
NC Review

Splitting a Tool Path

Manipulating a tool path
Use Case


This article discusses the CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand use case.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to help you manipulate the tool path structure. This involves the following:


The CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand Use Case

CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand is a use case of the framework that illustrates ToolPathEditor framework capabilities.


What Does CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand Do

CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand runs with the document CAAMfgToolPath.CATPart shown on Fig.1.

Fig. 1: The Tool Path of a Sweeping Operation


How to Launch CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand

To launch CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand, you will need to:

# Decomment this line into file to run CAAMfgTPEAddToolBar Sample
# CAAMfgTPEM3xAddin CATISmgProgramAddin libCAAMfgTPEAddToolBar
Using the Start menu, select the Surfacic Machining workbench in NC Manufacturing
This displays the PPR document
  • In the PPR Tree, select Manufacturing Program.1 and create a sweeping operation using the Sweeping command in the Insert->Machining Operations->sweeping
  • Select a body, then do replay to compute the tool path.
  • In the PPR tree, an icon appears under the activity of sweeping.
Then select the tool path and click on the icon representing the command "Split tool path". A tool path is displayed, with points.
Select a point on the tool path. Then this tool path is splitted and two tool pathes appear in the PPR Tree.


Where to Find the CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand Code

The CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand use case is made of a class named CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand located in the CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand.m module of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAADoc\\CAAMfgTPEDisplayToolPathCommand.m
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAADoc/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



There are four logical steps in CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand:

  1. Creating a Command
  2. Selecting a Tool Path
  3. Selecting a Point
  4. Splitting the Selected Tool Path

We now comment each of those sections by looking at the code.


Creating a Command

The class that will implement the command is named CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand.

Create the CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand class header file:

class ExportedByCAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom : public CATStateCommand
    DeclareResource (CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom,CATStateCommand)
    CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom (CATString* argument);
    virtual ~CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom();
    void BuildGraph();
    void Valuate (const CATBaseUnknown_var& iValue);  
    // to Create the rep of the tool path
    void CreateController();
    // Delete the rep of the tool path
    void DeleteController();
    // To update the rep of the tool path
    void DispatchInfo();
    // To get the tool path
    boolean GetSelection (void* data);
    // To Terminate the command
    boolean End (void* data);
    // To split the tool path.
    boolean SplitToolPath();
    // To create the selector of points
    void SetSelector();
    // Processing of events.
    void PreActivate (CATCommand*, CATNotification*, CATCommandClientData);
    void Move (CATCommand*, CATNotification*, CATCommandClientData);
    void EndPreActivate (CATCommand*, CATNotification*, CATCommandClientData);
    // To process the selection of a point.
    void ActivateSelector (CATCommand*, CATNotification*, CATCommandClientData);
    // to search the index of the selected point
     void SetPreActivatedPoint (CATMathPoint &Point);
    //  To remove the rep of the point.
    void RemovePointRep();
	//  To Get the factory of tool pathes.
	HRESULT GetToolPathFactory (CATIContainer_var& oContainer);
    CATIMfgActivity_var _Activity;
    CATIMfgToolPath_var _ToolPath;
    CATIMfgTPMultipleMotion_var _TPMultipleMotion;
    CAT3DViewer*     _Viewer;
    CATPathElementAgent* _TPSelectionAgent;
    CATDialogAgent*  _TPEndAgent ;
    int   _PointNumber;
    CATPathElement* _ToolPahVisu;
    IID*            _iid;
    CATVisManager*  _VisuManager;
    CATRep*         _TPRep;          
    CAT3DPointRep*  _CurrentPointRep;
    CATSelector*    _Selector;        

The CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand class C++-derives from CATStateCommand. The DeclareResource macro declares that the resource file is CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCommand.CATNls. The class has a constructor, a destructor, a SplitToolPath method to split the selected tool path, severals methods to manage the user's interaction and the rep of the tool path, and a copy constructor.


Selecting a Tool Path

First you have to implement the method BuilGraph, which will provide you with capturing the user's interactions.

void CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom::BuildGraph()
  // To Select tool path.
  _TPSelectionAgent = new CATPathElementAgent("ToolPathSelection");
  if (NULL != _TPSelectionAgent) {
  // To terminate the command
  if ( _TPEndAgent == NULL ) {
    _TPEndAgent = new CATDialogAgent("End");
    if (NULL != _TPEndAgent)
      _TPEndAgent->AcceptOnNotify(NULL, CATEdit::ClassName());
  CATDialogState* firstState = GetInitialState("TPESelectToolPath");
  if (NULL != firstState) firstState->AddDialogAgent(_TPSelectionAgent); 
  CATDialogState* secondState = AddDialogState("TPEEndCommand");
  if (NULL != secondState)
    CATDialogTransition * firstTransition = 
        AddTransition (firstState, secondState,
                       Action((ActionMethod) &CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom::GetSelection));
    AddTransition (secondState, NULL,
                   Action((ActionMethod) &CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom::End));

Now the method GetSelection is implemented. It gets the selected tool path.

