Virtual Parts

Virtual Parts are structures created without a geometric support. They represent bodies for which no geometry model is available, but which play a role in the structural analysis of single part or assembly systems. 

Virtual Parts are used to transmit action at a distance. Therefore they can be thought of as rigid bodies, except for the case where a lumped flexibility is explicitly introduced by the means of a spring element.

Do not use Virtual Parts to simulate connections.
To simulate connections, use Analysis Connections of the Generative Structural Analysis (GAS) product.

Create Rigid Virtual Parts
Generate a stiff transmission rigid virtual part.
Create Smooth Virtual Parts
Generate a soft transmission rigid virtual part.
Create Contact Virtual Parts
Generate a contact transmission rigid virtual part.
Create Rigid Spring Virtual Parts
Generate a stiff transmission elastic spring virtual part.
Create Smooth Spring Virtual Parts
Generate a soft transmission elastic spring virtual part.
Create Periodicity Conditions
Simulate periodicity conditions by linking together the degrees of freedom of two faces that undergo transformation.