Source Code Manager


The SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager

Quick Reference


adl_transfer_mngr is the command corresponding to the SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager. The goal of this process is to provide to remote clients a way to execute SCM commands locally and to transfer files between the local and remote hosts.


adl_transfer_mngr [-port port_number] [-tmp directory] [-cmdfile filename] [-ctrlfile filename] [-eventmanager program_path] [-verb] [-h | -help | -?]


The adl_transfer_mngr command is the command to be started but the way it is launched differs regarding the current operating system:

More than one adl_transfer_mngr can be started on the same host by using a different port for each of them. However a single manager is enough to manage several transfers at the same time. It is designed to support multiple connections from different clients and to manage different working environments at the same time.



adl_transfer_mngr accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
-port Port number to use to communicate with remote clients
-tmp To specify a directory in which temporary data will be stored and where the manager log will be stored.
If not specified, the ADL_TMP variable will be used.
-cmdfile filename To specify a file in which are written all the commands that can be executed by the manager.
This allows the SCM administrator to restrict the commands that can be triggered from remote clients.
-ctrlfile filename To specify a file in which are declared the workspace trees and frameworks that distant sites can attach. This file allows the SCM administrator of the current site to control the components that other sites can get.
-eventmanager program_path To specify a program that will be called each time a transfer starts, stops or fails. This program will receive the name of a temporary file containing information about the corresponding transfer.
-verb Display additional traces (for debug purpose)


The Command File

The command file contains the non SCM commands that a given SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager can execute. The default file that is delivered on the CD-ROM contains the all the commands that intersite commands needs. The path to the default file is <INSTALL_PATH>/OS/code/command/admin/AuthorizedCommands.txt where <INSTALL_PATH> is the path specified when installing the RADE CD-ROM and OS a directory the name of which is an acronym that depends on the operating system. Refer to [5] to get the current list of operating systems supported and associated acronyms.

On Windows platform, it is possible than the Multi-site Transfer Manager cannot be started due to this command file. This error occurs when the "find" program required by intersite commands is found in "WINNT\System32" directory instead of "mksnt". In such a case, an error message is written by the transfer manager in its trace file [3] asking the user to edit the command file and to enter the full path to the "mksnt" find program.


The Control File

The control file is a text file in which the SCM administrator enter the names of the frameworks and workspace trees he allows other sites to attach through intersite commands. 

This file is not required to set up transfers between SCM sites:


The command file is a text file composed of lines describing the rights for frameworks and/or workspace trees. Here are the rules to follow to write this file:


The Event Manager

The "Event manager" is a way for the SCM administrator to follow connections that are made from other sites to the SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager of the local site. Indeed it is possible to know the transfers that have been set up locally using the adl_ls_transfer command but, in the reverse way, we don't know the remote transfers that have been set up to exchange data with some workspaces of the local site.

The "Event Manager" is a program which is specified when starting the SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager and which is called automatically each time

The program is called in background and receives - as its single parameter - the path to a temporary information file.
The program is responsible of deleting this file.

This file contains 7 lines starting with a keyword. There are different information depending on the command that made the connection. Here are the two different contents that can be found.

When the client command is an intersite command (adl_attach_is, adl_promote_is, adl_sync_is, etc), here is the content of the information file:

Keyword Fields Meaning
_ID Transfer_Name Workspace_Name Site_UUID  The name of the corresponding transfer (as displayed by adl_ls_transfer on remote site), the name of the associated remote workspace and the unique identifier of the remote SCM site.
_STATUS START | STOP | ABORT These three keywords can be found depending on the status of the corresponding client command:
  • START means the client has made the connection and is running
  • STOP means the client left and finished successfully
  • ABORT means the client left but with errors
_HOST host name It is the name, in upper case letters, of the remote host from which the client command has been started.
_PLATFORM UNIX | WINDOWS_NT One of these two keywords can be found depending on the platform of the remote host.
_USER Login name It is the login, in upper case letter, of the user who started the client command on the remote host.
_COMMAND Intersite command name It is the name of the intersite command that has been started on the remote host (adl_promote_is, adl_sync_is, etc).
_TRACES The path to a temporary file This file contains the traces of the remote command as they appear on the remote screen. This file can be read when the command is running. This file is never removed and it is up to the event manager to decide when to delete it (for instance when receiving the STOP or ABORT event).

Note: this file exists only if an event manager has been specified when starting the transfer manager.

When the client command is a adl_site_transfer intersite command (internally called from intersite commands), here is the content of the information file:

Keyword Fields Meaning
_ID Site_UUID Remote_Workspace_Name Tree_Name Local_Workspace_Name The first field gives the unique identifier of the remote SCM site, the second field is the name of the remote workspace from which the intersite transfer has been started, the third field is the name of the remote workspace tree associated with this transfer and the last field is the name of the local target workspace.
_STATUS START | STOP | ABORT These three keywords can be found depending on the status of the corresponding client command:
  • START means the client has made the connection and is running
  • STOP means the client left and finished successfully
  • ABORT means the client left but with errors
_HOST host name It is the name, in upper case letters, of the remote host from which the transfer has been started.
_PLATFORM UNIX | WINDOWS_NT One of these two keywords can be found depending on the platform of the remote host.
_USER Login name It is the login, in upper case letter, of the user who started the transfer on the remote host.
_COMMAND there is no information on this line
_TRACES The path to a temporary file This file contains the traces of the transfer as they appear on the remote screen. This file can be read when the command is running. This file is never removed and it is up to the event manager to decide when to delete it (for instance when receiving the STOP or ABORT event).

Note: this file exists only if an event manager has been specified when starting the transfer manager.



To start a manager on port 23452:

adl_transfer_mngr -port 23452



[1] Launching the SCM Multi-Site Transfer Manager on Windows-NT
[2] Launching the SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager on Unix
[3] Locating the SCM Multi-site Transfer Manager traces file
[4] adl_ls_site: listing the name of current SCM site
[5] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case



Version: 1 [Nov 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.