Mechanical Design


Editing Callout in Generative Views

How to access and modify callouts in generative view

Use Case


This article discusses the CAADrwCallout use case. This use case explains how to retrieve these elements in a generative view.

What You Will Learn With This Use Case

This use case is intended to show you how to access callouts in generative views.


The CAADrwCallout Use Case

CAADrwCallout is a use case of the framework that illustrates DraftingInterfaces framework capabilities.


What Does CAADrwCallout Do?

Fig. 1: Initial Document

Fig. 1 represents a Drawing document containing generative views created from a Part document.



Fig. 2 The Document modified by the Use Case

Fig. 2 represents the Drawing document modified by the use case program.

All Callouts have been modified by ApplyStyle internal method defined in this Use Case, thus, arrows of callout have been changed.



How to Launch CAADrwCallout

To launch CAADrwCallout, you will need to set up the build time environment, then compile CAADrwCallout along with its prerequisites, set up the run time environment, and then execute the use case [1].

When you launch the use case, pass the full pathname of the Drawing file as argument. A Drawing file is delivery in the following path:\FunctionTests\InputData\DrawingForCalloutUseCase.CATDrawing.


Where to Find the CAADrwCallout Code

The CAADrwCallout use case is made of a single source file named CAADrwCallout.cpp located in the CAADrwCallout.m module of the framework:

Windows InstallRootDirectory\\CAADrwCallout.m\
Unix InstallRootDirectory/

where InstallRootDirectory is the directory where the CAA CD-ROM is installed.



There are seven steps in CAADrwCallout:

  1. Opening a Drawing Document
  2. Accessing the Drawing Root in the Document
  3. Accessing all Callouts in all Views
  4. Getting the View from Callout
  5. Getting Geometric Informations of Profile Associated with a Generative View
  6. Modifying Callout Representation
  7. Saving the Document and Exiting


Opening a Drawing Document

int main(int iArgc, // Number of arguments (3) 
char** iArgv) // Path to the existing file *.CATDrawing document
// Check arguments
if(3 != iArgc) return 1;
const char *pfileNameDrawing = iArgv[1];
const char *pfileNameOut = iArgv[2];

// return code error
int rc =0;

// =====================

CATSession *pSampleSession = NULL;
HRESULT hr = ::Create_Session("SampleSession",pSampleSession);
if (FAILED(hr)) return 1;
CATIDftDrawing *piDrawing = NULL;
CATIDftDocumentServices *piDftDocServices = NULL;
CATDocument* pDocDrawing = NULL;

if (FAILED(CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument(pfileNameDrawing, pDocDrawing)))
// Ends session
return 2;

This section represents the usual sequence for loading a CATIA document [2].


Accessing the Drawing Root in the Document

CATIDftDrawing *piDrawing = NULL;
CATIDftDocumentServices *piDftDocServices = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(pDocDrawing->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDftDocumentServices,(void **)&piDftDocServices)))
  if (SUCCEEDED(piDftDocServices->GetDrawing(IID_CATIDftDrawing, (void **)&piDrawing)))

The root feature of a Drawing document is the Drawing itself, that is, the feature that implements the CATIDftDrawing interface. We can get a pointer to CATIDftDrawing using the CATIDftDocumentServices interface, which is implemented by the document. The GetDrawing method first argument is the CATIDftDrawing interface IID.


Accessing all Callout in the Drawing Document

// ================================
CATIUnknownList * piListOfView = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(piDrawing->GetViews(&piListOfView)))
  unsigned int piViewListSize = 0;

  IUnknown * itemView = NULL;
  CATIDftView *piCurrentView = NULL;

  // Loop on all callouts of the processed view 
  // -----------------------------------------------
  for(unsigned int numview=0 ; numview<piViewListSize ; numview++)
    if( SUCCEEDED( piListOfView->Item(numview, &itemView) ) )
      if (itemView)
        if (SUCCEEDED(itemView->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDftView,(void **)&piCurrentView)))
          CATIUnknownList * piListOfCallout = NULL;

          // Get list of callouts of the view processed
          // ----------------------------------------------
          if( SUCCEEDED( piCurrentView->GetComponents(IID_CATIDrwCalloutAccess, &piListOfCallout) ) )
            if (piListOfCallout)
              unsigned int piListSize = 0;

              CATIDrwCalloutAccess* piCallout = NULL;
              IUnknown * item = NULL;

              // Loop on all callouts of the view processed
              // ----------------------------------------------
              for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<piListSize ; i++)
                if( SUCCEEDED( piListOfCallout->Item(i, &item) ) )
                  if(SUCCEEDED( item->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDrwCalloutAccess, (void**) & piCallout) ) )

The GetViews method returns the list of all views in Drawing document. The GetComponents method of CATIDftView interface is a generic method to return elements identified by his IID.


