Rules and Standards |
CAA V5 Ergonomics Rules - Part 1Interface Components |
Technical Article |
1.1 Windows
1.2 Menus
1.3 Toolbars
1.4 Contextual Menus
1.5 Controls
1.6 Secondary Windows
1.7 Tree
1.8 Default Values and Customization
1.9 Manipulator Robot
1.10 Power Input
Windows provides the fundamental way in which a user views and interacts with data. Consistency in window design is particularly important because it enables users to easily transfer their learning skills and to focus on completing their tasks rather than learning new conventions.
Win |
Rule The left side of a title bar
of an application window is composed of:
Web |
Rule There is no menu bar. |
Win |
Rule At the creation of a new document, one and only one new window appears: the window of the document. This window take its characteristic (size, maximized or not, etc...) from the previous active window, becomes the active window but not change the characteristics of other windows. |
-> Workbench transition OK
The new document window (the tree and the workbench is different) is over the previous window.
-> Workbench transition KO
The size of the original window was restored (not maximized).
Two new windows were created at the same time.
One of them was created minimized.
Win |
Rule The title bar of the
document (visible when the document window is not maximized) is composed
Ex.1:Example of the title bar of a CATProcess Document.
Correct Incorrect
The title of the document window identify describes its content.
(Here the name Process1 is the default name of the new document. At the save, the proposed name will be Process1.CATProcess)
The title of the document window describes the nature of the window.
Win |
Rule The main window contains a maximum of 4 zones. |
Web |
Rule The main window contains a maximum of 3 zones. |
Web |
Rule The main window sizes as large as possible to show the maximum of information to the user. |
Web |
Rule Scroll bars are always visible when the application appears. |
Menus display a list of commands available to the user. Because menus makes commands visible and discoverable, you can use them to leverage the greater capacity people have for recognizing commands.
Win |
Rule All menu bar contains the following titles of menu: |
Win |
Rule The specific menus of a workbench are inserted between the "Tools" and "Window" menus. |
[1] Format is not compulsory. Notation in all rules: Parenthesis in a description is used for optional items.
Win |
Rule The name of workbenches are displayed in English, whatever language used (ex: "Assembly Design" in French). However, the name of solution is translated (ex: "Conception mécanique" in French) |
Win |
Rule The start menu is composed
of 6 zones:
![]() |
Win |
Rule The workbench item is displayed in the sub-menu of its own solution. |
Part Design Workbench is in "Mechanical Design" the sub-menu.
Win |
Rule The file menu contains only
commands about:
Win |
Rule the File menu has 6 zones.
Zone 1: Open and Close (Optional For: JavaTop) |
[1] Respect the order of compulsory items.Other items can be inserted where (...) are displayed. They must be compatible with the description of the zone and the menu.
Zone 1: Commands of opening and closure
Zone 2: Commands of saving
Zone 3: Commands of printing
Zone 4: Other operations on the document
Zone 5: List of last used documents
Zone 6: Exit
Ex 1: Word file menu
Ex 2: Excel file menu
Ex 3: PowerPoint file menu
Win |
Rule The Edit menu contains only:
Win |
Rule The Edit menu contains 5
zones [2]
Zone 1: Undo and Redo These zone must contains [1]: ![]() |
Win |
Rule The label of Undo and Redo items contains the name of the concerned action. If operations are impossible, labels are "Can't Undo" "Can't Redo". |
[1] Except "Find+Replace+Atteindre" that can be replaced by equivalent commands.
[2] These zones contains:
Zone 1: Undo and Redo
Zone 2: Cut and Paste
Zone 3: Delete
Zone 4: Search and Select
Zone 5: Misc.
Ex1: Word.Edit Menu
Ex2: Excel.Edit Menu
Ex3: PowerPoint.Edit Menu
Win |
Rule The View menu contains only
commands about one of the following subjects:
Win |
Rule The View menu contains 5
zones: [1]
Zone 1: Choices of style of display of the active document |
[1] Respect the order of compulsory items.Other items can be inserted where the sign (...) is displayed and must be compatible with the description of the zone and the menu.
Zone 1: Choices of style of display of the active document
Zone 2: Displays of active document objects
Zone 3: Toolbars and active window contents
All items display and hide tools around the active window or on the frame without modifying the objects of the document.
