Source Code Manager


Declaring a workspace in a tree

Quick Reference


The adl_link_ws command links workspaces in different trees.


adl_link_ws [workspace_name] -parent_ws parent_workspace_name [-all_trees | -tree ws_tree_name...] [-tck tool_config_key] [-h|-help|-?] (1)
adl_link_ws [workspace_name] -parent_ws_rev parent_ws_rev... [-tck tool_config_key] (2)
adl_link_ws [workspace_name] -tree ws_tree_name... [-tck tool_config_key] (3)


This command is used to manage the belonging of a workspace to several trees. There are two cases:

You can link a workspace to different workspaces in different trees. For example, a development workspace can be declared in two different trees with two different integration levels (2 on a side, and 3 on the other one) and then it can have two different parent workspaces.
A workspace can exist in more trees than one of its parent.

Case (1) The new workspaces are child of <parent_workspace_name> workspace in the workspace trees <ws_tree_name ...> or in all workspace trees of the parent workspace.
  If the parent workspace exists only in one workspace tree, the workspace tree name is optional.
Case (2) The new workspaces are child of <parent_ws_rev> workspaces revision. One parent workspace revision must be given for each tree where the workspace is to be created.
Case (3) The new workspaces are root workspaces in the workspace trees <ws_tree_name...>.

Be careful:
A workspace name is unique on a site. To know the names of the workspace on a givent, run the [2] adl_ls_ws command.



adl_link_ws accepts the following options:

-h|-help|-? Help of the command
workspace_name Name of an existing workspace
-parent_ws parent_ws_name Name of the parent workspace
-all_trees  The workspace will be declared in the same workspace trees as its parent workspace.
-tree ws_tree_name The workspace will be declared in the specified workspace trees if its parent's workspace already exists in these workspace trees.
-parent_ws_rev parent_ws_rev The parent workspace revision to synchronize on, with the format parent_workspace_name.tree_name.revision_rank.
-tck tool_config_key The tool config key to associate with the workspace



Link of a workspace "MyWs" with the workspace "MyParentWs", in all the trees where the workspace "MyParentWs" is declared:

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_link_ws -parent_ws MyParentWs -all_trees


Link of a workspace MyWs, with the workspace "MyParentWs", only in the tree "FirstTree", with the specific TCK "ToolsConfigKey":

adl_ch_ws MyWs
adl_link_ws -parent_ws MyParentWs -tree FirstTree -tck ToolsConfigKey


Link of a workspace, to a specific revision of a workspace:

adl_link_ws -parent_ws_rev ParentRevNumber


Link of a root workspace, in the tree "ToolsTree":

adl_link_ws -tree ToolsTree



[1] adl_mk_ws: Creating workspace
[2] adl_ls_ws: Listing workspaces



Version: 1 [Mar 2001] Document created


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