Drag Detail.7 from the list and position this component onto
the desired CATDrawing.
The Tools Palette toolbar is displayed and proposes the following commands:
Link with detail: instantiate a 2D component.
The component instance is linked with its reference in a catalog.
By default, this icon is activated.
Expose: instantiate and expose a 2D component. The component instance is not linked to its reference in a catalog, but to an identical 2D component reference in a detail sheet.
Explode: instantiate and explode a 2D
component. The component instance is not linked to its reference, so behaves as independent geometry and annotations.
Fixed together:
instantiate and explode a 2D component, and apply a fixed together constraint to the geometry elements.
The fix together constraint is not applied to annotations, dimensions nor dress-up elements. |
Change component origin: define another
point in the view.
Change component angle: define the angle in the view.
Flip component horizontally: rotate
horizontally the 2D component instance.
Flip component vertically: rotate vertically
the 2D component instance.
Angle: define a value for the angle.
Scale: define a value for the scale.