Re-Using a 2D Component Reference

This task shows you how to Re-use a 2D component. In this particular case, we will instantiate a 2D component previously created on a detail sheet. Select a task: 


Creating a 2D Component Instance

Open the Position_Component.CATDrawing document.
  1. Double-click the view in which you want to instantiate the 2D component.
    This view is now active.

  2. Click Instantiate 2D Component .
    Note that to position several 2D components on the sheet and keep the scale and angle properties for all these components, you need to double-click Instantiate 2D Component .

  3. Go to the detail sheet Sheet2 (Detail) and click the component.

    You can:

    • select the 2D component from the specification tree,

    • select an existing 2D component instance in the drawing representation. In this case, Angle, Scale, Flip horizontally and Flip vertically properties are transmitted from the selected 2D Component instance to the new one.

    The drawing sheet automatically displays the sheet containing the starting view.

  4. Position the component using smartpick then click in the geometry.
    The Tools Palette toolbar is displayed and proposes the following commands:

    Link With Detail: Instantiates a 2D component. The component instance is linked with its reference in a detail sheet.

    By default, this icon is activated.

    Explode: Instantiates and explodes a 2D component. The component instance is not linked to its reference, so it behaves as independent geometry and annotations.

    Fixed Together: Instantiates and explodes a 2D component, and applies a fixed together constraint to the geometry elements.
    The fix together constraint is not applied to annotations, dimensions or dress-up elements.

    Change Component Origin: Defines another point in the view.

    Change Component Angle: Defines the angle in the view.

    Flip component horizontally: Rotates horizontally the 2D component instance.

    Flip component vertically: Rotates vertically the 2D component instance.

    Angle: Defines a value for the angle.

    Scale: Defines a value for the scale.

  5. In the Tools Palette, choose your instance type. For the purpose of this scenario, check that the Link With Detail icon is activated. You can also position the 2D component.

  6. Click the view: the 2D component instance is created.

  7. If needed, select the component and use the displayed manipulators to modify the component.

    If you select Prevent direct manipulation and/or Prevent direct scaling from Tools> Options> Mechanical Design> Drafting > Annotation and Dress-up tab, you will not be able to move and/or scale the component.

    You can also modify a group of objects including a 2D component. For this, multi-select the group of objects and perform the desired modification.

  • To easily find and edit the reference 2D Component, double-click the 2D component you have instantiated, or select the Edit Reference Component option from the contextual menu.
  • The 2D component instance is added in the Component Instances node under the respective view node in the specification tree. Any new 2D components instantiated are added under this node. To view this node, select the Display features under views check box (using Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > Drafting > General tab, Tree area).
  • The Component Instances node is created by default. To view it or not in the specification tree is your choice. Thus you can select the Display features under views option even after the 2D component instantiation. The node is displayed in specification tree.
  • The Component Instances node is added to the specification tree when the first instance of 2D component is added. The node is removed from the specification tree when the last instance of 2D component is removed.
  • The main family node Component Instances is not selectable as it is used to just group 2D component instances. When trying to select a family node, the selected object will be the parent view of the node.
  • The contextual menu for the object in the specification tree is the same as when the object is selected in the view geometry.
  • Objects created directly in the sheet are not displayed in the specification tree.
  • The active sheet and view nodes are highlighted with blue background.

Positioning a 2D Component Instance During Creation

Open the Position_Component02.CATDrawing document.
  1. Instantiate a component and define its position.

  2. After you have defined its position, you can modify its origin and orientation using the following four icons in the Tools Palette.
    Click Change Component Origin in the Tools Palette.

  3. Click a point on the component, which you want to use as the component origin.

    This new origin will move to fit into the position you indicated for the component.
    You can see that the component origin has moved to the defined position.

  4. Click Change Component Angle .

  5. Click in the view once the component angle axis corresponds to the position you want to assign to the component

  6. You can also flip the component according to either the x or y axis. If you click Flip component horizontally , the component flips on the horizontal axis of the detail. If you click Flip component vertically , the component flips on the vertical axis of its reference.

  7. Click in the view to validate your position.

Adding a Leader to a 2D Component Instance

Create a 2D component following the scenario Creating 2D component instance.
  1. Right-click the 2D component and select Add Leader.

  2. Select the element you want to associate to the 2D component, or click in the empty space.


Replacing the Reference of a 2D Component Instance

Create a 2D component instance.
  1. Right-click on an instance and select Detail.1.1 object > Replace Reference for this instance.

  2. Select another instance (this instance reference will be taken into account) or a 2D component in a local sheet of detail.
    The 2D component instance reference is replaced.

You cannot use a catalog to replace a 2D component instance reference. To bypass this, use an instance created with this catalog.
When replacing the reference of a 2D component instance, any existing text in the original 2D component instance is also replaced, even if this existing text had been previously modified (see Modifying Text in 2D Component instances for more information on this point).