

Modifying Object Graphical Properties

Using the CATIVisProperties interface
Use Case


This article shows how to use the CATIVisProperties interface to modify the graphical aspect of an object.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This article shows how to use the CATIVisProperties interface to retrieve or set the graphical properties for CATIA V5 features. This interface contains five main methods:

  1. GetPropertiesAtt, retrieves the properties
  2. SetPropertiesAtt, modifies the properties
  3. These two methods function on the same principle: there is a CATVisPropertiesValues instance and two keys:

    These two keys specify the valid attributes on the instance.

  4. ResetPropertiesAtt, resets the properties to follow the standard
  5. GetStandardProperties, retrieves the standard properties
  6. These two methods, as the two above, also work with the same two keys. The reset is done on a feature for a given type of geometry and for a given type of property.

  7. IsGeomTypeDefined, tells if a given type of geometry is recognized by the feature.

In this article you will learn to:


The CAAGviApplyProperties Use Case

CAAGviApplyProperties is a use case of the CAAGeometryVisualization.edu framework that illustrates Visualization and GeometryVisualization framework capabilities.


What Does CAAGviApplyProperties Do

The goal of this use case is to change the graphic properties of some GSM features.It is based on a delivered Part document called "CAAProperty" [Fig.1], located in the CAAGeometryVisualization.edu/InputData directory. This document contains the following elements:

Point.1 a green,full square point
Line.1 a solid, pickable line
Extrude.1 a yellow surface
Sweep.2 a surface with standard color
Extrude.2 a hidden surface
Fig.1: The CAAProperty Document

By using the CATIVisProperties interface, these elements become:

Point.1 a red, cross point
Line.1 a dashed,no-pickable line
Extrude.1 a surface with standard color
Sweep.2 a transparent surface with red edges
Extrude.2 a visible surface

The modified document is saved in the "CAAPropertyWithNewProperties.CATPart" document. [Fig 2]

Fig.2: The CAAPropertyWithNewProperties Document

For the Line.1feature, try going over on the line, it is not highlighted. For the Sweep.2 feature, turn the model, you can see through the surface because it is transparent.


How to Launch CAAGviApplyProperties

To launch CAAGviApplyProperties , you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAGviApplyProperties along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment [1]. Then execute the following command:

mkrun -c CAAGviApplyProperties InputPath [OutputPath]


  1. InputPath : The path of the CAAProperty.CATPart document included in the directory CAAGeometryVisualization.edu/InputData
  2. OutputPath: The path where the output file CAAPropertyWithNewProperties.CATPart will be stored. If this path is empty, the output file is created in the current directory.


Where to Find the CAAGviApplyProperties Code

The CAAGviApplyProperties use case is made of a main program located in the CAAGviApplyProperties.m module of the CAAGeometryVisualization.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAGeometryVisualization.edu\CAAGviApplyProperties.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAGeometryVisualization.edu/CAAGviApplyProperties.m/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



The main steps of CAAGviApplyProperties are:

  1. Prolog
  2. Retrieving Features to Modify
  3. Modifying thePoint
  4. Modifying the Line
  5. Modifying the Sweep
  6. Resetting Graphical Properties
  7. Showing the Surface
  8. Epilog



CAAGviApplyProperties begins by creating a session, and opening the "CAAProperty" Part document. Next, it retrieves the root container of this Part as a pointer to CATIPrtContainer, pIPrtCont. This is the usual sequence for loading a Part document.

Thanks to the GetPart method on the root container we retrieve the Mechanical Part feature handled by the smart pointer spPart.


Retrieving Features to Modify

The five features are inside the same Open Body:

  CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) surfBodies;  

  CATIPartRequest *pPartAsRequest = 0;
  rc = spPart->QueryInterface(IID_CATIPartRequest, (void**)&pPartAsRequest) ;

  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
     const CATUnicodeString stdContext(" "); 
     pPartAsRequest->GetSurfBodies(stdContext, surfBodies);

     if ( (1 != surfBodies.Size()) && ( NULL_var != surfBodies[1]) )
        return 1 ;

     pPartAsRequest = NULL ;

The CATIPartRequest interface pointer is retrieved on the Mechanical Part, pointed to by the spPart smart pointer, The GetSurfBodies method returns the list of the Open Bodies contained in the Part document, and in the case of the "CAAProperty" document, there is only one Open Body, so the size of the list is 1.

