3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Commands

Implementing the Statechart Diagram

Coding the BuildGraph method
Use Case


This article shows how to retrieve a point in the 3D space from an end user mouse click on the screen in a state dialog command.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to show how to implement the statechart diagram of a state dialog command by coding the command BuildGraph [1] method. BuildGraph is the command core. It declares the objects that make up the dialog steps and sequences, and their relationships.


The Rectangle Command Use Case

The Rectangle command is a use case of the CAADialogEngine.edu framework that illustrates the DialogEngine framework capabilities.


What Does the Rectangle Command Do

CAACreateRectangleCmd is a state dialog command that creates a rectangle in the 3D space according to the following UML statechart diagram [2].

CAACreateRectangleStatechart.jpg (22767 bytes)

The dialog is as follows:

CAACreateRectangle1.jpg (17043 bytes) Select the CAADegCreateRectangleCmd command. The active state is GetPlane. Select an existing plane that will be used as the rectangle plane. The selection is possible thanks to a selection agent.
CAACreateRectangle2.jpg (16653 bytes) The viewpoint changes to make the selected plane and the screen plane coincide. The active state becomes GetFirstPoint.
CAACreateRectangle3.jpg (17322 bytes) Click to indicate a point for the diagonal first end point. The active state becomes GetSecondPoint. This image is captured just after the click. The indicated point is shown beside the plane. The mouse has not yet moved. The indication is enabled thanks to an indication agent.
CAACreateRectangle4.jpg (17881 bytes) Move the mouse from this point. A temporary rectangle is drawn and increases or decreases to follow the mouse moves. The active state remains GetSecondPoint. The self transition loops onto this state. The indication is enabled thanks to the second indication agent.
CAACreateRectangle5.jpg (19354 bytes) Still moving the mouse, the temporary rectangle go on increasing or decreasing to follow the mouse moves. The active state remains GetSecondPoint thank sto the self transition that loops onto this state. The indication remains enabled thanks to the second indication agent.
CAACreateRectangle6.jpg (18214 bytes) When the wished rectangle is obtained, click to create the diagonal second end point. This creates the rectangle. The indicated point is retrieved thanks to the second indication agent. The command is now complete.

The Rectangle command statechart diagram comprises three states in addition to the initial and final states, and four transitions including a self transition that loops onto a state to create a temporary rubber rectangle. Dialog agents with appropriate types and behaviors, associated with the states, make it possible to convert the end user input into stimuli that trigger the transitions and to retrieve the end user interaction intent, that is selecting an object for a selection agent [3] or indicating a point for an indication agent [4]. To simplify the BuildGraph method, undo/redo [5] is not taken into into account.


How to Launch the Rectangle Command

See the section entitled "How to Launch the CAAGeometry Use Case" in the "The CAAGeometry Sample" use case for a detailed description of how this use case should be launched. 

Then, in the window where you run the mkrun command, do not type the module name on the command line, but type CNEXT instead. When the application is ready, do the following:


Where to Find the Rectangle Command Code

The Rectangle command is made of a single class named CAADegCreateRectangleCmd located in the CAADegGeoCommands.m module of the CAADialogEngine.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAADialogEngine.edu\CAADegGeoCommands.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAADialogEngine.edu/CAADegGeoCommands.m/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



To create the CAACreateRectangleCmd BuildGraph method, there are three steps:

# Step Where
1 Create the dialog agents BuildGraph method
2 Create the states BuildGraph method
3 Create the transitions between the states BuildGraph method


Creating the Dialog Agents

The BuildGraph methods starts by creating the dialog agents. Pointers to dialog agents are data members of the state dialog command, because they are often used in several condition and/or action methods in addition to BuildGraph. The first one is a selection (path element) agent to select the rectangle underlying plane.

void CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::BuildGraph()
  //1- Creates the dialog agents 

  //1-1 Dialog agent to select the rectangle plane 
  _daPathEltPlane = new CATPathElementAgent("SelPlane");

  // To enable agent prevaluation, plane prehighlight and highlight
  // No Undo step recorded for this agent
  _daPathEltPlane->SetBehavior(CATDlgEngWithPrevaluation |
                               CATDlgEngWithPSOHSO |
  // Let _daPathEltPlane be valued from the CSO  

This code portion has the following meaning:

The second dialog agent is an indication agent used to get the rectangle diagonal first end point.

