3D PLM PPR Hub Open Gateway

CATIA - ENOVIA VPM V4 Interoperability

File Based Import

Importing an assembly in Structure Exploded mode
Use Case


This article discusses the CAAPsnUseCase1 use case. This use case explains how to import a file based assembly in the ENOVIA VPM V4 database in Structure Exposed mode. The import is performed in batch from Windows platform. This use case makes reference to the CAAPsnUECreate use case which explains how implement the CATIPDMUECreate user exit required to set the attributes for the parts and documents that will be created in ENOVIA vpm V4. It also contains an implementation of the CATIPDMUECreate and CATIPDMUnixNTMapping interfaces that are not explained in detail in this use case.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is an example of how to use the SetPDMProperties method.


The CAAPsnUseCase1 Use Case

CAAPsnUseCase1 is a use case of the CAAPSNInteroperability.edu framework that illustrates the PSNInteroperability framework capabilities.


What Does CAAPsnUseCase1 Do

The goal of CAAPsnUseCase1  is to import in ENOVIA VPM V4 a file based assembly in Structure Exploded mode:

Fig.1:   Sample product structure 

As a result of the execution of the use case, the following product structure is created in ENOVIA vpm V4

Fig.2:   Imported product structure in ENOVIA vpm V4 

NoteRunning this use case creates new data in ENOVIA vpm V4. Prior to running it, we advise you to check if similar part number already exist in ENOVIA vpm as shown in the following panels:


How to Launch CAAPsnUseCase1

To launch CAAPsnUseCase1, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAAPsnUseCase1 along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [1]. To launch it, execute the following command:

mkrun -c "CAAPsnUseCase1 rootFilepath hostName user pwd role server "



Where to Find the CAAPsnUseCase1 Code

CAAPsnUseCase1 code is located in the CAAPsnUseCase1.m use case module of the CAAPSNInteroperability.edu framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory/CAAPSNInteroperability.edu/CAAPsnUseCase1.m
Unix InstallRootDirectory\CAAPSNInteroperability.edu\CAAPsnUseCase1.m

where InstallRoot is the root directory of your CAA V5 installation. It is made of a unique source file named CAAPsnUseCase1.cpp.



There are eight logical steps in CAAPsnUseCase1:

  1. Prolog
  2. Initializing batch communication with ENOVIA vpm V4
  3. Connecting to ENOVIA vpm V4
  4. Loading file documents in session
  5. Setting PDM properties on documents
  6. Saving the documents in ENOVIA vpm V4
  7. Closing communication with ENOVIA vpm V4
  8. Epilog

We will now comment each of those sections by looking at the code.


Retrieving arguments

  1. Retrieves arguments
                CATUnicodeString rootFilepath  = argv[1] ;
    			CATUnicodeString hostName  = argv[2] ;
    			char * pHostName = argv[2] ;
    			CATUnicodeString user  = argv[3] ;
    			CATUnicodeString pwd  = argv[4] ;	
    			CATUnicodeString role  = argv[5] ;
    			CATUnicodeString server  = argv[6] ;

    CAAPsnUseCase1 begins by retrieving the arguments from the command line. Arguments are extracted in sequence: the full path of the root assembly document, the name of the Unix host, the ENOVIA vpm user and password used for database authentication, the role of this user and the option settings server name.

  2. Check environment
                 char* pCAAPathToShell=NULL; 
                 CATLibStatus result = ::CATGetEnvValue("CV5VpmStart", &pCAAPathToShell);
                 if ( (CATLibError == result) || ( NULL == pCAAPathToShell) )
    	         cout << "CV5VpmStart environment variable is not set" << endl << flush;
    	         return 1;
                 cout << " The unix shell script is " << pCAAPathToShell << " on host " << hostName.ConvertToChar() <<  endl;

    Then the CV5VpmStart environment variable is checked. It contains the name of the Unix directory where the StartVPMBatchFromV5Batch.sh shell script is located.

  3. Creates the session
    			char *sessionName = "CAA2_Sample_Session";
    			CATSession *pSession = NULL;
    			HRESULT rc = ::Create_Session(sessionName,
    			if ((FAILED(rc)) || (NULL == pSession))
    			   cout << "ERROR in creating session" << endl << flush;
    			   return 1;

    Since this is a batch program, it is first necessary to open a new session before beginning to work with documents. Do not forget that this session needs to be deleted at the end of the program. To open a new session, use the Create_Session global function.