The features inside the Open Body, pointed to by surfBodies[1], are retrieved thanks to the CATIDescendants interface:

  CATIDescendants * pIDescendantOnOpenBody1 = NULL ;
  rc = surfBodies[1]->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDescendants, (void**)&pIDescendantOnOpenBody1) ;

  //The point - Point.1
  CATISpecObject_var ThePoint = pIDescendantOnOpenBody1->GetChildAtPosition(1);

  // The line  - Line.1
  CATISpecObject_var TheLine = pIDescendantOnOpenBody1->GetChildAtPosition(8);

  // The yellow surface - Extrude.1
  CATISpecObject_var TheExtrude1Surface = pIDescendantOnOpenBody1->GetChildAtPosition(15);

  // The sweep surface - Sweep.2
  CATISpecObject_var TheSweep2Surface = pIDescendantOnOpenBody1->GetChildAtPosition(10);

  // The hidden surface - Extrude.2 
  CATISpecObject_var TheExtrude2Surface = pIDescendantOnOpenBody1->GetChildAtPosition(20);
  pIDescendantOnOpenBody1 = NULL ;

The position of each element has been determined in an interactive session.


Modifying the Point

The point, Point.1, is represented by the ThePoint smart pointer in the code.In the above picture [Fig.1], you can see that this point is green and its symbol is a full square. But before changing its graphical properties, we verify its current properties:

Is it a green point ?

  CATIVisProperties * pIPropertiesOnPoint = NULL ;
  rc = ThePoint->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties, (void**)&pIPropertiesOnPoint) ;
  CATVisPropertiesValues               MyPropertyOnPoint ;
  CATVisPropertyType PropTypeOnPoint = CATVPColor ;
  CATVisGeomType GeomTypeOnPoint     = CATVPPoint ;

  rc = pIPropertiesOnPoint->GetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnPoint,
  if ( rc == S_OK )
     unsigned int r,g,b ;

We retrieve the CATIVisProperties interface pointer, pIPropertiesOnPoint, on the point. Thanks to this pointer and the GetPropertiesAtt method we can retrieve the color of the point:

The color is retrieved using the GetColor method on the MyPropertyOnPoint instance.

Is it a full square point ?

  PropTypeOnPoint = CATVPSymbol;
  rc = pIPropertiesOnPoint->GetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnPoint,

  if ( rc == S_OK )
     CATSymbolType symbol ;
     if ( symbol == FULLSQUARE )

This follows the same principle as the color property, changing only the property type in order to retrieve the point symbol.

The point symbol is retrieved using the GetSymbol method on the MyPropertyOnPoint instance. FULLSQUARE is one of the values of the CATSymbolType enum.

Now,let's change the color of the point:

  PropTypeOnPoint = CATVPColor ;
  rc = pIPropertiesOnPoint->SetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnPoint,

The color is set on the CATVisPropertiesValues instance, MyPropertyOnPoint, using the SetColor method. The color is defined by its three components red, green and blue.

The color of the feature is modified by calling the SetPropertiesAtt method, using the CATVPColor as the property type and CATVPPoint as the geometry type.

Finally, the symbol of the point is changed as follows:

  PropTypeOnPoint = CATVPSymbol ;
  rc = pIPropertiesOnPoint->SetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnPoint,
  pIPropertiesOnPoint = NULL;

The new symbol is set on the CATVisPropertiesValues instance, MyPropertyOnPoint, using the SetSymbolType method. The list of supported symbols is defined by the CATSymbolType enum. CROSS is one of them.

The symbol of the feature is modified by calling the SetPropertiesAtt method using the CATVPSymbol as the property type and as always, CATVPPoint as geometry type.


