details, refer to Amplification
Set the desired options.
In this particular case, select Static Case. |
Click OK.
A HTML file containing the Report of the Static Case
Solution objects set computation is displayed. |
Click Generate Report
Select all the analysis cases.
Click OK.
The complete HTML report appears. |
In addition to the HTML Report file, the program also
generates a text file (.txt) ready for user editing. |
the Report contextual menu
Only available with the ELFINI Structural Analysis (EST)
product. |
You can access the Report contextual menu on:
- Nodes and Elements set
- Material set
- Analysis cases
- Analysis solutions
- Images
- Sensors.
Generate an image.
Right-click an image in the specification tree and select
The report automatically appears and can now be
saved, if needed in the directory you wish using the File > Save
as... menu. |