3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

3D Visualization

Making a Component Displayable With CATI3DGeoVisu

Implementing CATI3DGeoVisu and CATIModelEvents to enable a geometric component to be displayed in a viewer
Use Case


This article discusses the CAAVisGeoModel use case. This use case explains how geometric components can provide a representation to be displayed in a viewer.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to show how to implement the CATI3DGeoVisu interface to make a geometric component displayable in a 3D viewer, and how to implement the CATIModelEvents interface to refresh the representation according to model updates.


The CAAVisGeoModel Use Case

CAAVisGeoModel is a set of use cases of the CAAVisualization.edu framework that illustrates Vizualization framework capabilities.


What Does CAAVisGeoModel Do

CAAVisGeoModel contains a series of C++ classes, each of them being an extension of a component representing a geometric component, such as a point, a line, a circle, or an ellipse. Each extension implements the CATI3DGeoVisu interface to make the corresponding component displayable in a 3D viewer. This article focuses on the way the circle component implements CATI3DGeoVisu. In addition, a single extension class implements the CATIModelEvents interface for all the geometric components. It is also described.


How to Launch the CAAVisGeoModel

See the section entitled "How to Launch the CAAGeometry Use Case" in the "The CAAGeometry Sample" use case for a detailed description of how this use case should be launched. For the specific scenario :

Launch CATIA. When the application is ready, follow scenarios described below:


Where to Find the CAAVisGeoModel Code

CAAVisGeoModel code is located in the CAAVisGeoModel.m use case module of the CAAVisualization.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\CAAVisualization.edu\CAAVisGeoModel.m
Unix InstallRootDirectory/CAAVisualization.edu/CAAVisGeoModel.m

where InstallRootDirectory is the root directory of your CAA V5 installation.

CAAVisGeoModel includes the following files for the circle component:

LocalInterfaces directory
CAAEVisVisuCircle.h Header file for the circle component extension class that implements CATI3DGeoVisu
CAAEVisModelEvents.h Header file for the common component extension class that implements CATIModelEvents
src directory
CAAEVisVisuCircle.cpp Source file for the circle component extension class that implements CATI3DGeoVisu
CAAEVisModelEvents.cpp Source file for the common component extension class that implements CATIModelEvents



To implement CATI3DGeoVisu and CATIModelEvents, there are four main steps:

  1. Creating the Header File of CAAEVisVisuCircle
  2. Creating the Source File of CAAEVisVisuCircle
  3. Implementing the BuildRep Method of CATI3DGeoVisu
  4. Implementing the CATIModelEvents Interface


Creating the Header File of CAAEVisVisuCircle

The CAAEVisVisuCircle header file is as follows.
#include "CATExtIVisu.h"

class CAAEVisVisuCircle : public CATExtIVisu
    virtual ~CAAEVisVisuCircle();
    virtual  CATRep * BuildRep();
  private :
  CAAEVisVisuCircle(const CAAEVisVisuCircle &iObjectToCopy);

CAAEVisVisuCircle derives from the CATExtIVisu adapter that provides code for the CATI3DGeoVisu interface methods. As any class that makes up a component, its header file includes the CATDeclareClass macro. The BuildRep method is the only one to redefine. Note that the copy constructor is declared as private, and is not implemented. This prevents the compiler from creating a public one without you know. This is to prevent clients from creating instances from an existing one, that they normally should not handle, except using interface pointers.


Creating the Source File of CAAEVisVisuCircle

The CAAEVisVisuCircle source file is as follows.

#include "CAAEVisVisuCircle.h"
#include "CAAISysCircle.h"

#include "CAT3DCustomRep.h"
#include "CAT3DArcCircleGP.h"

#include "TIE_CATI3DGeoVisu.h"

CATImplementClass(CAAEVisVisuCircle, DataExtension, CATBaseUnknown, CAASysCircle);

CAAEVisVisuCircle::CAAEVisVisuCircle() {}

CAAEVisVisuCircle::~CAAEVisVisuCircle() {}

CATRep * CAAEVisVisuCircle::BuildRep()

The main points of this source file are:


Implementing the BuildRep Method of CATI3DGeoVisu

There are two possibilities for creating the representation of a circle, that is, using the CAT3DArcCircleRep class, or using a custom representation. This latter is detailed here.

