Source Code Manager


Creating a framework

Quick Reference


The adl_mk_fw command creates one or more framework(s) in the current image of the current workspace.


adl_mk_fw framework_name... [-force] [-tree ws_tree_name] -resp responsible_name [-h | -help | -?]


Once the framework is created, it is automatically created:

When a framework must be created in a multi-tree workspace, you have to precise in which tree this framework is created. It is useless to give the name of the tree if the workspace belongs to only one tree.

A user is associated with each framework: by default it is the current user. There is no user management in the SCM databases. No verification is done on the manager associated with a framework.

After running the adl_mk_fw command in an image, you cannot launch any modification command (creation, move, rename, delete, or modification of content), in another image of the same workspace, till the image is refreshed.

Naming rules

The basic naming rules are:

The rules for use are:

For more information on the naming rules, see the [2] naming rules document.



adl_mk_ws accepts the following options:  

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
framework_name ... Name of the new framework
-force Ignore frameworks whose names conflict with the one to create
-tree tree_name Name of the tree in which the workspace will be created
-resp responsible_name Name of the framework's responsible


Creation of the "MyFwDev" framework in the "MyWsDev" workspace:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_mk_fw MyFwDev -resp user1


Creation of the "MyFw" framework in the "MyWsDev" workspace in the tree "ToolsTree":  

adl_mk_fw MyFw -tree ToolsTree -resp user1


Creation of the "MyFw" framework, using an old framework name:  

adl_ch_ws MyWsDev
adl_mk_fw MyFw -force -resp user1



adl_ls_fw: listing workspace
naming rules document



Version: 2 [Mar 2001] Document update: -resp option mandatory
Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


Copyright © 2001, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.