Modifying the Line

The line, Line.1, is represented by the TheLine smart pointer in the code.In the above picture [Fig.1], you can see that this line is a solid white line ended by two cross points.

At first, it is interesting to check the type of geometry supported by a GSM Line feature:

  CATIVisProperties * pIPropertiesOnLine = NULL ;
  rc = TheLine->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties, (void**)&pIPropertiesOnLine) ;


  CATVisGeomType TypeLine = CATVPLine;
  CATVisGeomType TypeEdge = CATVPEdge;
  HRESULT rc1 = pIPropertiesOnLine->IsGeomTypeDefined(TypeLine);
  HRESULT rc2 = pIPropertiesOnLine->IsGeomTypeDefined(TypeEdge);
  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc1) and FAILED(rc2) )
     cout <<" The GSM Line supports the line type and not the edge type" << endl;

The IsGeomTypeDefined method enables querying the element about the geometry type it supports.

Now, let's change the type of the line from solid to dotted:

  CATVisPropertiesValues MyPropertyOnLine ;
  CATVisPropertyType PropTypeOnLine = CATVPLineType ;  
  CATVisGeomType GeomTypeOnLine = CATVPLine ;
  rc = pIPropertiesOnLine->SetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnLine,

The SetLineType method modifies the type of the line on the CATVisPropertiesValues instance. The argument of this method is an integer whose range is between 1 and 63 (*). The type of line, corresponding to each value is customizable through the Tools/Options/General/Display/Linetype page.(*) The first height values are statics.

The SetPropertiesAtt method modifies only the type of the line. To do this, we must specify that the type of the geometry, GeomTypeOnLine, isCATVPLine and the type of the property, PropTypeOnLine, is CATVPLineType.

Finally, we transform the line from a pickable state to a no-pickable state.

  GeomTypeOnLine = CATVPGlobalType ;
  PropTypeOnLine = CATVPPick ;
  rc = pIPropertiesOnLine->SetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnLine,
  pIPropertiesOnLine = NULL;                                          

The SetPickAttr method modifies the pickable state of the CATVisPropertiesValues instance. CATNoPickAttr is the no-pickable state, and CATPickAttr is the pickable state.

The property CATVPPick is not dedicated to a specific type of geometry: the feature is globally pickable or not. To be more precise, on a surface , for example, you cannot have its faces pickable and its edges no-pickable. So the type of the geometry is CATVPGlobalType.


Modifying the Sweep

The sweep, Sweep.2, is represented by the TheSweep2Surface smart pointer in the code.Notice this white surface in the above picture [Fig.1].

At first, all the geometry types supported by a GSM surface are tested:

  CATIVisProperties * pIPropertiesOnSurface2 = NULL ;
  rc = TheSweep2Surface->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties, (void**)&pIPropertiesOnSurface2) ;

  CATVisGeomType TypeEdge = CATVPEdge;
  CATVisGeomType TypePoint = CATVPPoint;
  CATVisGeomType TypeMesh = CATVPMesh;
  CATVisGeomType TypeGlobal = CATVPGlobalType;

  HRESULT rc3 = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->IsGeomTypeDefined(TypePoint);
  HRESULT rc4 = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->IsGeomTypeDefined(TypeEdge);
  HRESULT rc5 = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->IsGeomTypeDefined(TypeMesh);
  HRESULT rc6 = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->IsGeomTypeDefined(TypeGlobal);

Next, the color of the surface and the width of its edges are changed:

  CATVisPropertiesValues MyPropertyOnSurface2 ;
  CATVisPropertyType PropTypeOnSurface2 = CATVPAllPropertyType ;
  CATVisGeomType GeomTypeOnSurface2     = CATVPEdge ;

  rc = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->GetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnSurface2,


  rc = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->SetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnSurface2,


To change the color and the width, the SetPropertiesAtt method can be called twice: once with the CATVPColor property type and once with CATVPWidth. In the two calls, the type of the geometry is always CATVPEdge. But the feature can also be modified with one call in using the CATVPAllPropertyType property type. In this case, all the properties set on the CATVisPropertiesValues instance, MyPropertyOnSurface2, will be used by the SetPropertiesAtt method to modify the feature. So, it is really important to initialize MyPropertyOnSurface2 with the GetPropertiesAtt method, before modifying it.