  1. Declaring the representation to return
    CATRep * CAAEVisVisuCircle::BuildRep()
      CAT3DCustomRep *pCircleRep = NULL;

    The CAT3DCustomRep class can accommodate any kind of representation(s).

  2. Retrieving the circle parameters
      CAAISysCircle * piSysCircle = NULL;                
      HRESULT rc = QueryInterface(IID_CAAISysCircle, (void**)&piSysCircle);
      if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
        CATMathPoint center;
        float radius;
        CATMathVector normal, axis;
        piSysCircle->GetPlane(normal, axis);


    The circle component implements the CAAISysCircle interface [1]. This is a type interface that enables to set and retrieve the parameters that make this component a circle: its center and radius, and the normal and axis vectors of the plane in which it lies. Once the pointer to CAAISysCircle is not any longer needed, it is released.
  3. Creating the graphic primitive for the circle
        CAT3DArcCircleGP * pCircleGp = new CAT3DArcCircleGP(center, normal, radius, axis);

    The circle graphic primitive is an instance of CAT3DArcCircleGP. Its constructor needs the four parameters retrieved from the circle component.

  4. Creating and filling in the representation
        pCircleRep = new CAT3DCustomRep();
        CATGraphicAttributeSet circleGa;

    The circle representation is created as a CAT3DCustomRep instance. Is is filled in thanks to the AddRep method with the graphical primitive and a set of graphic attributes featuring their default values.

  5. Creating the circle bounding element and assigning it to the representation
        CAT3DBoundingSphere circleBe(center,radius);

    In order to increase display performance, any representation should have a bounding element that is first asked to determine whether the associated representation should be displayed in the current view port. This bounding element is chosen as a CAT3DBoundingSphere instance defined using the circle center and radius. The SetBoundingElement method assigns it to the circle representation.

  6. Returning the created representation
      return pCircleRep;

    The circle is now ready for display.


Implementing the CATIModelEvents Interface

CAAVisModelEvents implements the CATIModelEvents interface by deriving from the CATExtIModelEvents adapter.

  1. Creating the header file.
    #include "CATExtIModelEvents.h"
    class CAAEVisModelEvents : public CATExtIModelEvents
      public :
        virtual ~CAAEVisModelEvents();
      private :
      CAAEVisModelEvents(const CAAEVisModelEvents &iObjectToCopy);

    As any class that makes up a component [2], its header file includes the CATDeclareClass macro. None of the CATIModelEvents methods needs to be redefined. Note that the copy constructor is declared as private, and is not implemented. This prevents the compiler from creating a public one without you know. This is to prevent clients from creating instances from an existing one, that they normally should not handle, except using interface pointers.

  2. Creating the source file.
    #include "CAAEVisModelEvents.h"
    #include "TIE_CATIModelEvents.h"
    CATBeginImplementClass(CAAEVisModelEvents, DataExtension, CATBaseUnknown, CAASysPoint);
    CAAEVisModelEvents::CAAEVisModelEvents() {}
    CAAEVisModelEvents::~CAAEVisModelEvents() {}

    The main points of this source file are:


In Short

This use case shows how to implement the CATI3DGeoVisu interface to display a geometric component in a 3D viewer. CATI3DGeoVisu is implemented in an extension class of the geometric component by deriving the extension from the CATExtI3DVisu adapter, and redefining the BuildRep method. BuildRep creates and returns the 3D representation that stands for the geometric component in the visualization world using the component geometric parameters.

To enable the representation of the geometric component to be refreshed when the component is modified, the component should implement the CATIModelEvents interface. This is done also using an extension, but can be done for a component family in a single extension for the whole family. Usually, deriving from the CATExtIModelEvents adapter is enough, and no method needs to be redefined.



[1] Creating Interfaces
[2] Creating Components


Version: 1 [Feb 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.