3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

3D Visualization

Displaying cgr Files

Opening a cgr file and displaying it in a viewer
Use Case


This article discusses the CAAVisBasics use case. This use case explains how to open a cgr file and to display it in a viewer.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to open a cgr file read from the disk and to display it in a 3D navigation viewer.


The CAAVisBasics Use Case

CAAVisBasics is a set of use cases of the CAAVisualization.edu framework that illustrates Vizualization framework capabilities.


What Does CAAVisBasics Do

CAAVisBasics is an MDI interactive application that displays viewers in its document windows. One of these viewers is dedicated to display a cgr file selected using the File Open command in the file selection box. This article focuses on the way this cgr file is displayed.

The cubes.cgr file is selected and read from disk and displayed in a 3D navigation viewer.


How to Launch CAAVisBasics

To launch CAAVisBasics, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAVisBasics along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the sample [1]. When you have launched CAAVisBasics, the following is displayed.

Then point File, and click Open. In the Select a CGR File dialog box, select the resources\graphic\cgr directory in the run time view, and click the CUBES.cgr file that displays the cgr file with the cubes.


Where to Find the CAAVisBasics Code

CAAVisBasics code is located in the CAAVisBasics.m use case module of the CAAVisualization.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAVisualization.edu\CAAVisBasics.m
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAVisualization.edu/CAAVisBasics.m

where InstallRootDirectory is the root directory of your CAA V5 installation.

CAAVisBasics includes the following files:

LocalInterfaces directory
CAAVisBaseApplication.h Header file for the interactive application that hosts the viewer
CAAVisBaseCGRDocument.h Header file for the document that displays a cgr file
CAAVisBaseDocument.h Header file for the document base class
CAAVisBaseView.h Header file for the document window containing a viewer to display the document
src directory
CAAVisBaseApplication.cpp Source file for the interactive application that hosts the viewer
CAAVisBaseCGRDocument.cpp Source file for the document that displays a cgr file
CAAVisBaseDocument.cpp Source file for the document base class
CAAVisBaseView.cpp Source file for the document window containing a viewer to display the document



To open and display a cgr file in a 3D viewer, there are three main steps:

# Step Where
1 Create a 3D navigation viewer instance CAAVisBaseView::CreateViewer method
2 Create a 3D representation bag from the selected cgr file CAAVisBaseCGRDocument::CreateModel method
3 Display the representation in the viewer CAAVisBaseDocument::AddRepToViewer method

The preliminary tasks that consist in creating the application and its main window with menus and commands, displaying the file selection box, retrieving the input file name from the file selected, and checking that its a cgr file, are not described. The input file name is a data member of CAAVisBaseCGRDocument class.


Creating a 3D Navigation Viewer Instance

The 3D navigation viewer is an instance of the CATNavigation3DViewer class. It is created in the CreateViewer method of the CAAVisBaseView class that is called when the application is launched.
void CAAVisBaseView::CreateViewer()
  _pViewer = new CATNavigation3DViewer(this, "3DViewer",
                                      CATDlgFraNoTitle | CATDlgFraNoFrame,
                                      500, 500);

The _pViewer pointer to the 3D navigation viewer is kept as a data member of the CAAVisBaseView class. Its parameter are:

this The viewer parent in the dialog containment tree structure and in the command tree structure [2]
3DViewer The viewer identifier
CATDlgFraNoTitle The viewer has no title [3]
CATDlgFraNoFrame The viewer frame is not displayed [3]
500, 500 The viewer width and height expressed in pixels

The Attach4Sides method attaches the four sides of the viewer to those of the window. This makes the viewer occupy the whole window space.


Creating a 3D Representation Bag from the Selected cgr File

The CAAVisBaseCGRDocument constructor stores the cgr file name as a data member, and calls methods to create the representation and to display it in the viewer.

CAAVisBaseCGRDocument::CAAVisBaseCGRDocument(const char * fileName,
                                             CATCommand * iParent,
                                             CATDialog  * iDialogParent,
                                             CATString  * iDocumentName)
                     : CAAVisBaseDocument(iParent, iDialogParent, iDocumentName)
  _pFileToOpen = (char *)malloc((strlen(fileName)+1)*sizeof(char));
  memset(_pFileToOpen, 0, strlen(fileName)+1);
  strcpy(_pFileToOpen, fileName);



The representation bag is created thanks to the CreateModel method.

void CAAVisBaseCGRDocument::CreateModel()
  _pRootContainer = new CAT3DBagRep;
  //Reading of the CGR file. The rep issued from this reading
  //is added as a children of _pRootContainer
  CAT3DBagRep * cgr = (CAT3DBagRep *)::CATReadCgr((char *) _pFileToOpen,

This representation is created as a CAT3DBagRep, since the cgr file may need several representations to accomodate its data. The global function CATReadCgr takes the name of the cgr file as parameter. The second parameter is useless, and must always be set to USE_LODS_TEXTURE_EDGE.


Displaying the Representation in the Viewer

The AddRepToViewer method displays the created representation.

void CAAVisBaseDocument::AddRepToViewer()

_pView is a pointer to the 3D navigation viewer. The representation is assigned to this viewer thanks to the Add3DRep method.


In Short

This use case shows the objects involved when displaying a cgr file, namely the 3D navigation viewer that displays the cgr file and the 3D representation bag into which the cgr file is put to be passed to the viewer.



[1] Building and Launching CAA V5 Samples
[2] Creating Dialog Objects
[3] Frame


Version: 1 [Feb 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.