Mechanical Design


Creating Annotations on View Components

How to retrieve view components
Use Case


This article discusses the CAADrwCoordinates use case. This use case explains how to retrieve the view components.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to retrieve the view components. These components can be :


The CAADrwCoordinates Use Case

CAADrwCoordinates is a use case of the framework that illustrates DraftingInterfaces framework capabilities.


What Does CAADrwCoordinates Do

Fig. 1 The Document Before Running CAADrwCoordinates

Fig. 1 represents a CATDrawing document containing 2D points.

Fig. 2 The Document After Running CAADrwCoordinates

Fig. 2 represents the previous CATDrawing after CAADrwCoordinates processing.
A text has been created near each point. This text is formatted like follows :

Point point index
X = the x point coordinate
Y = the y point coordinate


How to Launch CAADrwCoordinates

To launch CAADrwCoordinates, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAADrwCoordinates along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [1].

The CATDrawing document Fig. 1 is saved in the Framework

When you launch the use case, pass the full pathname of the file into which you you want to store the created document as argument: for example Result.CATDrawing.


Where to Find the CAADrwCoordinates Code

The CAADrwCoordinates use case is made of a single source file named CAADrwCoordinates.cpp located in the CAADrwCoordinates.m module of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\\CAADrwCoordinates.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



There are six steps in CAADRWCoordinates:

  1. Reading the Document
  2. Accessing the Drawing in the Document
  3. Navigating through the Drawing and Sheet to Get the Active View
  4. Getting the View Points
  5. Scanning Points and Creating Texts
  6. Saving the Document and Exiting


Reading the Document

int main(int    iArgc,   // Number of arguments (1) 
         char** iArgv)   // Path to the *.CATDrawing document
   // Check arguments
   if(2 != iArgc) return 1;
   const char *fileName = iArgv[1];

   // =========================

   // creates a session
   CATSession *pSampleSession = NULL;
   HRESULT hr = ::Create_Session("SampleSession",pSampleSession);
   if (FAILED(hr)) return 1;

   // read the document
   CATDocument* pDoc = NULL;
   if (!SUCCEEDED(CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument(fileName, pDoc)))
      // Ends session
      return 2;

This section represents the usual sequence for reading a CATIA document [2].


Accessing the Drawing in the Document

   // Gets the drawing feature using the CATIDftDocumentServices interface
   CATIDrawing *piDrawing = NULL;
   CATIDftDocumentServices *piDftDocServices = NULL;
   if (SUCCEEDED(pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDftDocumentServices, (void **)&piDftDocServices)))
      piDftDocServices->GetDrawing(IID_CATIDrawing, (void **)&piDrawing);

   if (NULL == piDrawing)
      return 3;

The root feature of a drawing document is the Drawing, that is, the feature that implements the CATIDrawing interface. We can get a pointer to CATIDrawing using the CATIDftDocumentServices interface, which is implemented by the document. The GetDrawing method first argument is the CATIDrawing interface IID.


Navigating through the Drawing and Sheet to Get the Active View

   // We can get the current sheet
   CATISheet_var spSheet = piDrawing->GetCurrentSheet();
   // And the sheet current view
   CATIView_var spCurrentView = spSheet->GetCurrentView();

   // Memory cleaning

A drawing may contain several sheets, but only one is the current one. The current sheet is the sheet containing the active view, that is the view currently edited. The methods of the CATISheet and CATIView interfaces do return handlers, so we do not need to care about releasing them. The drawing variable is a pointer to CATIDrawing, so we have to release it when it is no longer used.


Getting the View Points

   // Now we do seek all the points in the view
   CATIDescendants_var spDesc = spCurrentView;
   CATListValCATISpecObject_var pointList;
   spDesc->GetDirectChildren ("CATI2DPoint",pointList);

The view geometry can be retrieved using the CATIDescendants interface. The first argument of the GetDirectChildren method is a scan filter. In this example, we only get points.


Scanning Points and Creating Texts

 // loop on points
 for (int ii=1; ii<=pointList.Size(); ii++)
   // Gets the coordinates
   CATI2DPoint_var spPoint = pointList[ii];
   double coord[2];
   // Compute the string
   CATUnicodeString textString("Point ");
   CATUnicodeString index;
   textString += index;
   int titleLength = textString.GetLengthInChar();
   textString.Append("X = ");
   CATUnicodeString coordText[2];
   textString.Append("Y = ");

   // Creates the Text
   CATIDrwAnnotationFactory_var spAnnFactory = spCurrentView;
   CATIDftText *piDftText = NULL;
   const double txtpos[2] = {coord[0]+10.0,coord[1]+10.0};
   if (SUCCEEDED(spAnnFactory->CreateDftText(txtpos, &piDftText)))
     wchar_t *ptxtChar = new wchar_t[textString.GetLengthInChar()+1];
     delete [] ptxtChar;
     ptxtChar = NULL; 
     CATIDrwSubString *piDrwSubString = NULL;
     if (SUCCEEDED(piDftText->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDrwSubString,(void **)&piDrwSubString)))
       // Select the sub string to modifiable.

       // Modify the properties
       CATIDftTextProperties *piTextProp = NULL;
       if (SUCCEEDED(piDftText->GetTextProperties(&piTextProp)))


We loop on the points and get the coordinates using CATI2DPoint::GetPointData. The text string is computed using CATUnicodeString operators.
The CATIDrwAnnotationFactory annotation factory is implemented by the view and so the coordinates passed in CreateDrwText are view coordinates. The CATIDrwTextProperties interface allows text property modifications, such as setting the text with a bold typeface using the SetBold method.


Saving the Document and Exiting

   // Save the result
   hr = CATDocumentServices::SaveAs(*pDoc, (char *)fileNameOut);
   if (FAILED(hr)) return 4;
   // Ends session and drops document	
   CATDocumentServices::Remove (*pDoc);

   return 0;

This section represents the usual sequence for saving a CATIA document [2].


In Short

This use case shows how to get the view components. The view implements the CATIDescendants interface and the components can be retrieved by using the GetDirectChildren method.

This use case shows also how to open a CATDrawing document, get the root feature which implements the CATIDrawing interface. A pointer to this interface is the key to enter and navigate inside the drawing structure, and can be retrieved using the GetDrawing method of the CATIDftDocumentServices interface implemented by the document. Retrieving the active view is performed first by retrieving the current sheet thanks to the GetCurrentSheet method of the CATIDrawing interface, and then asking the current sheet for the current view using the GetCurrentView of CATISheet. This current view is scanned using the GetDirectChildren method of CATIDescendants.
The view also implements the CATIDrwAnnotationFactory interface and the texts are created using its CreateDrwText method, and set with a bold typeface using the SetBold method.



[1] Building and Lauching CAA V5 Samples
[2] Creating a New Document


Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

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