Multi-Workspace Application Builder

The Declarative File Preprocessor

How to distinguish specific operating system sections
Technical Article


Some declarative files are `preprocessed' (i.e. Imakefile.mk, IdentityCard.h) in order to distinguish specific sections (such as operating systems under which the workspace is being built).


The preprocessor is an internal step which parse any lines that begin with a `#' character in first column and is followed by an interpreted keyword, any others are translated to declarative file parser.
Such lines cannot be continued on next line with the `\' continuing character.

The comments are encapsulated with `/*' and `*/' sequence characters.

The following keywords are available:
  #define FlagName
  #undef FlagName
  are used for special purpose and may not be used outside Dassault Systèmes
  #if Expression
  #elif Expression
  are used to check flag(s) by analysing Expression.

Expression consist of test flag clauses that can be mixed with booleans operators and grouped with parenthesis `(...)'.
Only following operators are supported (comparison's are not) :
  && (AND)
  || (OR)
  ! (NOT)

A clause consist of a flag existence test (not a value test), by using the following keywords :
  defined FlagName
  used for special purpose and may not be used outside Dassault Systèmes
  os OSName
  test predefined flags set by mkmk, depending on the operating system it is executed. Such flags names correspond to value of environment variables MkmkOS_NAME (platform notion) and MkmkOS_Buildtime (targeted operating system notion, the one for which the code is being built)

List of actually supported OS names is described in the following table:
Operating system Value of OSName flag
HP-UX (Hewlett Packard) HP-UX
SunOS (Sun MicroSystems) SunOS
Windows (Microsoft) Windows_NT
intel_a (Windows 2000)
win_a (Windows 98)


This example is not optimized in term of logic but it just shows the syntax that can be used to distinguish operating systems specifics in a declarative file:

  ... common section (available for all operating systems) ...
  #if os AIX
  ... section available for IBM platform ...

  #elif os SunOS
  ... section available for SUN platform ...

  #elif os HP-UX
  ... section available for HP platform ...

  #elif os Windows_NT
  ... section available for Windows platform (intel_a, win_a ) ...

#if os intel_a
  ... section available for Windows NT operating systems ...
#elif os win_a
  ... section available for Windows 98 operating system ...
#endif /* "#if os intel_a" block closing instruction */
#else /*"#if os AIX" else instruction */
  ... section available all other operating system ...
#endif /* "#if os AIX" block closing instruction */
... common section (available for all operating systems) ...

In Short



Version: 1 [Mar 2000] Document created

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