Zone 4: Display of auxiliary data of the document
This zone drives the display of auxiliary data linked or imbedded in the document. Items can:
Zone 5: Viewpoint
This zone contains at least Full Screen and Zoom item. Items follow this order:
Ex1: Word View Menu (Note the absence of the zone 2 )
Ex2: Excel View Menu (Note the absence of the zone 2 )
Ex3: PowerPoint View Menu
Win |
Rule The Insert menu contains only commands creating new objects or inserting existing objects inside the active document. |
Win |
Rule The Insert menu contains 5
zones: [1]Zone 1: Objects structuring the document |
[1]: These zones contains:
Zone 1: Insert of objects structuring the document
Zone 2: Insert of simple objects
Zone 3: Insert of complex objects
Zone 4: Insert of other objects
Zone 5: Import of existing objects
Word Insert Menu (Zones 2, 3, and 5)
Excel Insert Menu (Zones 1, 2, and 5)
PowerPoint Insert Menu (Zones 1, 2, 3, and 5)
Win |
Rule The Tools menu contains only commands that act regardless of selected objects and that not create elements in active document |
Win |
Rule The Tools menu contains 4
zones [1]
Zone 1: AssistanceThese zones must contains: ![]() |
[1]: Zones content:
Zone 1: Assistance tools depending of the document type
Zone 2: Versioning and Protection
Zone 3: Divers
Zone 4: Personal configuration (macros, options)
Word Tool Menu:
Excel Tool Menu:
PowerPoint Tool Menu:
Win |
Rule Le label of a menu item ends
with suspension points when the users interactions are needed between the
begin and the end of the command. [1]
Win |
Rule A label followed by a right
arrows indicates a sub-menu. There is no icons for a sub-menu article.
Win |
Rule If an icon exists at the
left of the label, it must be pushed when the command is on [2]. If the
icon does not exists, there is a check item only if the item represents a
state (activated)
[1] So, if the command is executed and ends immediately, there is no suspension points.
[2] If the window of the current command is modal, then it is impossible for the user to access to menus. In this case, the rule has no meaning.
Toolbars and status bars are special interface constructs, like menu bars, for managing a set of controls. They are designed to provide quick access to specific commands and options.
Win | Web |
Rule With a 1280x1024 pixels screen and normal sized icons configuration, every visible toolbar [1] is entirely visible. |
[1] Before any user customization.
Win |
Rule Toolbars are displayed along
2 or 3 sides of the application window:
Web |
Rule Toolbars are displayed along
2 or 3 sides of the application window:
Win | Web |
Rule Every toolbar is an ordered
list [1] of articles that can take 3 different layout:
[1] It is a list and not an array. All articles are one after the other. It is impossible to display one article on the top of another if the toolbar is horizontal. All elements are ordered towards one direction ... otherwise it is a dialog box.
Ex1: horizontal toolbar
Ex2: vertical toolbar
Note that the item zoom is not displayed. A textfield disappears or is replaced by an icon of a command that display a dialog box including the textfield.
Ex3: Most large Horizontal detached toolbar
Ex4: Most high vertical detached toolbar
Note that the width of the palette is given by the largest item (here the zoom
textfield with pulldown list).
Win |
Rule If the Up side toolbar exists, it contains only attributes. |
Win |
Rule Toolbars appears only on one row or column in authorized sides. |
Correct Incorrect Only one column on authorized sides.
Two column of toolbars on the right side.
Win | Web |
Rule Every toolbar contains
Corollary: A toolbar does not contains labels [Ex.1]
[1]: Icons in toolbars are used for command buttons, check boxes or radio button.
[2]: For editable textfield, the drop-down list is used to display the previous values input. This list is mandatory because of the important use of the field (otherwise this field will not be displayed in a toolbar by only in a dialog box).
Ex.1: Example of labels in toolbars
Not to do: A toolbar with labels |
![]() |
To do: No labels, information are in tooltips |
![]() |
Win | Web |
Rule There is a maximum of 5
icons by zone [1].![]() |
Win | Web |
Rule The average number of icons by zone in a toolbar must be between 2 and 4. [2] |
Win | Web |
Rule There is no separator
directly at the border of the toolbar.
[1] Definition: In a toolbar, a zone is the space delimited by separators and borders of the toolbar.
[2] In the example above, there is 19 icons for 6 zones (average of 19/6 = 3.16 icons by zone).
