Contour-Driven Spine Contour Parameters


The information in this section describes the Spine Contour strategy parameters.

In addition to the Guiding Strategy, those parameters are found in the following tabs:

Spine Contour: Guiding Strategy

Select a contour on the part to be the reference for your operation.

Click here for information about the 3/5-Axis Converter option.

Spine Contour: Machining Parameters 

By default, or when the More>> button is pressed:

When the <<Less button is pressed:

The parameters to define are:

  • Tool path style: described here.
  • Machining tolerance: described here.
  • Reverse tool path :
    Hidden when the <<Less button is pressed.
    Described here.
  • Max Discretization:
    Hidden when the <<Less button is pressed.
    Described here.

Spine contour: Radial Parameters

  • By default, or when the More>> button is pressed:
  • When the <<Less button is pressed:

Stepover type: those types are available:

Via scallop height 
The stepover is computed from the scallop height you have set.
See here for more information.

The parameters to define are:

View Direction:
Available with Constant 2D or Via scallop height.
Hidden when the <<Less button is pressed.
Described here.

Spine Contour: Axial Parameters 

The tab is hidden when the <<Less button is pressed.

Described here.

Spine Contour: Strategy Parameters

Not available.

Spine Contour: Island Parameters

The tab is hidden when the <<Less button is pressed.