Getting the View from Associated Callout

// Get the view associated with the callout
// -------------------------------------------
CATIDftView *piDefView=NULL;

if (SUCCEEDED(piCallout->GetAssociatedView(&piDefView)))
  cerr << " View name associated to the processed callout: " << ViewName.CastToCharPtr() << endl;

GetAssociatedView method defined in CATIDrwCalloutAccess interface returns the View from which Callout is defined. In case of Broken View, Callout are created in the same View, So GetAssociatedView is useless.


Getting Geometric Information of a Profile Associated to a Generative View


CATIGenerSpec *piGenerSpec=NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(piDefView->GetGenerSpec(&piGenerSpec)))
  // Get callout type
  // -------------------
  CATIDrwCalloutAccess::CATDrwCalloutType calloutType;

  if (calloutType == CATIDrwCalloutAccess::SectionCallout)
    CATListPtrCATMathPoint2D ListOfPoints;    
    int depli=0;
    CATMathDirection vecpro;

    // Get geometric informations about section profile
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    if (SUCCEEDED(piGenerSpec->GetSectionProfile(ListOfPoints,depli,vecpro)))
      int NbPt = ListOfPoints.Size();
      for (int numpt=1 ; numpt<=NbPt ; numpt++)
        CATMathPoint2D *tmpt = ListOfPoints[numpt];
        cerr << " Number point = " << numpt << ", X= "<< tmpt->GetX() << "Y = " << tmpt->GetY() << endl;

        // Memory clean
        if (tmpt) delete tmpt , tmpt=NULL;

From the Associated view to the Callout, It is possible to retrieve the definition of the View. For example for a Section View, the Cutting Profile may be obtained by GetSectionProfile method defined in CATIGenerSpec Interface.

Note: depli and vecpro arguments are dedicated to give information about the type of the profile (Aligned Section View or Offset Section View)


Modifying the Callout Representation.

int NbTexts;
rc = piCallout->GetNumberOfTexts(NbTexts);
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
  for (int iNumText = 1; iNumText <= NbTexts ; iNumText++)
    CATIDrwAnnotationComponent *piAnnot=NULL;
    rc = piCallout->GetCalloutText(iNumText,&piAnnot);
    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
      CATIDrwSimpleText *piText=NULL;
      CATIDftText *piDftText = NULL;
      // Callout texts may be based on simple text instance until V5R13 CATIA level.
      if (SUCCEEDED(piAnnot->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDrwSimpleText,(void **)&piText)))
        CATIDrwSubText_var spSubText;
        spSubText = piText->GetSubText(1);
        CATUnicodeString textName = spSubText->GetText();
        cerr << " texte name = " << textName.CastToCharPtr() << endl;

        piText->Release(); piText=NULL;
      else if(SUCCEEDED(piAnnot->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDftText,(void **)&piDftText)))
        wchar_t *ptextName=NULL;
        if (SUCCEEDED(piDftText->GetString(&ptextName)))
          CATUnicodeString strTextName;
          cerr << " texte name = " <<strTextName.CastToCharPtr() << endl;
          if (ptextName) delete[] ptextName; ptextName = NULL;
  // Modification of the callout Representation
  int thickness = 2;
  rc = piCallout->SetProfileThickness(thickness);

  int linetype = 3;
  rc = piCallout->SetProfileLineType(linetype);

  int NbArrows;
  rc =piCallout->GetNumberOfArrow(NbArrows);
  if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
    for (int iNumArrow = 1; iNumArrow <= NbArrows ; iNumArrow++)
      double ArrowLength,ArrowLengthSymb,ArrowAngleSymb,ArrowOrientation;
      CATSymbolType ArrowTypeSymb;

      rc = piCallout->SetInfoOfArrow(iNumArrow,ArrowLength,ArrowTypeSymb,ArrowLengthSymb,ArrowAngleSymb);

    if (NbArrows != 0)
      CATDftArrowExtremity calloutAttachment;
      rc = piCallout->GetArrowsAttachment(calloutAttachment);
      calloutAttachment= CATDftArrowTail;
      rc = piCallout->SetArrowsAttachment(calloutAttachment);

Note: Up to V5R13, associated texts to the Callout may be based on simple text instance.


Saving the Document and Exiting

  // Save the result
  rc = CATDocumentServices::SaveAs(*pDoc, (char *)fileName);
  ... // Check rc
  rc = CATDocumentServices::Remove (*pDoc);
  ... // Check rc
  // Ends session and drops document	
  rc = ::Delete_Session("SampleSession");
  ... // Check rc

  return 0;

This section represents the usual sequence for saving a newly created CATIA document [3].


In Short

This use case shows the way to :

  1. Open a Drawing document.
  2. Scan all Callout in the document
  3. Retrieve Associated View to the Callout.
  4. Retrieve Geometric Definition of a Generative View linked to a Callout.
  5. Read and modify representation of a Callout
  6. Save the document.



[1] Building and Lauching CAA V5 Samples
[2] Load an existing Document


Version: 1 [May 2004] Document created

Copyright © 2004, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.