Win | Web |
Rule 1.3.3: A status bar is displayed at the bottom of the application window. It contains at least a message zone describing the state of the dialog. |
Win | Web |
Rule Every item of a toolbar have an tooltip. |
Win | Web |
Rule Except textfield when they
have the keyboard focus[Ex2], a tooltif appears when the cursor pass over
the item [Ex1]:
[Ex1]: Example of tooltip:
[Ex2]: Excepted when the textfield item has been selected (a) or during edition (b)
Win | Web |
Rule The text displayed in a
tooltip is:
[1]: The contains of a tool tip describes the nature of the mode but not the purpose , neither its use. For example, the tooltip of the button "Bold" is just called "Bold" but not "Creation a bold new text or modification of the bold of a text".
Correct Incorrect
Only The name of the object created.
The "New" word.
The lower case "p" instead of a "P".
Web |
Rule The following standard
commands must be accessible through the toolbars as an icon:
Win |
Rule The following commands are
accessible through visible toolbars:
Win | Web |
Rule No command corresponding to
the following capabilities in the specific workbench toolbars (right
Win |
Rule The following toolbars are
located at a specific location:
Web |
Rule the command "New"
is only used for root object. Other sub-objects should have commands which only have the entity name and then based on the object either the create form or the insert form is shown. |
Contextual menus, also called shortcut menus, provide an efficient way for the user to access the specific operations of objects or its immediate context. Because contextual menus are displayed at the pointer's current location, they eliminate the need for the user to move the pointer to the menu bar or a toolbar
Win | Web |
Rule A contextual menu contains
articles giving access to the most used commands:
Contextual menus does not contains commands that do not care about current selection.
Win | Web |
Rule The maximum number or articles in a contextual menu is 15. They are dispatched in 5 zones of 5 articles maximum each. |
Win | Web |
Rule The number of levels of submenus in a contextual menu is limited to 1. |
Win | Web |
Rule The contextual menu is not the unique access to a command ; the command must be also accessible through the menus of the menu bar or toolbars icons. |
Win | Web |
Rule Every selectable object of
the document has a contextual menu. |
Win | Web |
Rule The background of a document and unselectable objects have a common contextual menu. |
Win | Web |
Rule The structure of the contextual menu of an object of the document is composed of 6 zones:
[1] Instead of having an unique item "Properties", it is possible to split the properties access in several items. For example, the contextual menu of a text contains articles: Font, Paragraph, Bullets and Numbering.
Ex 1: Contextual menu of a cell of an Excel array. (zones 2, 3, 5, 6)
Ex 2: Contextual menu of a column (zones 2, 3, 6)
Ex 3: Contextual menu of a line
Win |
Rule The contextual menu of an
object contains at least: Cut,Copy,Paste, Properties |
_ | Web |
Rule The contextual menu of an
object contains at least: Open In New Open In Existing Cut Copy Paste Delete Bookmark Change Status Properties |
Win | Web |
Rule 1.4.3: The contextual menu of an
object with error display the contextual menu relative to the error. It
contains 3 zones:
Word without error |
Word with error and solution |
Word with error but without solution |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Win | Web |
Rule The contextual menu of
toolbars and menu bar calls an unique and same menu make up of 2 zones:
Win | Web |
Rule The status bar does not have
contextual menu for itself [2] But each items included in it has one.
[1] Although the menu bar calls the toolbar contextual menu, the list of items of contextual menu does not contains the item "Menus" because the menu bar cannot be hidden.
[2]: It is possible to allow to hide the status bar. In this case, the item is only in View menu.
Win | Web |
Rule The contextual menu of the
dialog box is called on the title bar of the dialog box. It contains
operations about geometry of the window.
Win | Web |
Rule Each article of a dialog box
has a contextual menu. It contains at least the article "What's
this ?" that gives access to the contextual help about this
Win |
Rule The contextual menu of the
application window is called through the title bar of the application. It
contains the window commands: Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize and
Win |
Rule The contextual menu of a
document window is called through the title bar of the document window
[1], it is composed of the following zones:
[1]: If the window is maximized, this contextual menu is not accessible
Controls are graphic objects that represent the properties or operations of other objects. Some controls display and allow editing of particular values. Other controls start associated commands. Controls are displayed in menus, toolbars, contextual menus and secondary windows such as dialog boxes and message boxes.