boolean CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom::GetSelection (void* data)
  CATBoolean RESULT = CATFalse;
  CATSO* selectedObjects = NULL;
  if (NULL != _TPSelectionAgent)
    selectedObjects = _TPSelectionAgent->GetListOfValues();
  // We display only one tool path in this command
  if ( selectedObjects ) {
    if ( selectedObjects->GetSize() == 1 ) {
      CATPathElement* pathElement=NULL;
      CATIMfgCompoundTraject* ptrCTraject=NULL;
      CATIMfgCompoundTraject_var itfCmpTraject;
      pathElement = (CATPathElement*) (*selectedObjects)[0];
      if (NULL != pathElement) {
        // A CATIMfgCOmpoundTraject must have been seletecd
        ptrCTraject = (CATIMfgCompoundTraject *) (pathElement->FindElement(CATIMfgCompoundTraject::ClassId()));
        itfCmpTraject = ptrCTraject;
        if (!! itfCmpTraject ) {
          _ToolPath = itfCmpTraject;
          CATIMfgToolPathComponents_var itfComponents =_ToolPath;
          CATListValCATBaseUnknown_var* Liste = NULL;
          if (!!itfComponents) Liste = itfComponents->GetAllElements();
          if ( Liste )
            _TPMultipleMotion = (*Liste)[1];
            delete Liste;
          RESULT = CATTrue;
          // We get the activity to be able to redraw the tree under the corresponding activity.
          CATIMfgActivity* ptrActivity = (CATIMfgActivity *) (pathElement->FindElement(CATIMfgActivity::ClassId()));
          if (NULL != ptrActivity ) {
            _Activity = ptrActivity;
      // Display the tool path.
      // To Select points.
  return RESULT;

First, we verify that the selected object is a tool path object, then we display it (call to methods CreateController to create the image then a call to method DispatchInfo to display it in the 3d viewer). Then we create a selector to select points on a tool path.

void CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom::SetSelector() 
  // To get the rep of the points
  CATIMfg3DToolPathVisuData_var VisuData (_ToolPath);
  if (!! VisuData) { 
    if ( SUCCEEDED(VisuData->GetPointsRep(&_TPRep) ) ) {
      if ( _Selector == NULL ) {
        _Selector = new CATSelector (this,"ToolPathSelector", _TPRep);
        AddAnalyseNotificationCB ( _Selector,
        AddAnalyseNotificationCB ( _Selector,
        AddAnalyseNotificationCB ( _Selector,
        AddAnalyseNotificationCB ( _Selector,
      else {


Selecting a Point

The method Activateselector is called when an end-user click on a point of the tool path.

void CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom::ActivateSelector(CATCommand* c1, CATNotification* c2, CATCommandClientData c3)
  CATGraphicElementIntersection* Intersection = NULL;
  if (NULL != _Selector) 
    Intersection = (CATGraphicElementIntersection*) 
            _Selector->SendCommandSpecificObject (CATGraphicElementIntersection::ClassName(), c2);
  if (!Intersection) return;
  CATMathPoint point = Intersection->point;
  // To split the tool path at the selected point.
  if ( SplitToolPath() )
  if ( _Viewer) _Viewer->Draw();


Splitting the Selected Tool Path

The next is to split the tool path at the selected point and to display this information in the PPR Tree.

boolean CAAMfgTPESplitToolPathCom::SplitToolPath()
  boolean isSplit=FALSE;
  if ( !! _TPMultipleMotion ) {
    if ( _PointNumber > 1 && _PointNumber < _TPMultipleMotion->GetNumberOfTipPoints() ) {
      CATIMfgTPTransformation_var itfTransformation (_TPMultipleMotion);
      if (!! itfTransformation) {
        CATIMfgTPMultipleMotion_var MultipleMotion2 (NULL_var);
        if ( itfTransformation->Split (_PointNumber,MultipleMotion2) ) {
          // To Store the datas int the model.
          CATIMfgTPSaveData_var itfSaveData1 = _TPMultipleMotion;
          if ( !!itfSaveData1)
            itfSaveData1->SaveData ();
          CATIMfgTPSaveData_var itfSaveData2 = MultipleMotion2;
          if ( !!itfSaveData2)
            itfSaveData2->SaveData ();
          // We must create two new MfgCompoundTraject.
          // Each will have only one MfgpMultipleMotion.
          // At the end, we must have
          // MfgCompoundTraject -
          //                    MfgCompoundTraject 1 -
          //                             MfgMultipleMotion
          //                    MfgCompoundTraject 2
          //                             MfgMultipleMotion
          CATIMfgToolPathFactory_var spTPFactory;
          CATIContainer_var spContainer;
          GetToolPathFactory (spContainer);
          spTPFactory = spContainer;
          CATIMfgCompoundTraject_var itfCompound1=NULL_var;
          CATIMfgCompoundTraject_var itfCompound2=NULL_var;
          if (NULL_var!=spTPFactory) {
             itfCompound1 = spTPFactory->CreateMfgCompoundTraject ();
             itfCompound2 = spTPFactory->CreateMfgCompoundTraject ();
            CATIMfgToolPathComponents_var itfComponents1(itfCompound1);
            if ( !! itfComponents1 )
            CATIMfgToolPathComponents_var itfComponents2(itfCompound2);
            if ( !! itfComponents2 )
            CATIMfgToolPathComponents_var itfComponents(_ToolPath);
            if ( !! itfComponents && !! itfComponents1 && !! itfComponents2 ) {
              isSplit = TRUE;
              // To mark each MfgCompoundTraject as a sub tool path
              // To displat these two tool path in the tree.
              if ( !!_Activity ) {
                CATIRedrawEvent_var Event(_Activity->GetImpl());
                if (!!Event) Event->Redraw();
  return isSplit;


In Short

This article provides an example on how to use the structure of the tool path and how to make the split of a the tool path.



[1] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case
[2] Dump of Tool Path Content Command


Version: 1 [March 2002] Document created

Copyright © 2002, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.