3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Frame

Using the "Tools Palette" Toolbar for a Workbench

How to implement CATIAfrPaletteOptions
Use Case


This use case is intended to show you how to implement CATIAfrPaletteOptions to provide "options" which are available as soon as a specific workbench is active. 

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

The Tools Palette is a special toolbar which updates dynamically when:

Command headers are added in the Palette once the workbench is activated, and they are removed from the toolbar after the workbench deactivation.

Command headers may be added when the command is activated and they are removed when the command is canceled. For a state command, there is also the possibility to add command headers for a specific state, they are removed when the state is left. When the command is deactivated, the command headers become unavailable. [1]

This use case is intended to show you how to implement CATIAfrPaletteOptions.  


The CAAAfrPaletteOptions Use Case

CAAAfrPaletteOptions is a use case of the CAAApplicationFrame.edu framework that illustrates ApplicationFrame framework capabilities.


What Does CAAAfrPaletteOptions Do

CAAAfrPaletteOptions is the implementation of the CATIAfrPaletteOptions on a workbench of the CAAGeometry document [2]. It enables us to display a specific toolbar, the "Tools Palette" toolbar. This toolbar contains, like the other toolbars defined in workbench or Add-in [3], command header instances. In the use case, there is a command header displaying the count of points and lines created in the CAAGeometry document.

Fig.1 Tools Palette

This header is a customized command header. Its graphic representation is not a check button with an icon, but two CATDlgEditor class instances. Refer to the CAAAfrEltCountHeader use case [4] for complete details about this specific header. 

Now, if you launch the Cuboid command from the Solids Toolbar, you can see on the above picture, [Fig.2], that new options are added. This command also uses  Tools Palette options for its scenario [1].

Fig.2 Cuboid Command

Once the Cuboid command is completed, the Tools Palette is restored, and contains the two editors again.


How to Launch CAAAfrPaletteOptions

See the section entitled "How to Launch the CAAGeometry Use Case" in the "The CAAGeometry Sample" use case for a detailed description of how this use case should be launched. 

Then, in the window where you run the mkrun command, do not type the module name on the command line, but type CNEXT instead. When the application is ready, do the following:


Where to Find the CAAAfrPaletteOptions Code

The CAAAfrPaletteOptions use case is made of a single class,CAAEAfrPaletteOptions, located in the CAAAfrPaletteOptions.m module of the CAAApplicationFrame.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAApplicationFrame.edu\CAAAfrPaletteOptions.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAApplicationFrame.edu/CAAAfrPaletteOptions.m/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



There are two logical steps in CAAAfrPaletteOptions:

  1. Creating the Header File
  2. Creating the Source File


Creating the Header File

Here is the CAAEAfrPaletteOptions.h file

#include "CATBaseUnknown.h"    
#include "CATListOfCATCommandHeader.h"       

class CAAEAfrPaletteOptions: public CATBaseUnknown


    virtual ~CAAEAfrPaletteOptions();
    CATLISTP(CATCommandHeader) GetPaletteOptions();

    CAAEAfrPaletteOptions(const CAAEAfrPaletteOptions &iObjectToCopy);
    CAAEAfrPaletteOptions & operator = (const CAAEAfrPaletteOptions &iObjectToCopy);

The CAAEAfrPaletteOptions class derives from CATBaseUnkown. The GetPaletteOptions method is the only one method of the CATIAfrPaletteOptions interface. The CATDeclareClass macro declares that the CAAEAfrPaletteOptions class belongs to a component. Note that the copy constructor and the assignment operator are set as private, and are not implemented in the source file. This prevents the compiler from creating them as public without you know.


Creating the Source File

Here is the CAAEAfrPaletteOptions.cpp file

#include <TIE_CATIAfrPaletteOptions.h>




The CAAEAfrPaletteOptions class states that it implements the CATIAfrPaletteOptions interface thanks to the TIE_CATIAfrPaletteOptions macro. The CATImplementClass macro declares that the CAAEAfrPaletteOptions class is a data extension, thanks to the DataExtension keyword, that extends CAAAfrGeoCreationWkb_Palette. The third argument must always be set as CATBaseUnknown or CATNull for any kind of extension. 

CAAAfrGeoCreationWkb_Palette: is the concatenation of the internal name of the workbench + "_Palette". This interface can be only implemented on your workbench. You cannot implement it on a Dassault System workbench. The internal name of the workbench is the third argument of the NewAccess macro when the first argument is CATCmdWorkbench [5].


Now, lets us see the GetPaletteOptions implementation.

CATLISTP(CATCommandHeader) CAAEAfrPaletteOptions::GetPaletteOptions()
    CATLISTP(CATCommandHeader) TheListToReturn ;

    CATCommandHeader *pMyCommand = NULL ;
    HRESULT rc= ::CATAfrGetCommandHeader("CAAAfrEltCountHdr",pMyCommand);

    if ( FAILED(rc) || ( NULL ==pMyCommand) )
        pMyCommand = new CAAAfrEltCountHeader("CAAAfrEltCountHdr");

    if ( NULL != pMyCommand)

    return TheListToReturn ;

The goal of this method is to append command header instances into the returned list. The most important thing, is to take care of the instantiation. This method is called each time one enters in the concerned workbench. So before instantiating the command header class, check that the instantiation does not already exist. Refer to the "Command Header Management" section of the technical article about the command header [6] to understand the life cycle of a command header instance. 

To do the check, use CATAfrGetCommandHeader, the global function which returns an instance associated with the current editor. (The CATFrmEditor class instance associated with the document). If no instance, i.e  pMyCommand the second argument of the global function is NULL, then you can create the command header instance.


In Short

This use case has explained how to implement the CATIAfrPaletteOptions interface to add options in the Tools Palette for your workbench. 



[1] Creating a Command with Options in the "Tools Palette" Toolbar
[2] The CAAGeometry Sample
[3] Application Frame Overview
[4] Creating Editors in Toolbar
[5] Creating a Workbench
[6] The Command Headers


Version: 1 [Feb 2004] Document created

Copyright © 2004, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.