Win | Web |
Rule All items of a dialog box
have a label:
Win | Web |
Rule A button remains pressed while the command is running. |
Win | Web |
Rule When a command is running, a selection to depress the button of the command [1] will cancel the command. |
Win | Web |
Rule A command button is
Win | Web |
Rule A command button is grayed if the command it gives access to cannot be executed. |
Win | Web |
Rule A check box pressed and
depressed states represents a "parameter" having three states:
Win | Web |
Rule Radio-buttons and a check box should, at best, be in different zones, or, at least, separated by another type of component or a thicker interline. |
Win | Web |
Rule Every set of radio button
must have a label:
Win | Web |
Rule Each radio button is composed of a round button followed by a label. |
Ex 1: 2 zones of radio buttons
Win | Web |
Rule Radio-buttons are aligned vertically (in one or several columns) or horizontally on 1 line only. |
Win | Web |
Rule The number of radio buttons connected each other are 2 minimum. |
Win | Web |
Rule Two different set of radio buttons must appears in two different zones [Ex1] |
Example :
Win | Web |
Rule The list are used only in one of these cases: |
Rule A list contains one and only one choice by line. |
Rule Every list is described by a label. It appears, preferably, over the list, otherwise at the left of the list. |
Rule In a dialog box, the
height of a list is between 4 and 20 lines.
Rule In order to propose a
choice between 0 and one element in a list: this list must:
[1] The list can be a pulldown list
Rule In a list, column heading control can be used for sorting the list, ascending or descending order. |
Win | Web |
Rule A list zone with single
selection is composed of:
Remark: There is always a line selected when the list appears
Ex.1: Example of list zone with single selection (1 selection among n)
Ex.2: Example of list zone with single selection allowing 0 or 1 selection among n.
Win | Web |
Rule A list zone with extended
selection is composed of:
Rule The definition of a range is done by selection of the first boundary and Shift +selection of the second. |
Rule The addition or subtraction of an element in the list is done with Control+selection. A addition or subtraction of a range is done by Control+selection then Shift +Control+selection. |
Ex.1: Example of list zone with extended selection
Win | Web |
Rule A modifiable list zone is
composed of:
Textfields can exist to ease the creation or the modification of elements in a mono-column list only. (In case of multi-column, one textfield is not sufficient). The textfield contains the selected element of the list.
The command buttons applies to the content of the textfield (so indirectly to the selected element of the list.)
The buttons are necessary to know that the list is modifiable.
Ex 1: Modifiable list without textfield
the buttons Add... and Modify... have suspension points because a dialog box appears to input both the Name and the Value fields.
Ex 2: Modifiable list with textfield
The button modify does not exist because the user can directly edit in the textfield.
Win | Web |
Rule A pull-down list is
composed of:
Rule A pull-down list is a list with single selection |
Ex.1: Example of pull-down list
Win | Web |
Rule A list zone with multiple
selection is composed of:
Rule The definition of a range is done by selection of the first boundary and Shift +selection of the second. |
Rule The addition or subtraction of an element in the list is done by selecting directly the element. |
Ex.1: Example of list zone with multiple selection
Win | Web |
Rule In a dialog box, every textfield has a label at its left or over it. |
Over it:
On the left:
Win | Web |
Rule The length of the textfield is proportional with the length of text or the number to input and display |
Not to do | To do |
![]() A size of 999999999999 is improbable !!! |
![]() |
Win | Web |
Rule A counter is composed by a
label, an editable numeric field and two arrows.![]() |
Rule The up (down) arrow increase (decrease) the counter value to arise the next increment [Ex 1] |
Ex 1: Example of behavior of arrows.
Not to do: | To do |
if Value=0.12456 increment=0.1 then: |
if Value=0.12456 increment=0.1 alors: |
Win | Web |
Rule A slider is made up with:
Not to do: | To do |
Most primary windows (such as document windows) require a set of secondary windows to support and supplement a user's activities in the primary windows. Secondary windows obtain or display supplemental information during commands dialog.
Win | Web |
Rule Only one secondary window appears at a time. |
Correct Incorrect Only one dialog box grouping all controls.
Two dialog boxes are defined simultaneously at the start of the command.
Win | Web |
Rule All zones of a dialog box must have a title and a separator except the first zone that can not have one. |
Rule Two adjacent zones are separated by a single separator (horizontal or vertical line) or by a frame line. [1] |
[1] In other terms:
Rule The only zones surrounded with a frame are previews and figures. |
Rule The first zone can omit the horizontal line |
Ex 1: tab page of a dialog box where composed of 4 zones whose titles are names "Sous-thème X"
Win | Web |
Rule Articles inside a zone are
indented (of 1 character).