MyPropertyOnSurface2 is modified by two methods: SetColor to associate a red color and SetWidth to set a new line width number. The width of a line is an integer whose range is between 1 and 55. The width corresponding to each integer value is customizable through the Tools/Options/General/Display/Thickness & Font page.

Now, let's change the surfacic properties of the surface:

  PropTypeOnSurface2 = CATVPAllPropertyType ;
  GeomTypeOnSurface2 = CATVPMesh ;
  rc = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->GetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnSurface2,

  rc = pIPropertiesOnSurface2->SetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnSurface2,


  pIPropertiesOnSurface2 = NULL;


The surfacic properties are represented by the CATVPMesh geometry type. As for the edge properties (see above) this can be done with one call to SetPropertiesAtt using the CATVPAllPropertyType property type, in order to change all the surfacic properties once.

The CATVisPropertiesValues instance,MyPropertyOnSurface2, is initialized by the GetPropertiesAtt method. Next, the color (blue) and the degree of opacity are modified. The opacity is defined by an integer whose range is between 0 ( total transparency) and 255 (total opacity).


Resetting Graphical Properties

The surface, Extrude.1, is represented by the TheExtrude1Surface smart pointer in the code.In the above picture [Fig.1], you can recognize this yellow surface with its white edges.

  CATIVisProperties * pIPropertiesOnSurface1 = NULL ;
  rc = TheExtrude1Surface->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties, (void**)&pIPropertiesOnSurface1) ;
  CATVisPropertiesValues MyPropertyOnSurface1 ;

  CATVisPropertyType PropTypeOnSurface1 = CATVPAllPropertyType;
  CATVisGeomType GeomTypeOnSurface1     = CATVPMesh ;
  rc = pIPropertiesOnSurface1->ResetPropertiesAtt(PropTypeOnSurface1,GeomTypeOnSurface1);

  pIPropertiesOnSurface1 = NULL;

To reset a graphical property, two keys are necessary:

The reset will be done on all the properties of the CATFace elements forming the surface: The color and the opacity.

Resetting a graphical property means that the property, stored by the CATIProperty interface, is not used; a default value, defined by the implementation of the GetStandardProperties method, is used as "standard".


Showing the surface

The surface, Extrude.2, is represented by the TheExtrude2Surface smart pointer in the code.In the above picture [Fig.1], you can not see it, it is hidden. In an interactive session, you can see it by going to the hidden space.

  CATIVisProperties * pIPropertiesOnSurface3 = NULL ;
  rc = TheExtrude2Surface->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties, (void**)&pIPropertiesOnSurface3) ;

  CATVisPropertiesValues MyPropertyOnSurface3 ;
  CATVisPropertyType PropTypeOnSurface3 = CATVPShow ;
  CATVisGeomType GeomTypeOnSurface3     = CATVPGlobalType ;

  rc = pIPropertiesOnSurface3->SetPropertiesAtt(MyPropertyOnSurface3,

  pIPropertiesOnSurface3 = NULL;

The show/no show state is modifiable using the CATVPGlobalType geometry type and, of course, using the CATVPShow property type.



The last part of the CAAGviApplyProperties use case shows how to: save the CAAProperty.CATPart as CAAPropertyWithNewProperties.CATPart, removes it from the session and delete the session. This is also described in the "Loading a Document" use case (see Data Access entry in the Encyclopedia home page)


In Short

This article illustrates how to use the CATIVisProperties interface to modify or retrieve the graphical properties of a feature. It explains how to change:

and how to reset graphic attributes.



[1] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case



Version: 1 [Apr 2002] Document created

Copyright © 2002, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.