3D PLM Enterprise Architecture

User Interface - Dialogs


The window to list, select, open, and save files
Quick Reference


The File Window
CATDlgFile.jpg (14683 bytes) The file window are used to list, select, open, and save files.

Use the message window when you want to give an information feedback to the end user.

Containment Parent
The parent of a instance of the CATDlgFile class must be an instance of a class that derives from CATInteractiveApplication or CATDlgDocument.


Name Example Description
default CATDlgFileDefault63.jpg (11862 bytes) The file window features the OK and Cancel push buttons. It is dedicated to opening files
CATDlgWndModal CATDlgFileModal63.jpg (11822 bytes) In addition to the default style, the file window is modal, that is, no interaction is possible outside this window as long as it is displayed. Under Windows, the file window is modal whatever the style specified
CATDlgWndAPPLY CATDlgFileApply63.jpg (11834 bytes) In addition to the default style, the file window features the Apply push button. This style is ignored under Windows
CATDlgWndHELP CATDlgFileHelp63.jpg (11827 bytes) In addition to the default style, the file window features the Help push button. This style is ignored under Windows.
CATDlgFileSave CATDlgFileSave63.jpg (11150 bytes) The file window is dedicated to saving files. The Open push button is replaced by the Save push button
CATDlgFileMultisel CATDlgFileMultisel63.jpg (12039 bytes) The file window enables file multiple selection

The default file window shown in the figure above includes a filter editor to navigate in the directory tree, two multiline editors, one for directories and the other for files, and a selection editor. In addition, it includes three push buttons: OK, Filter and Cancel. Other styles are CADlgWndModal which is similar to default, but in addition makes the window modal, that is requests the user to answer and exit the window before going ahead, and meanwhile preventing to perform any interaction in another window of the application (The default window is modeless.), CATDlgWndApply which includes in addition to the default an Apply push button, and CATDlgHelp which includes a Help push button.


Notification Method Sent when
CATDlgDiaOKNotification GetDiaOKNotification Whenever the OK push button is pressed
CATDlgDiaCANCELNotification GetDiaCANCELNotification Whenever the Cancel push button is pressed
CATDlgDiaHELPNotification GetDiaHELPNotification Whenever the Help push button is pressed
CATDlgDiaAPPLYNotification GetDiaAPPLYNotification Whenever the Apply push button is pressed


Programmer's Guide

By default, a CATDlgFile instance should be used with the File Open command and features a Read Only check button. Use the CATDlgFileSave style for the File Save command.

Constructing a File Window

For example, for a help message window:

_pFileWindow = new CATDlgFile(iApplication, iName, CATDlgWndModal);


Managing the Field Values

You can set or get the Filter and Directories fields values, set the Files field value, and get the selected file(s) as follows:


Managing the Fields Titles

You can set or get the Filter, Directories, Files, and Selection labels as follows:


Managing the Filter List and Read Only Check Button (with Window Only)

You can set or get the filter list along with the associated extensions as follows:

You can set or get the active filter index as follows:

You can set or get the read only push button state as follows:


Managing Push Button Title and Sensitivity

You can set or get the OK, Apply, Filter, Cancel, or Help push button title and sensitivity as follows:


Setting a Title to a File Window

The file window title should be set by the resource file using a key built with the identifier you declare as the second parameter of the file window constructor.



Version: 1 [Jan 2000] Document created

Copyright © 2000, Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.