  //1-2 Dialog agent to indicate the rectangle diagonal first end point
  _daIndicationP1 = new CATIndicationAgent("IndicationP1");
  // No Undo step recorded for this agent 

Its identifier is set as the argument of its constructor, even if it will be useless since no undo step is recoreded.

The third dialog agent is an indication agent used to get the rectangle diagonal second end point.


  //1-3 Agent to indicate the rectangle diagonal second end point
  _daIndicationP2 = new CATIndicationAgent("IndicationP2");
  // To enable agent prevaluation, and transition to trigger on prevaluation
  // No Undo step recorded for this agent 
  _daIndicationP2->SetBehavior(CATDlgEngWithPrevaluation | 
                               CATDlgEngAcceptOnPrevaluate |

Its behavior enables prevaluation, like with the selection agent. In addition CATDlgEngAcceptOnPrevaluate means that prevaluation is enough to trigger a transition, while usually it is not.


Creating the States

The states are created in the order where they appear in the statechart diagram, and the dialog agents are immediately associated to them. They can be created on the stack.

  //2- Creates states. See Nls file 
  CATDialogState *stPlaneState = GetInitialState("stPlaneStateId");

  CATDialogState *stGetFirstPointState = AddDialogState("stGetFirstPointStateId");

  CATDialogState *stGetLastPointState = AddDialogState("stGetLastPointStateId");

The first state is created using the GetInitialState method that also create an automatic transition fromthe initial state to this state, while the others are created using the AddDialogState method. Each state is assigned an identifier used to set a prompt displayed in the status bar when the state is active. The AddDialogAgent method associates dialog agents with states.


Creating the Transitions between the States

Still in the BuildGraph method, the last thing to do is to create the transitions. They can also be created on the stack. The first transition links the states that requests the rectangle plane and the rectangle diagonal first end point.

  //3- Creates transitions 
  CATDialogTransition *pFirstTransition = AddTransition(
    Action((ActionMethod) & CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::CreateCamera)

Transitions are created using the AddTransition method using the following arguments:

The second transition links the two rectangle diagonal end point indication states.

  CATDialogTransition *pSecondTransition = AddTransition(
                 Condition((ConditionMethod)& CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::TestPoint1)),
    Action((ActionMethod) & CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::CreatePoint)

The two states are the first two arguments. A composite condition is used as the transition guard condition, and a member function is used as the transition action. The composite condition is a CATBoolean AND between two condition return values:

  1. The IsOutputSetCondition method that returns True if the indication agent is valued
  2. The state dialog class member function TestPoint1 that returns True if a point can be created in the document.

The third transition is a self-transition that loops on the state that asks for the diagonal second end point. This transition creates a temporary rectangle that has for diagonal the line segment joining the first indicated point and the point that would be created if the end user clicked at the current mouse location. The mouse move seems to drag a rubber rectangle.

  CATDialogTransition *pRubberTransition = AddTransition(
                 Condition((ConditionMethod)& CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::TestPoint2)),
    Action((ActionMethod) & CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::UpdateRectangle)

The same state is used for both the transition source and target states. Note that the transition condition is a composite condition that is also a CATBoolean AND condition between:

  1. The IsLastModifiedAgentCondition method that returns True if the indication agent is prevalued.
  2. The state dialog class member function TestPoint2 that returns True if the current mouse location doesn't coincide with the first indicated point.

The transition action is the state dialog class member function UpdateRectangle that creates the temporary rectangle.

The last transition links the state that asks for the diagonal second end point to the final state.

  CATDialogTransition *pFinalTransition = AddTransition(
                 Condition((ConditionMethod)& CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::TestPoint2)),
    Action( (ActionMethod) & CAADegCreateRectangleCmd::NewRectangle)

The final state is designated as the NULL state. The transition condition is almost identical than the condition of the above transition. It uses the same indication agent. The only difference is that the IsOutputSetCondition method is used in place of IsLastModifiedAgentCondition to return True when the dialog agent is valued instead of prevalued, that is when the end user has left clicked instead of simply moving the mouse. The transition action is the state dialog class member function NewRectangle that creates the rectangle in the document.


In Short

This use case shows the objects involved when implementing the statechart of a state dialog command  in the BuildGraph method. These ojbects are the dialog agents that retrieve end user input, the states of the statechart diagram with which they are associated, and the transitions that link these states. A trigger encapsulated in the guard condition, and an action are associated with each transition.



[1] Implementing the Command Statechart Diagram
[2] Describing State Dialog Commands Using UML
[3] Managing Selection
[4] Managing Indication
[5] Managing Undo/Redo


Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.