Initializing batch communication with ENOVIA vpm V4

  1. Initializes communication with ENOVIA vpm V4
    			rc = ::CATInitBatchOnHost( pHostName );
    			if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) cout << "Communication with ENOVIA vpm is set" << endl << flush;
    			   cout << "ERROR establishing communication with ENOVIA vpm" << endl << flush;
    			   //Always deleting session before exiting
    			   return 1;

    Now that the session is opened, you can establish the communication channel with ENOVIA vpm using the CATInitBatchOnHost global method. This method establishes the connection with ENOVIA VPM V4 running on indicated Unix host. If there is no server running to which the application can connect to, a new ENOVIA VPM V4 server is launched on the dedicated Unix host.


Connecting to ENOVIA vpm V4

  1. Connects to ENOVIA vpm V4
    	        rc = ::CATConnectToVPM(server, user, pwd, role );
    			if (FAILED(rc))
       					cout << "ERROR in server authentication" << endl << flush;
       					//Always deleting session before exiting
       					return 1;

    Now that the connection to ENOVIA vpm is established, you can connect to the database using the CATConnectToVPM global method. This method establishes the database connection using user and password for authentication.


Loading file based documents in session

  1. Load Root document
    			CATDocument *pDocRoot = NULL;
    			rc = CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument( rootFilepath.ConvertToChar(), pDocRoot);
    			if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && (NULL != pDocRoot)) 
    			   cout << "Document opened successfully" << endl << flush;
    			   cout << "ERROR in opening the root document" << endl << flush;
    			   //Always deleting session before exiting
    			   return 1;

    Now that the session is opened, you can load the root assembly document using the OpenDocument static method of CATDocumentServices. This method requires, as a first parameter, the entire storage path name and document name of the existing document that we want to load into the session. In this use case, we enter this information as an argument to the program. The second parameter of the Open method returns a CATDocument pointer to the document it has loaded.

    We assume that the pointed documents are loaded in session too. Thanks to the "Load Reference documents" options setting.


Setting PDM properties on documents

  1. Retrieve the list of loaded documents
             	const CATLISTP(CATDocument)* DocList = ::ListDocuments();
    			if (DocList)
    			   for (int k=1; k<=DocList->Size(); k++)
    			      CATDocument* pDocument  = (*DocList)[k];
    			      if  ( NULL  !=  pDocument )  
    			        CATIDocId    *  pIDocId  =  NULL  ;  
    			        rc =  pDocument->GetDocId(&pIDocId);  
    			        if  ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )  
    			            CATUnicodeString type  ;  
    			            pIDocId->GetType(type) ;  
    			            if  (  CATUnicodeString("CATProduct")  ==  type ) {
    			                rc = CATVPMServices::SetPDMProperties( pDocument, CATVPMServices::VPM1, CATVPMServices::VolatileExposed );
    			            else if  (  CATUnicodeString("CATPart")  ==  type ) {
    			                rc = CATVPMServices::SetPDMProperties( pDocument, CATVPMServices::VPM1, CATVPMServices::PermanentBlackBox );
    			            pIDocId->Release(); pIDocId = NULL;              
            		 if (FAILED(rc))
    			            cout << "ERROR in setting PDM properties" << endl << flush;
    			            return 1;

    The CATProduct documents are stored in Structure Exploded mode while CATPart are stored in Publication Exposed mode. You use the SetPDMProperties static method of CATVPMServices to set the right PDM property for each type of documents.


Saving the documents in ENOVIA vpm V4

  1. Save the root document with the pointed documents
    			CATBoolean UnloadAfterSave = FALSE;
    			rc = ::CATSaveInVPMFromCATIA( pDocRoot, UnloadAfterSave );
    			if (FAILED(rc))
    			   cout << "ERROR in Saving documents in Enovia vpm" << endl << flush;
    			rc = ::CATCommitVPM();

    You use the CATSaveInVPMFromCATIA global method to save the root product structure document. The pointed documents are saved too. You use the CATCommitVPM global method to commit the Save transaction in ENOVIA vpm.


Closing communication with ENOVIA vpm V4

  1. Disconnect from ENOVIA vpm V4
    			rc = ::CATDisconnectFromVPM();

    You use the CATDisconnectFromVPM global method to disconnect from ENOVIA VPM V4 .

  2. Terminate the V5 session
    rc = ::CATTerminateBatch();

    You use the CATTerminateBatch global method to terminate the V5 session.


Deleting the session

  1. Deletes the session
    rc = ::Delete_Session(sessionName);

    Do not forget to delete the session at the end of the program using the Delete_Session global function!


In Short

This use case has demonstrated how to use the SetPDMProperties method for saving an assembly in Structure Exploded mode.



[1] Building and Launching a CAA V5 Use Case


Version: 1 [Oct 2005] Document created

Copyright © 2003, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.