This section gives general information about the V4 to V5
electrical migration.
To know more about V5 devices, refer to Electrical
Library User's Guide. |
V4 to V5 Document Structure
The V4 MASTER workspace
becomes the main V5 CATProduct document while:
- Each geometrical SET becomes a CATPart,
- Each DETAIL workspace becomes a CATPart,
- Each GBN becomes a product or a component depending on the
migration mode option
- Depending on the selected
- Each BNS becomes a CATPart, if Bundle segments is chosen
- All the BNSs of a GBN are stored in the same CATPart, if
Multi-branchable document is chosen.
The root document is a CATProduct named: <V4 Model Name>.CATProduct.
The V5 documents created by migration of V4 electrical models are named
as follows:
<Name of the model>_<CATIA V4 Detail Identifier>
for example: TEST_MODEL1_ECP1.CATPart
The CATPart documents resulting of DETAIL workspaces are instantiated as
many times as there are DITTOS in the main document.
In this V4 model, the SIC comes from a V4 library: each SIC instance
(DITTO) has the same reference (DETAIL).
In V5, the same structure is created: each connector is an instance of the
If a device has been created in V4, using more than one ditto to define
its geometry, a CATPart will be created for each original detail.
Library Migration
Even though the electrical applications use catalogs, the migration
batch migrates only the components in the models, not in the libraries.
However it is possible to store the devices migrated from V4 model to a V5
Refer to How to migrate a V4
library.Note that it is recommended to limit the
number of V4 devices to one hundred per model.
Simultaneous Device Migration
When migrating several models at a time, if they contain the same
device, a CATPart will be generated for each V5 document (i.e. two models
using the same SIC will be migrated as two V5 documents with two CATPart
Known Restrictions
About Bundle Segment Migration
The bundle segment shape in general might be
different because of the algorithm differences.
The number of points on which the curve is built also is different: the
supports in CATIA V4 use three points while only two are used in CATIA
If the V4 BNS bend
radius is smaller than the V4 BNS diameter, the bend radius value taken
into account will be equal to the diameter. However, under certain
circumstances, you may have a message informing you that the migration of
such bundle segments leads to a "twisted configuration". The resulting V5
bundle segments have an unusable geometry.
Bypass: In this case, modify the radius or the bend radius to be able to
create the rib.
About Device Migration
Once the migration is performed, the following
modifications have to be done manually to get the correct device behavior:
Single Insert Connector
On V5 single insert connectors, the
Representation of the connector connection point and the
Contact constraint correspond to the migrated point of the CPP of
the V4 SIC.
Coincidence and Orientation
constraints must be added, using Electrical Library. |
To connect a single insert connector to an
equipment or a connector shell, a cavity connection point must be added
to the single insert connector, using Electrical Library.
To connect a connector or connector shell
to an equipment, a cavity must be added to the equipment for each
connector or connector shell, using Electrical Library.
To connect an equipment to a mounting
equipment, a cavity connection point must be added to the mounting
equipment, using Electrical Library.
Connector Shell
To connect a connector to a connector
shell, a cavity must be added to the connector shell for each
connector, using Electrical Library.
To connect a connector shell to a mounting
equipment or an equipment, a cavity connection point must be added to
the mounting equipment or the equipment for each connector shell, using
Electrical Library.
Terminal Block
- To connect a terminal block a mounting equipment or an item of
equipment, a cavity connection point must be added to the terminal
block using Electrical Library.
About Support Migration
Multi-section supports are supported. However
supports with multi-directional sections do not exist in CATIA V5. As a
consequence, only the first created section will be linked to a bundle
segment as well as all other sections that have the same direction.
The bundle segments using other support section direction in the original
V4 model are not linked to the support in the V5 document.
About Session Migration
For the time being, the V4
sessions (.session) are not migrated.
This evolution is under development.
Interoperability with ENOVIA V5
In the context of ENOVIA V5, you must first clear the
Use root context in assembly check box, which is located in the
Part Infrastructure > General > External References frame. If
not, the links will be created to the root of the assembly and it will not
be possible to save the geometrical bundle in ENOVIA.
By default, this option is selected.
For more information, refer to the V4 Integration Documentation
- User Tasks - Converting CATIA Version 4 Models into CATIA Version 5 in
Batch Mode. |