Mechanical Design

3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation

Retrieving 3D Annotations Applied on Geometry

Retrieving all 3D annotations which are applied on a selected geometry and highlight them
Use Case


This article discusses the CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation use case. This use case explains how to retrieve all 3D annotations applied to a selected geometry and how to highlight them.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to help you to use Technological Product Specifications (TPS) interfaces [1]. The use case demonstrates CATITPSRetrieveServices interface usage to retrieve the 3D annotations linked on a selected geometry. It also illustrates how to highlight the retrieved annotations by using CATIBuildPath interface.


The CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation Use Case

CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation is a use case of the framework that illustrates CATTPSInterfaces framework capabilities.


What Does CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation Do

The use case is an interactive command that prompt the user to select a geometrical element and then retrieve annotations which are applied to the selection. The retrieved 3D annotations are highlighted and their names are displayed in a panel.


How to Launch CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation

The use case command is available in the toolbar "CAA Sample" of the workbench Functionnal & Tolerancing & Annotation.

To launch CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile framework along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [2].

Do not type the module name on the command line, but type CNEXT instead. When the application is ready, do the following:

Notice that the toolbar CAA Sample is also available in other workbenches :


Where to Find the CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation Code

The CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation use case is located in the CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation.m module of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\\CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



There are seven logical steps in CAATpiRetrieveAnnotation:

  1. Prolog
  2. Retrieving Annotations from Selection
  3. Iterating on the Annotations List to Retrieve Their Names
  4. Retrieving and Initializing Highlight Set of Object (HSO)
  5. Building CATPathElement for Each Annotation and Place it in HSO
  6. Highlighting HSO
  7. Epilog

We will now comment each of these sections by looking at the code.



The use case is the class CAATpiRetrieveAnnotationCmd which is a CATStateCommand that implement the following statechart diagram.

The Buildgraph method of the command implements this statechart diagram. There are 2 agents associated to the state SelectState. SelectionAgent is a CATPathElementAgent that accept all kinds of objects, when valuated the transition method SomethingSelected is called. ClosePanelAgent is a CATDialogAgent that listen the Close button of the panel to terminate the command.


Retrieving Annotations From Selection

boolean CAATpiRetrieveAnnotationCmd::SomethingSelected (void * ipData)
  // Retrieve the selection
  CATPathElement * pPathSelected = _pSelectionAgent -> GetValue ();
  if ( pPathSelected )
    // Retrieve CATITPSRetrieveServices interfaces
    CATITPSRetrieveServices * piRetServ = NULL;
    rc = CATTPSInstantiateComponent (DfTPS_ItfRetrieveServices,
                                     (void**) & piRetServ);
    if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
      // Retrieve the list of TPS (3D Annotations) linked on selected Path
      CATITPSList * piTPSList = NULL;
      rc = piRetServ -> RetrieveTPSsFromPath (pPathSelected, NULL, &piTPSList);
      if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
        piTPSList -> Release();
        piTPSList = NULL;
      piRetServ -> Release();
      piRetServ = NULL;
    pPathSelected = NULL;

When selection agent is valuated the transition method SomethingSelected is called. The CATPathElement selected pPathSelected is retrieved by calling GetValue on the selection agent. CATITPSRetrieveServices interface is obtained from the global service CATTPSInstantiateComponent. The method RetrieveTPSsFromPath is called with pPathSelected as input argument. The retrieved 3D annotations are returned as a CATITPSList pointer piTPSList .


Iterating On The Annotations List to Retrieve Their Names

  CATListValCATUnicodeString AliasList;
        unsigned int Count = 0;
        piTPSList -> Count(&Count);
        if ( Count )
              CATITPSComponent * piItem = NULL;

              CATIAlias * piAlias = NULL;
              CATUnicodeString Alias;
              // Iterate on the list of 3D annotations 
              for ( unsigned int Idx = 0 ; Idx < Count ; Idx ++)
                rc = piTPSList -> Item (Idx, &piItem);
                if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
                  // Append it's alias to the list of Alias
                  rc = piItem -> QueryInterface (IID_CATIAlias, 
                  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
                    Alias = piAlias -> GetAlias();

                    piAlias -> Release();
                    piAlias = NULL;
                  piItem -> Release();
                  piItem = NULL;
  // Send AliasList to the panel for Display
  _pPanel -> SetAliasList (AliasList);

The AliasList that contains the names of retrieved 3D Annotations is constructed by iterating on piTPSList with Count and Item methods. The name of each 3D Annotations is obtained by CATIAlias::GetAlias method. And last, the SetAliasList method is used to inform the panel of the new AliasList.


Retrieving and Initializing Highlight Set of Object (HSO)

          // Retrieve HSO from editor and Empty it
          CATFrmEditor * pEdt = GetEditor();
          if ( pEdt ) 
            CATHSO * pHSO = pEdt -> GetHSO();
            if ( pHSO ) 
              pHSO -> Empty();
              // Add selected PathElement in the HSO, it will be highlighted
              pHSO -> AddElements (pPathSelected);

In a CATStateCommand, the editor can be retrieved thanks to GetEditor method. That allows to retrieved the HSO which manage highlight. HSO is reseted by Empty method. The selected path pPathSelected is placed in HSO with AddElements method.


Building CATPathElement for Each Annotation and Place it in HSO

              CATIBuildPath * piBuildPath = NULL;
              CATPathElement * pPath = NULL;
                  // Highlight the retrieved TPS by placing its PathElement
                  // in the HSO.
                  rc = piItem -> QueryInterface (IID_CATIBuildPath, 
                  if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
                    rc = piBuildPath -> ExtractPathElement(pPathSelected, &pPath);
                    if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
                      pHSO -> AddElements (pPath);

                      pPath -> Release();
                      pPath = NULL;
                    piBuildPath -> Release();
                    piBuildPath = NULL;

For each 3D annotation (piItem) CATIBuildPath interface is used to generated the CATPathElement pPath. ExtractPathElement method must be called with a context path which is used in product environment to known which instance of the product containing the Annotation must be highlighted. Here the selected path pPathSelected is used as context.

The HSO is filled with the generated path by calling AddElements.


Highlighting HSO

              // No more elements to Add in the HSO, notification is send
              // and HSO content can be highlighted.
              pHSO -> EndAddElements ();

The EndAddElements method is used to inform the HSO that it can display and highlight it's content.



The use case finishes when the command ended by pressing the close button in the panel.


In Short

This use case has demonstrated how to retrieve 3D Annotations linked to a geometry and how to highlight them.



[1] Technological Product Specification Overview
[2] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case


Version: 1 [Feb 2002] Document created


Copyright © 2002, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.