This task explains how to migrate a V4 files in to V5
files using PLM Batch. |
- In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > Migration
Batch tab, specify CATIE3DMigration in
Migration Interface Name. For more information about this
option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing >
Migration Batch.
- In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > V4/V5 SPACE
tab, select
Isolated Solids
Mock-up migration
option as
as PartBody . For more information about this
option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing >
- In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > Electrical
tab, select the Shell Migration Mode to No,
migrate geometry only. For more information about this
option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing >
Electrical Migration.
- In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > Electrical
tab, Select Multi-branchable document option. For more information about this
option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing >
Electrical Migration.
Once the options are set up, you can launch the migration batch. |
For more information on the Migration Batch, also refer to the V4
Integration User's Guide - User Tasks - Migration in Batch Mode.
Select Tools > Utility...
The Batch Monitor window opens.
Double-click the PLMV4TOV5Migration utility:
Click on the Browse button in the Document
Selection section. The File Selection dialog box opens.
Click on the Member button.
Select the file to be migrated from the File Selection
dialog box and click Open.

Click on
the Change Target Directory button to specify the location of the
Default target directory.
the Target directory location and click Default button.
Click OK
in the File Selection dialog box.
the Migration mode of SET and SOLID Element types
as As Spec by clicking on the As Spec button in
the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box.
that the Migrate radio button is checked.
and specify the location of the Target Directory in the
Output section and click Next button.
Check the
Set and Ditto check boxes in the Structuring
Element section of the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box.
the conversion mode as SPACE only from the Conversion mode
the Interface location as Electrical in the Migration
Interface section of the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box.

Run. When the migration is performed, you get the xxxxx.CATProduct
in your target directory, as well as CATParts and other
Open the
xxxxx.CATProduct in CATIA V5.
If need
be, click updateall

You may have a message indicating a problem in the geometry area such
- A twisted configuration on a bundle segment
Reference Information.
- A fillet which needs to be modified
Refer to Part Design User's Guide.

During the V4 to V5 migration,
the migration mode in case of a flexible curve of the bundle segment is
automatically switched to
when the migration in the
causes modifications in shape or length. This change in migration
results in a datum curve creation in V5 which is not editable. To to
edit it you need to reroute the branch.