Recommendation: The order of display and input of controls must correspond to the logical order of work:
Win | ? |
Rule A dialog box is resizable only if it contains at least an array. |
Win | ? |
Rule The size and the position of the dialog box is kept from one use to the other during the session. |
Recommendation: It is possible to have these data persistent from a session to another but it is not compulsory. |
Win | Web |
Rule The command buttons of a
dialog box are:
Win | Web |
Rule The only possible
combinations of command buttons are:
Win | Web |
Rule The default button, located in the command button zone of a dialog box, is framed by 1 pixel black line. [Ex1] |
Rule The shortcut of the default button is the Enter key. |
Win | Web |
Rule Every control of a toolbar, a menu bar or a dialog box has a contextual help window. |
Rule The access to the contextual help of items of a dialog box is through the button "?" located at the right of the title bar of the dialog box [Ex1]. For the other items (menu bar, menus, toolbars), the access is done by the "What's this" in the help menu or the corresponding button in a toolbar. |
Rule In a dialog box, the contextual help is accessed by selecting equally well the item or its label. |
Rule In
a contextual help window of a command button, the text is
structured in the following parts and must contains:
: The following example contains:Ex.2: The following example contains:
Ex.3: The following example contains:
Ex.4: The following example contains:
Ex.5: Examples on a Non accessible controls
Win | Web |
Rule If the selection field
corresponding to the object on witch the action is applied is displayed in
a dialog box:
[1] The reason of having the focus on the object field is that the two following sequences of interactions should work (in the simplest case): select object + select action + OK |
Win | Web |
Rule There is 4 types of message
Ex 1: Example of Information message box
Ex 2: Example of Status message box
Ex 3: Example of Warning message box
Correct Incorrect "Yes" and "No" buttons to answer the question
Ex:4: Example of Critical message box (with possibility to continue)
Note that the message says in an implicit way that the cause of the problem may be the absence of a disk. ("Vérifiez..."). But the turn of phrase leave the possibility of another error. Messages like "A disk is missing". is prohibited.
Ex 5: Example of Critical message box (without possibility to continue)
Avoid to put message like "Your selection is wrong" (even if it is true in this case): the message mustn't criticize the user.
Avoid also to but the message because the problem can occurs because of another reason. The error can be elsewhere, for example, the user click the wrong command (as simple as that !)
Web |
Rule "Properties"
component buttons combinations are:
Web |
Rule "Create
Form", "Insert Form / New", "Insert Form /
Existing" components buttons combinations are:
Web |
Rule "Search"
component buttons combinations are:
The tree is a specific view of a document that represent a hierarchy of links between all objects included in the document.
Win | Web |
Rule If a hierarchical information is always displayed, it must be represented as a tree. |
Win |
Rule In P1 style, the tree is
displayed in the separated zone, at the left of the document zone inside
the document window In P2 style, the tree is immersed in the left side of the unique graphical zone of the document window. |
Rule The collapse and the expand are strictly opposite actions. |
Rule The collapsed-or-expanded
state is not document data, nor dialog data but view data:
Rule Nodes representing the
same object in different locations of the tree (or in different trees)
have independent behavior.
Rule The states
collapsed/expanded of nodes are kept inside sessions and between
The user is the center of the user interface design. By initializing appropriate default values, the software will better fit the context of the user task.
Because of their widely varying skills and preferences, user must be able to customize aspects of the interface.The software must provide user access to many of these aspects. Your software should refect user settings.
Win |
Rule A General option (items included in Tabs of general category of Tools/Options) is applied in every workshop where it has a significance. (But it is not mandatory that an option has a significance in all workshops) |
An option of Tools/Options is a parameter that should not be changed often by the user.
The mode of maximization of the document windows are not displayed in Tools/Options but is directly on the window title bar. This parameter is consistent (kept through time).
Win |
Rule Tab Pages of options are classified by categories. The list of categories begins by General followed by the list of workshops classified in alphabetical order. |
Rule A tab page of options must be filled more than the half. [1] |
[1] Tab-pages with just a few controls are forbidden because it increase tremendously the number of tab-pages and decrease the probability to find the option. (Consider the frustration of user who tries to find an option.)
Win |
Rule If the document window is
basically a 3D window, the manipulator robot is present at the top right
corner of the window
Win | Web |
Rule There is one and only one
graphical representation of the manipulator robot when located at its home
There is one and only one graphical representation of the manipulator robot when used for drag and dropping. |
Win |
Rule If a command has a dialog box, and is part of a P2 product, the commands supports the power input |
Win |
Rule The command does not change the "Power Input" visibility status of dialog boxes [1]. |
[1] Only the user can hide or show dialog boxes with the following button:
Version: 1 [Jan 2000] | Document created |
[Top] |
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